Thank you for highlighting this.
by G.K.Chesterton (2023-12-29 12:25:57)
Edited on 2023-12-29 12:27:09

In reply to: “Screams Without Words” the NYT article about the rampant  posted by Barrister

The stories have been out there already for quite some time. I'm glad to see the NY Times pulling this together to bring it to a larger audience. The acts are intrinsically evil. If there is not justice in this life for these terrorists, there will be in the next life.

I hope the people calling for a ceasefire with a "Can't we get all along?" attitude read stories like this and reflect a bit more.

Side note: there was a story today about a Hamas terrorist shooting at people from a street corner while hiding behind a woman who is in a wheelchair. This is who Hamas is.
