Trojans Embarrass Hapless Irish

USC scored 21 first quarter points on the way to a 35-7 halftime lead, and coasted to a 49-14 victory over defenseless Notre Dame. The game was essentially no contest from the start, and the Irish limped to a 7-5 finish to the regular season. Cody Kessler threw six touchdown passes against an utterly futile Notre Dame secondary. The Irish did not generate much of an offense, either. Everett Golson was pulled from the game in the second period after his second interception led to the fifth Trojan touchdown.

Backup Malik Zaire played reasonably well in relief and ran for his team’s only first half score, but the game was reduced to a glorified scrimmage among second and third stringers after intermission. Running back Greg Bryant, who was dusted off and inserted into the fray by Coach Brian Kelly, had several nice runs including a third quarter touchdown. There were not many bright spots beyond those two, as the wide receivers dropped numerous balls and the defense had trouble keeping eleven able-bodied players on the field.

The fast-paced USC offense had Notre Dame on roller skates from the outset. After an apparent touchdown pass was overturned by replay on their first series, the Trojans made sure there was no doubt from that point forward as Kessler threw for five consecutive touchdowns to everyone except one of the USC Song Girls. Meanwhile, Golson again failed to handle pressure in the pocket. The senior could not locate open receivers and was visibly shaken as the mistakes piled up.

The manner in which the Irish lost, given their extremely poor effort and apparent lack of preparation, was shocking. Having picked Notre Dame to win in what admittedly was a reach, I was disturbed by the lack of pride and overall regression of this team. The state of the program and string of lackluster performances since the Florida State game has to be disturbing to alumni and fans, and frankly it has resembled the final weeks of the Davie, Willingham and Weis regimes.

That’s not to declare that Kelly should be fired, but Notre Dame followers cannot be faulted for concluding that the program is only marginally better than it was five years ago and that he is not the answer. Let’s review the answers to the pregame questions so we all can move on with our lives:

Which offensive staff will have a better plan to combat the blitz? Brian Kelly not only didn’t have a plan; he didn’t have a clue.

Will the Irish keep from falling behind in the first quarter? I’m going to award myself points for asking this brilliant question.

Can Golson find a cure for his turnover epidemic? Yes – he found the bench.

Will Notre Dame’s special teams malfunction at a critical juncture? Brindza clanked one off the upright, but there was no critical juncture in this blowout.

Which team’s running game will gain traction? Notre Dame was apparently unaware that it is legal to run the ball.

Can either defense record a stop in the fourth quarter? Sorry, I fell asleep long before then.

Which secondary will be able to avoid getting torched for long gains? Another brilliant question. Like the Irish secondary, I’m on fire today.

Will Irish fans remember to apply their SPF 50 sunscreen? I doubt any of them hung around the Coliseum long enough to get a sunburn.

Notre Dame must rebuild from the ashes of a once-promising season that fell apart in shocking and dramatic fashion. The team has so many injuries and seemingly disinterested players that it would be a blessing if they elected not to pursue a post season bowl game. If the school accepts a bid, the practice time should be utilized to prepare Zaire, Bryant and other talented players for expanded roles next season. Otherwise, the more quickly this November meltdown can be forgotten, the better.


174 thoughts on “Trojans Embarrass Hapless Irish

    • Motion seconded. This beat-up, under-coached squad does not need to be on the field anywhere. The cliched litany of “the extra practices are so valuable” won’t wash this time. Pack it up and hit the books until the spring.

    • We shouldn’t even get an invitation.

      This reminded me of the 1985 Miami game. Kelly is clueless and in way over his head. i almost pity those kids. All the defensive injuries were a factor but there was no excuse for this – there was no fight in them.

    • I agree. Any bowl at this point would be worthless. Only a chance for our players getting hurt. We do not need the money.

  1. Brian Kelly was not the answer when he was hired. Why anybody thought that losing 3-5 games a year at central Michigan, and Cinncinati was a good resume to be the ND coach is beyond me. The Irish program will not be an elite program again until we have an elite level coach. Davies, Willigham, Weiss, Kelly, ?.

