The trouble with Trump is he makes the conversation stupid
by gozer (2024-03-17 15:46:21)

In reply to: I agree context matters but similar to Aquinas below what is  posted by wpkirish

And I don't mean just what he says, I mean the fact that smart people extrapolate stupidly from what he does say. "Bloodbath" is a common turn of phrase, but everything is a "dog whistle" to those who hate him. This is a freaking non-event but it's dominating the news for the moment. "He must mean he wants everyone to go out and murder a bunch of people in the streets if he loses!"

Hell, the man says enough actual stupid stuff that you shouldn't have to go parsing a bunch of bullshit out of nothing to try to make him look bad. He already looks bad. Quit lying about him, let him actually hang himself (figuratively. With his words.)
