Zagreb, Summer of 1988
by eddysorin (2024-04-30 09:32:54)

I’m getting old, so I guess the few interesting stories I have I should get out there. As they say, "We know not the time..."

I was reminded of this one when a fellow ND 1986 grad posted on social media yesterday from his trip to Zagreb, Croatia.

I was in Zagreb once – in the airport – and had a memorable experience. It relates to ND football.

I had been travelling with friends to Dubrovnik before I started business school. It was the summer of 1988. Back then it was “Yugoslavia”, before the Serbia/Croatia split.

Making my way back from Dubrovnik meant flying to Zagreb to connect a flight to Frankfurt.

I had never heard of Zagreb, knew nothing about it. I just knew it was in the interior of the country.

It was hellishly early in the morning when I sat down at the gate. There was only one other person there.

Older guy. I was 24. He was dressed like a shepherd or a religious leader – all white. Pillbox hat.

Keep in mind this is pre-internet. The world wasn’t as small as it is today.

I was in shorts and a grey Champion Notre Dame sweatshirt. I'm sure I had a Sony Walkman with a cassette tape playing in my ear.

Such was my youthful ignorance that, as I’m sitting there looking at this guy, I’m thinking, “Ha! This guy probably has goats in the cargo hold. I wonder what he’ll think looking at ME. He’s probably never even seen an American before”.

Sure enough, the guy starts staring right at me.

Next thing I know, he’s getting out of his seat and walking over to me. He stops in front of me and points to the “Notre Dame” logo on my sweatshirt.

And then says, in perfect American English: “Do you go to Notre Dame?”

I have to say, I was floored. I’m sure my mouth was agape. I was sure this guy couldn’t speak the language, much less comprehend what Notre Dame was.

But what he said next dropped my jaw to the floor, and I’ll never forget it.

After I responded “Yes”, he said:

“I have nephew who plays football at Notre Dame. You’ve never heard of him because he didn’t play much last year. But his name is Chris Zorich”.