    • could not be more accurate. the coach selection process at n.d. has been flawed for years. why? too many catholics calling the shots? where anymore in the usa are catholics calling winning shots? maybe the next coach selection committee should be made up of only calvinists.

  2. Excellent report on a game that would leave any Notre Dame student or alumni feeling embarrassed to say the least. Need a new coach and quarterback.
    No bowl game this year and get the new coach and quarterback that will make Notre Dame proud next season.

  3. StoneyBehindtheCiderBarrell says:

    The ultimate embarrassment may be yet to come. They will probably accept a bid to the Pinshitter
    Bowl vs Penn State. A giant horde of JoeBots celebrating a thumping of the Irish in NYC two days after
    Christmas. A team suffering the effects of those sanctions beating ND will be the ultimate kick in sack
    provided by Kelly. Yes it can get worse.

  4. This was one of the worst embarrassments I have witnessed from ND in the past 50 years—yes thats how long I have been following them. Going to at least three games a year and watching all of them I can’t remember a team that was so flat, poorly prepared and outmatched. Ive seen a lot of losses but no quite like this. Kelly is pathetic and needs to go!
    I dont blame Golson for the interception that robinson wiffed on. it was nice to see Zaire and maybe he is the future but lets all be clear–the problem is not the QB. it is the coach. what a crappy game plan. we know the defense is depleted but we can’t engineer any drives to take some time. What happened to the run game in the first half. Look–the game was over in the second quarter but we didn’t run a play for foltson until there were 27 seconds left it the first quarter. I love the open offense but the lame coach has abandoned the run game early every game this year. Why? our most talented runner, Greg Bryant can’t find the field until the last game of the year when he goes 7 for 79 yds. Special teams–punting, the non existent punt return team, kick off returns, field goals –all mediocre on the best day of season. The team seems flat. Lots of dropped balls in the past two weeks from our only really good position–receiver. I think the coach lost this team three or four weeks ago. Without a really big win this year and with a few very bad losses to average teams spells horrific coaching. i actually don’t think we are any better now than we were five years ago in terms of winning close or big games.
    I think Kelly is a bad coach but I know that he is going nowhere. I know there were a lot of injuries but the problems are much deeper than that. After five years I expect more. No playoff next year should force him out.

    • Agree completely — the problem is the coach, not the QB. The playcalling (i.e., refusal to commit to a serious running game) puts Golson in 3rd and long way too often. And the defense is the worst that I have EVER seen at any level. It’s so bad that Van Gorder’s previous boss is being fired by the Jets because he spawned it.

  5. Michael Michaud says:

    Both Alabama and Florida fired coaches with 9-3 records and each went on to win multiple championships. What is it about the Kelly five year tenure that makes his seat safe for another year? The 2012 “mirage” ended in embarrassingly woeful fashion and Kelly courting the NFL. The other four seasons were fruitless from a power football team vantage point. And whether deserved or not the five years have been replete with scandal of one form or another. If ND drops 3 or more next year will it be seen as improvement? That which must be done inevitably must be done immediately. Its time for a change.

    • if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck. why do so many n.d. fans watch a weak, losing coach with anger management problems, poor play calling ability, and with a thin resume contine to lose and not call for his head NOW. its always wait till next year. bk wont do well next year. the air is out of the balloon. he was not the best pick for the irish to begin with. just because we want a coach to excel at n.d. does not mean he will. will wont trump talent, smarts, experience, and ability. we have been living through this embarrassing hell since holtz left. n.d. is a learning institution. why isnt the administration, the a.d. , the coach and q.b. selecting process learning. vexing. i say terminate bk, raise the ante on the head coaches salary and bennies, sharpen the selection process, be patient but do something. the fans cannot take much more than this. we will soon need to have counselling from vanderbilt football fans on how to cope. dg, n.d. 67, resident of nashville, tn(home of vandy).

  6. Same bad feeling I had at the end of the Irish careers of Weis, Davie and Willingham.
    Injuries aside, where has the pride gone???

  7. At the very least, BVG,strength and conditioning coach, O – line coach, and special team coach should all be fired. At some point, injuries, youth, and inexperience are not enough to justify this poor effort. Kelly blames everyone but the true culprit, himself. If he thinks only 10 points separates his team from a big season, he is truly delusional.thanks.

  8. Kelly created his own problems on offense with hanging his hat on Golson. Golson never felt threatened and repeated his mistakes throughout the season. Reading his body language, you can see he rarely accepted responsibility for his faults yet Kelly kept running him out there unchallenged. I think they all need to be challenged to sharpen up their games.
    In Kelly’s last year at Cincinnati he used five quarter backs in an undefeated season. He could score on anybody.
    The defense went south with the injuries. They used bench players at SC. No more guns.

  9. Pleeease! All you so-called supporters, go find something else to bitch about. I’ve followed this site and its contributors for many years. I’m a ’67 Alum and I must say all you cry babies just suck the life out of my university. Get a freakin’ life. This is football — a game. We enjoy the good times and lament the bad ones. But please, get a grip. Do you have nothing else in your lives? Be thankful we have a world-class University that is second to none. Please don’t diminish it with your silly, self-serving comments. Football is a GAME. Notre Dame is away of life!

    • If football were merely a game at ND, you would not see a $450M Crossroads project, field turf, a Jumbotron and state of the art facilities. If you want to pretend it’s a game, Tom, you might want to suggest that Fr. Jenkins join the Ivy League. That should go over well, and when the laughter subsides you might begin to understand that the ND way of life is very much intertwined with its football program.

      • John,

        With all due respect, go find a team/university/cause that fits with your shallow perspective. Notre Dame will be the better without you.

        • Tom,

          Like you, I am an older alumnus. My perspective is hardly shallow. If you think the university leadership is pleased with the state of the football program, you are sadly mistaken. Your faux superior attitude and “football is just a game” hypocrisy are what is shallow and transparent. If you pretend not to care about the fortunes of the football program, why have you bothered to follow the site and its contributors for years? Is it because you are in no way invested in the program? Why bother to follow football at all? Isn’t that beneath a man of your elevated stature? You pompous bloviator.

          • John: even though I signed off for the season last week, I feel obligated to serve as the voice of calm and reason here. On that happy note, sit back, relax and remember the sage advice of that old wise man, Ray Stevens:

            ”Everything is beautiful in it’s own way.
            Like the starry summer night, or a snow-covered winter’s day.
            And everybody’s beautiful in their own way.
            Under God’s heaven, the world’s gonna find the way.”

          • Well, we all do what we have to do to cope in these situations. I prefer to sit in a dark room, crank up my Pink Floyd albums, and light up……..

          • Tom, you are what is wrong with Notre Dame football and have been for years Starting with Bob Davie. You accept mediocrity with such an apathetic devotion. I bet you are one of the fans at ND stadium yelling down in front and telling me to lower my voice.

            To reiterate, why are you such a devoted follower of this site if football is just a game and we are all self-serving? I for one one am sick and tired of lamenting bad football games since that’s all we seem to get from ND’s football program for FAR too many years.

            Like Mr Vannie, I would prefer to crank some Pink Floyd or Zeppelin and light up to cope with the pathetic state of ND, but if I did that everytime ND fails to play to their potential, I would be the first human being ever to OD on mary jane :-/

        • If football’s just a game, and meaningless, what are you doing wasting your time reading and commenting on it. Go bitch somewhere else.

    • Sorry Tommy boy but the football team is Notre Dame!! $$$$$$$$ Without it ND is a no name school if it is even still in existence!!! Our team is a total embarrassment starting with the cheating players to the students not coming to the home games. This season was over when we lost to Florida State. Kelly wouldn’t let it go, the bad interference call, and his team followed suit by not playing the rest of the year. Please no bowl game! I can’t take it no more!

    • It isn’t just a game but many do take it too seriously. I love ND football and have seen almost every minute of every game since I was nine. But at some point I realized I have ZERO control over the outcome and should not let it dictate my happiness in life. That was a terrible season but we must move on. Don’t forget how great that Michigan win felt. 2015 will be a lot better! Go Irish!

    • please research neville chamberlain then read the bio of churchill, the last lion. n.d. football success did not get to where it was by 88 by following the tenets of neville; they got there by being a lion. nd is a fine university but has not moved its academic ranking in years. so nothing to gloat about there. every person and every university must do the best they can in EVERYTHING. nd has an obligation to its fans and its players to not turn in a mediocre football season as often as it does. nd has failed for years to figure out how to land a great coach and great qbs. they have an obligation to do that, ie, do their very best. i do not think they are doing their very best. i dont know why. the clock is ticking and before long, if things continue to play out the way they have since davies, no amount of desire will work any longer to right the program. players and coaches will simply not want to come to nd. critiquing a coach and a qb and many less than optimal seasons does not mean any of us have “lost their grip”. we simply, perhaps, want the program to succeed more than you want it to. you can bet the players, who play and practice their hearts out most of the year feel the same way. dg, nd 67

    • If you graduated in 1967 you watched the 1966 game at Southern Cal – 51-0. I listened to it on a shortwave radio while standing a midwatch in the mid-east and i enjoyed every minute of it. I LOVED it. Legend has it that after the game the USC coach said “I’ll never lose to that Armenian SOB again.”

      After this year’s edition of the game the Notre Dame coach publicly thanked the USC coach for not scoring more points.

      I don’t know if that bothers you but it sure as hell bothers me.

    • Hey Tom, I have been a fan of ND football for nearly my entire life and IT IS NOT JUST A FUCKING GAME, SIR! Football is WHAT MADE NOTRE DAME UNIVERSITY or have you in your infinite wisdom forgotten this point? Without FOOTBALL, ND would NOT be what it is today, plain and simple.

  10. Unfortunately saw this outcome from a while away and only wish Kelly would’ve started Zaire. Golson has regressed far beyond what I could’ve imagined and while I think the O-line hasn’t helped he should be entering next season as the backup. With the back field they have returning and Zaire’s rushing capability I hope Kelly utilizes these strengths to run loads of read option. I would accept a bowl bid only to get Zaire the bowl game and practices. As many injuries as they have on defense I cannot accept their poor tackling as anything but giving up. That truly embarrasses me as a fan because that just takes heart and effort which some of these young guys are clearly lacking.

  11. This season has been too shocking to me to take serious. You can see from my name (GOND89) that I witnessed our last NatChamp. What struck me reading the above article is that someone FINALLY is seeing the problem like me.
    (and I thought it was USC who are the Univ of Spoiled Children)
    Joe Schmitt was a great story. But it seemed like everyone on the team thought “Joe’s a good story. Our team has one. I don’t need to try.”
    And that, my good friends, is 100% opposite of the great Notre Dame football I witnessed in ’88.

    • And to continue… I’m glad BK finally yanked Golson for Malik. I really hate to comment on my fellow Domers like this, but Golson is dumb. Malik, while he hasn’t proven his character-fitness, seems to be a much better leader than Golson. And this is the quarterback, people. Quarterbacks lead. Yes, we made it to the Natty-game with Golson as QB; but he was not the leader QB’s are mandated to be. He was serviceable.
      ’12 was a magical season.
      ’13 was an understandable disappointment.
      ’14 has sure-as-sin been a disappointment.
      Do we learn from our mistakes and move-on, or do we keep spouting excuses?
      I strongly recommend to my fellow Bay Stater (Kelly) that he square with the fan-base. Something like “OK – I’ve got to find a better way to reach the kids.” Because either that’s the problem, or (referring to my above entry) we’re fielding a bunch of brats. Either way, change must happen, both among the players AND the coaching staff.

  12. Nah. They need the bowl to get the freshmen and sophomores some practice time.

    Wouldn’t hold my breath about winning any bowl game.

    Once teams figured out that a fast paced offense was they key to annihilating the ND defense, it’s been all downhill from there. Kelly and crew could not create a defense that could defend. What a horrific end to such a promising season.

  13. This team barely registers a pulse and I think it’s fair to ask if they’ve stopped buying in to Brian Kelly’s philosophy. Golson has turned into an unmitigated disaster and he should be encouraged to transfer. At halftime, Dave Wannstedt seemed to insinuate that the team had quit based on their body language and I found it hard to disagree.

