Profile for WHITEFIELDWARRIOR Click here to make or adjust profile

Height:  Weight:  lbs. Alumni Status:  subway
Location:  Cleveland Favorite Baseball Team:  Indians until usually July, Red Sox to keep me interested
Natural Enemies:  SC,UM (both of them), and of course, OSU

Athletic Ability: Could play a little baseball (good enough to play in college). I loved football but there was not much a slow, 5'9, 165 lb guy could do. Unlike Rudy, I did not lead the team in tackles my senior year

Sartorial Style: I dress for the occasion

Favorite Beverage and Consumption Freq: Beer, Bushmills, and Crown. Probably more then I should

Political Philosophy: Make rational decisions. Don't just make up your mind because of the letter the politician has next to his name

Religious Philosophy: Faith is more important then the church or religion you belong to. To many people lose sight of that

Musical Favorites: U2, Springsteen, STP, Foo Fighters, Sinatra, classic rock

Favorite Quote from an ND Coach: "get use to it." -Brian Kelly. Yeah Brian, sadly, we're all use to it.

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