I thought it was just okay.
by tdiddy07 (2024-04-16 21:01:26)

In reply to: it's an outstanding book  posted by jt

It had its moments, and I agree that that was a highlight of the book. But it’s two books melded together. And each was just okay to me. I try to read one baseball book every spring. I had fairly high hopes for this one. But this was down the list for me. I thought Summer of ‘49 to be much better storytelling as a more direct comparison of the first half of Kahn’s book. Otherwise, I’d take collections of Angel, Plimpton, and others as more compelling collections of vignettes. It’s perhaps unfair to compare it to Ball Four, but I would recommend that much before Kahn’s.

Next year I might pick up something by the Spaceman. That should be interesting.
