Please complete the following information.
All fields except handle and password are optional.
Try to keep each description to 250 words or less.
Alum Status:
Favorite Baseball Team:
Natural Enemies:
Athletic Ability:
Not applicable.
Sartorial Style:
Not applicable.
Favorite Beverage and Consumption Freq:
I'm not all that discriminating.
Political Philosophy:
Probably a lot farther to the left than you are. My mid-year resolution: If your post is too snarky, stupid, and/or lacking in good faith to merit a response from me, it will no longer get one.
Religious Philosophy:
Lapsed Catholic. I'm a true agnostic. I believe in God but I'm not really sure God exists. I don't trust the human beings who purport to convey God's message. I also don't think God is a "He."
Musical Favorites:
I don't like to play favorites.
Favorite Quote from an ND Coach:
What else do you want us all to know: