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2019 Password Reset

Periodically we ask our users to reset their passwords in the interest of site security. While we do not store information such as SSN's or bank account data, the security of our users is always a priority for us.

This time around (and going forward), we've added some requirements for your NDN password:

  1. A minimum of 10 characters
  2. A minimum of one lower-case letter (a-z)
  3. A minimum of one upper-case letter (A-Z)
  4. A minimum of one number (0-9)
  5. Special characters are allowed with the exception of spaces and hashtags (#)

Any submissions violating these rules will be disallowed.

If you know your current password or it's saved in your browser, you can perform a reset at this link.

Otherwise, please visit the password reset page at this link to reset your password. This method will require you to submit your registered or communication email address.