I’m fighting litigation on this subject….
by Marine Domer (2024-04-29 21:41:26)

In reply to: DEI at the University of Washington (link)  posted by Remember_Its_Denver

I represent a dermatologist who saw a patient with active acne. She advised topical meds, and to come back for follow up. Apparently the patient, who everyone knew and was documented in my doctor’s note to be HIV positive, then told the staff at the place where my doctor worked part time that she wanted microneedling.

Now, my doctor does not do microneedling. Microneedling is contraindicated with active acne. And my doctor treats a number of HIV positive patients. Nonetheless, for THREE YEARS we have been dealing with the U.S. Department of Justice and their attorneys who are demanding “settlement” of a supposed Americans with Disabilities Act claim based upon this nonsense or they’ll file suit in Federal Court and seek six figures in fines and other damages. To settle they are demanding an admission of fault, and at least 10s of thousands of dollars in damages to be paid to the “victim.”

This is our U.S. Department of Justice at work. Threatening an honest doctor who cooperated, provided records, and explained everything, to protect someone’s right to zit treatment (someone I believe to be totally full of shit).

It’s a total “she said, she said” case at best, and frankly the records show nothing was done wrong. Yet, my doctor’s time and money, and our tax dollars, are being wasted by these useless clowns who return emails only when they feel like it (several months would go by without any response, and then they’d demand an immediate response when they were ready to get off their asses again). They do not discuss or negotiate in good faith. But hey, we wouldn’t want the DOJ to kick in on the out of control crime wave in Chicago. That’s just the underprivileged taking back what was stolen from them. Instead, they are trying to crack down on that denial of zit treatment crime wave.
