Do non-socialists often do interviews with Jacobin?
by AIRBORNEIRISH (2024-03-25 11:13:55)

In reply to: To be clear these are five people who have no role in  posted by wpkirish

The CTU is deplorable

I guess "housing is a human right" is a non-socialist chant of moderate democrats who believe capitalism increases quality of life for all.

Finally, I don't care who wins.

You apparently have only ever lived here and do not realize how ridiculously peculiar the February and March elections for municipal leadership is.

NY, LA, Phoenix, Houston, etc. - all of these cities have their elections in November.

Why do you think Chicago has its elections in February and March? Why do you think there is never buzz about dem primaries here? Whom does low turn out favor?

SDG and the vast majority of CTU are socialists and they scheme to keep average people from being aware of when to vote. It's disenfranchisement by structure.