Because I know what the Democrats will do
by El Kabong (2024-02-12 16:04:34)

In reply to: That wasnt really my question though was it?  posted by wpkirish

The Dems agreed to that deal to remove the border as an election issue for Joe Biden. None of the provisions really had teeth. While I agree it should have been passed, let's not pretend Democrats nobly fell on their swords on this.

I may be pretty sure what the Republicans will do spending-wise, but there's a small percentage indicating I may be surprised. OTOH, I 100 percent know what the Democrats will do, and am equally 100 percent sure I won't like it.

I never said I would vote for current Republicans. I'm asking why I should vote for current Democrats rather than stay home?

You know the answer to this question.
by ocnd  (2024-02-13 16:58:19)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Cannot reply

You just don't accept it using the black and white logic of it, in which you are correct. True, voting for a Democrat means you're voting for something you don't support.

But it belies nuance and pragmatism, in which one realizes that in the words of Rush, "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice." Taking a defensive position and accepting the less desirable outcome is part of life, not just in elections.

My guess is you know you're covered by guaranteed to go blue Illinois. If you lived in Wisconsin, it might be a different conversation.

What actual evidence suggests you may be surprised?
by IrishJosh24  (2024-02-13 12:59:30)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Cannot reply

It's also interesting to see the argument that you won't vote for anyone who will spend in a way you don't like, apparently no matter what will happen as to other issues.

Random Person X litters on my street. Random Person Y litters, too, but he also says - repeatedly - he might someday stop littering. Y has also repeatedly expressed a desire to murder me, has bought weapons for the purpose, and has threatened me directly.

In a hypothetical election between X and Y, I can't imagine saying "well, both litter and I don't like that, so I guess I'm staying home." It isn't too hard to tell which one is the bigger threat, even if I don't like that X litters on my street, and even if Y sometimes says he'll stop littering (but, somehow, never does).

What is the small percentage indicating Republicans may do
by wpkirish  (2024-02-12 16:36:20)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Cannot reply

something different on spending? Deficit doubled under Reagan, increased by 36% under HW Bush, 57% undr W Bush and 33% under Trump.

Paul Ryan changed the CBO scoring rules to allow for the magic asterik that projected economic growth that would offset his tax cuts so he did not have to pay for them. Republicans have passed tax cuts with 10 year sunsets because they dont need to be paid for and they know the sunset will be easily extended as opposed to rasing taxes.

All evidence of the last 40 years is the Republican party cares a lot about tax rates but not so much about the deficit.

0.01 percent
by El Kabong  (2024-02-12 17:17:03)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Cannot reply

Still better than zero.

To preserve democracy
by AquinasDomer  (2024-02-12 16:14:35)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Cannot reply

Maintain what was once bipartisan foreign policy, and stop a further erosion of norms.

Having Trump in power the first time, opposed from within by adults, did a number on us. Imagine time 2 with Stephen Miller and Cash Patel at the helm.

Or remember how Trump dealt with the one crisis he got dealt in COVID. What any competent POTUS would have used to bring us together Trump used to aid whack jobs and wage more culture war.

Plenty of people have been forced to vote defensively. Gay people had to hold their nose and vote dem before Obama. Pro DACA folks are forced to vote for the party that will sacrifice them to negotiate on foreign policy but won't put long time US residents in camps.