That wasnt really my question though was it?
by wpkirish (2024-02-12 15:49:40)

In reply to: How do I stop my tax dollars from paying others' tuition?  posted by El Kabong

How does continuing to vote for Republicans in the current environment lead to the return of a rational Republican Party?

As to your issues with Dems, the Dems just agreed to a Bi-partisan deal on the border that multiple Republican Senators said would be better than any deal they could get under a Republican President. To reach that agreement Dems sacrificed their biggest immigration priority a solution for the dreamers a policy that is overwhelmingly supprted by majorities of both parties. It would be law if Republicans had not walked away from what they demanded. Given that fact how can you say you will vote for Republicans and fix that issue.

Ditto for Republicans and spending. As I have written here before the Republicans have figured out dont tax and spend is more popular than tax and spend. The last Republican who showed real concern about the the deficit was Reagan and he agreed to raise texes in order to deal with it. I am happy to look at spending cuts in retrurn for higher taxes (as are many Dems) but Republicans wont go for that.

If you are going to exclusively support a third party have at it but dont tell me you can vote for current Republicans and meet the standards you are setting for Dems.