    It felt like the 58-7 thrashing by Miami in 1985 all over again. Only Lou Holtz won’t be coming to the rescue next year and Faust (Kelly) will be returning for an encore.

    • GOND88 – nice name. (I’m GOND89) Funny you should mention the 1985 UMiami disaster because that’s exactly what I was thinking when I saw our shameful performance. Only thing is: I was in a coma for the 1985 UMiami game. (; I was hit by a car 9/7/85 between ND & SMC and was flown back home to Massachusetts, unconscious still, 10/7/85. So I don’t remember that game at all. But friends told me all about it. And I’ve seen the game tape, which makes me think of Charlie Brown. “Good grief!”

      • The 88 signifies the national championship season. It’s a good thing you didn’t see the 58-7 beatdown as it might have felt worse than getting hit by a car. The only difference between that game and yesterday was that Jimmy Johnson was trying to embarrass Notre Dame whereas Sark seemed to call off the dogs in the third quarter.

  14. I have been watching this team since the Ara Parsegan era and this has to be one of the worst showing from a Notre Dame team yet. Brian Kelly is a joke! Kelly completely has lost this team and continues to bring us further back into mediocrity.  am sick of these offensive minded coaches who want to just pass pass pass and win shootouts. It doesn’t work ask BAMA. Kelly has been here 5 years now and where are we? We sure as heck are not better off because as much talent as he keeps telling us we have we sure do not know how to get it executed on Saturdays. Golsen should have been gone 4 games ago, the defense has no clue how to operate under BVG and the amount of injuries tells me the strength and conditioning unit in ND needs to be reevaluated. This was an embarassment and stop blaming it on injuries. Alabama has no problems when a guy goes down because everyone is prepared to play and the recruits are top notch. It is time to accept that ND will never be a top ten team they have settled to just be mediocre and they are barely that.

  15. I have been living and breathing Notre Dame Football since before I could walk in 1968. Thank you Grandfather for this horrible curse!!! I have never been so embarrassed in the lack of effort from a coaching staff or a group players in the 46 years of my existence on this planet!
    Not one coach, player or administrator should be allowed to continue at their chosen activity or profession. The world needs ditch diggers too. I quit. I give up.
    There is no hope! The definition of insanity is doing the exact same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome!!!! Faust, Davie, Weis, Willingham and Kelly!!!! I am DONE!!!!!!!!!

    • i quit watching nd football 2 games ago and will not waste another 3 hours on another game until i see some serious changes, starting with bk.

  16. We get all this 4 and 5 star talent and many of our players do well in the pros. Why can’t we do any better. Other teams succeed.

  17. What is so irritating and frustrating is how the University, along with their partnered news outlets take all this football demise in stride. If there were to be another home game this year, their focus would be on your “game day experience”. There is no mention of how “we’re upset” or “this is not Notre Dame football”, but rather on all of our corporate partners and how much they do for us. Everyone just goes about smiling, telling anyone within earshot “how different we are” or “we do it the right way”.

    Continuation of this debacle that used to be called Notre Dame football is going to find Notre Dame totally without a voice in any discussions regarding the future of college football. Notre Dame will be relegated to the likes of the bottom dwellers . . . nary a voice to be heard. . . beyond irrelevant!

  18. As an alum, I am disgusted and embarrassed. I was present in Tempe a few weeks ago and witnessed what will be described in a year or 2 as the beginning of the end for the Kelly regime.
    no heart, no effort, zero preparation = disaster in the most important game of the year.

