It may be that both sides are "wrong" here.
by wpkirish (2024-03-17 19:29:26)

In reply to: The trouble with Trump is he makes the conversation stupid  posted by gozer

I agree with you he says a ton of things that should be disqualifying but they are not for Trump. The problem is it is like playing MSU when the DB's would commit pass interference on every play because they knew the refs would not call everything. Same thing here. If Dems call out every thing it lessens the impact but Republicans ignoring the statements normalizes them.

The other problem is the items you say make him look bad are why half the people want to vote for him. He says these things too consistenly and too purposefully for it to be happenstance. If he wins I hope the guardrails will hold but looking at the turnover in party leadership I am not certain they will. The bigger issue is what will people do if he loses. He will never admit he lost. I dont see leaders in the Republican party admitting he lost.

We are still dealing with the failure / unwilligness of the Republican party to tell the truth about Trump.