    • Upon being in hired, in one of if not the first press releases made by someone, this coach made a comment something like this.
      “There are college football coaches and then there is the coach at Notre Dame.”
      Guess who was telling the world that he is now the worlds best college football coach.
      I saw right then that this man was one of the most pompous, self proclaimed, know it all butt heads in the world. It is easy to see why he thinks like he does no wrong. He believes that he can will a player into performing because, “I am the head football coach at Notre Dame.”
      Kelly actually believed that he didn’t make mistakes when all he ever did was put the blame elsewhere.
      We need a football coach, someone who can prepare kids to be college football players both physically and mentally. I do not want coaches to be a psychologist. I want an X’s and O’s type of coach who understands how to get a kid properly conditioned and one who understands how to teach kids their jobs. I want a coach who can read film and make a gameplay and then coach the kids how to perform within that plan. I want a coach who can see what the opposition does and what we need to do to beat what they do.
      I would like to compare what I want to Mike Kelly, former coach of the Dayton Flyers. I have never seen a team more prepared to play a game than UD under Kelly. If UD was in the game at halftime, Kelly and staff would make changes to the game plan according to what was dictated in the first half and UD, most of the time would come out a winner. Coach Mike Kelly truly loved coaching, loved his kids and loved the University. He was never looking to move up the ladder, unlike Brian Kelly, who as we know was looking in the first couple years at ND.
      Now I would be surprised if any program worth a darn would be interested in B Kelly.
      You don’t baby football players and you don’t accept their excuses. You don’t lose games because the opposition was better prepared. You don’t let inferior teams stay in a game until they find a way to beat you or almost beat you. Go for the throat and then get your two’ s and three’s experience.
      Good bye pretty boy Brian Kelly. You are far from what you think you are and I will no longer be a fan of Notre Dame until you are gone. You and some of your staff members are far from being worth the money that you are being paid.
      I am tired and p.o.’d and rambling and for this I apologize.

      • I am with you. For the first time EVER, I will not be watching a Notre Dame bowl game. I am DONE with ND until Brian Kelly is gone.

  19. FYI, Northwestern lost to Illinois today. Oh, I forgot everyone brings their best game against Notre Dame. That explains it.

    Sad to say but I remember the Joe Kuharich era. Deja vu?

  20. As for the game today not much else has to be said. I agree with the above that ND should bypass any bowl game what so ever. Forget the 1 to 2 million dollars for some ridiculous bowl. This is much more serious than a small payoff by ND’s standards. And for God “s sake I hope BK doesn’t say this will be a chance for ND to showcase themselves in a bowl game and end the year on a good note. The list of recruits is getting smaller and smaller. You can’t say you didn’t expect USC to win. Maybe we thought it would be a 42 to 35 game like usual. But, a beat down by USC was not a shock. The only shock would have been a dominate performance by ND. What were the odds of that. I’ve done a lot of thinking the past few weeks and years. There is no doubt the choice of coaches has greatly affected ND in the last 26 years. It’s not just the coaches, it’s the people who are picking them. They are just as responsible for the lack of motivation, preparation, discipline or whatever the reason. I’ve been fortunate enough see what it was like when ND was a power and there was magic. I remember watching the “66” 10 to 10 game against Mich St on my parlor floor at 9 years old dreaming about playing for ND. The “73” New Year’s Eve Sugar bowl win 24 to 23 against Alabama and Paul “Bear” Bryant. Joe Montana and Devine Drubbing Texas 38 to 10 in the Cotton Bowl in 77″ with Earl Campbell, Johnny “ham and Johnny Lamb Jones. And of course the 88 Fiesta Bowl against Major Harris with the “Rocket” for the last ND title. My point is there has been a handful of great wins since then. But, they were just wins, not titles. Let’s not fool ourselves anymore people. This is the way it’s going to be. The Catholic values, and belief in education first are gone in this day and age. It meant something years ago when things were good in this country. Yes, the game and offenses have progressed beyond belief, but ND has stayed the course from years ago. Maybe that’s a credit to them. I don’t know! But, I do know that ND will never ever win a title again unless there is some act of God that a bunch of young superstars are all born around the same time with good values and education beliefs. Or, they change the values of the school, or move the campus to Florida or Southern California. Today, It’s all about raising your young athlete to play at the best possible place for his talents to pursue a football career. It’s the reality of college football today. The SEC is dominating and will continue. The days of Nd, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Texas, Penn St, are gone. I don’t know why! Just once I would like ND to get a coach not like the top one’s today. To get Nick Saban, or Urban Meyer. Just to see what they can do with 5 years of recruiting and their coaching values. Would it make a difference for them to work with the athletes they can get at ND not, at Alabama, Ohio St etc. I would love to see it once. Then, we would know the truth about the choice of coaches all the way down the line or it’s just a fact that there are not enough great players that put education first. There is no doubt in my mind that BK and the staff are a farce. I would also love to see Saban or Meyer coach the present team at Nd and see what difference there would be. I’m sorry for babbling on so long but this is 26 years of being disgusted and pissed off coming out. I’ve had enough. I’ll still watch them and root for them but, how can you ever believe they will ever win another title. I am bewildered! I’ve never seen teams look better at the start of the year and get worse each game like at ND. Right now they are just a decent division II team who get’s a quality win now and then. I wish I had the answer, but who would listen! Good Night to all

  21. When will all learn that high level football and academics don’t mix?
    I’m sick of following a .500 football team over the last 25 years
    We are so far from being anything
    Our qb

    The university obviously doesn’t give a dam
    Every other team plays their best at the end of the season
    We perennially fall off

    I support a general studies major that is designed for the 85 ball players
    Do nothing. Play football. Stop the embarrassment weekly.

  22. Glad to see that Zaire finally got a chance to play.

    The most frustrating thing about this season is that after the abysmal ASU (who has now lost 2 of their last 3 contests) loss, it was clear that it was time to start giving key on field playing time to next years potential starters. In any other D-I,II or III program, players who are not performing/hurt would get the bench and get motivated/healed in order to get better. Now we have 3 losses with little to no experience for the younger players to show for it. Kelly seems to have an issue looking to the future, ie.
    Which scenario sounds better after three straight losses:
    1. Playing a bowl game with younger experienced players.
    2. Playing a bowl game with younger players.

  23. There’s not really much more to say than what has already been said because today was an absolute disgrace. Kelly is in completely over his head and compounding that is the fact he’s too stupid to adapt what he’s doing. As I said a few weeks ago, ND will never win anything meaningful with him as coach. Ironically, here in Chicago, they’re putting heat on Fitzgerald after they finished 5-7. Meanwhile at ND, there are still people who think everything is fine. The only thing left to do is light a few candles and pray that Florida would be dumb enough to take Kelly off our hands.

    • You seem to forget two years ago, when an academic scandal ensnared a large portion of the Harvard student body, including several members of the men’s basketball team. It can happen anywhere.

    • My expectations in this regard are low. The university leadership publicly expresses the desire to be a major player in the college football landscape, but they have no idea what it entails. Instead, they focus on the game day experience and peripherals such as field turf and luxury boxes. In the short term, this will keep the money flowing from people like Tom who have their heads in their small intestines.

  24. This afternoon’s train wreck was a total embarrassment to the Notre Dame. Is BK really the best we can do? We all due respect to my senior fellow alum; football is more than a game at Our Lady’s University.

  25. An aweful loss and miserable end to a once promising season. Our defense looked totally depleted and offense lost. I’ve been a Coach Kelly supporter and hope the first half of the season is a sign of better things to come and the second half an unfortunate aberration. I have great hope for this group and can’t wait for next year with a roster full of veteran players. Bring on the Belk Bowl!

    For Coach Kelly and staff, thank you for the 2012 NC Game run and the exciting first half of this season. But bee on alert, no more free passes, no more excuses. Championship coaches don’t lose games like we have been doing with veteran teams. Next year, coach like you jobs depend upon it. Quite frankly it does.

  26. Kelly and Golson have steadily been regressing as the year has moved forward. Hopefully, a pro team will come calling and Kelly will answer the call. Wishful thinking, but not realistic. Golson continues to turn the ball over, Kelly continues refusing to run the ball. Neither one has learned a damn thing as the year moved along.

  27. John,

    Do you really think Swarbrick won’t take Kelly to task for today’s disaster and for the way the season ended ? After five years; things have not really improved with the program. Maybe Gruden could be talked out of coaching retirement.

    • Bob,

      I think Swarbrick has been caught off guard by the team’s collapse and is not prepared to make any significant changes. He will come out publicly in support of Kelly and parrot the party line regarding injuries. Privately, I think Jack and his bosses won’t worry as long as the donors for the $450M crossroads project are solid, the stadium luxury boxes that are now being offered to selected alums are sold out, and NBC does not rock the boat. The pursuit of excellence in football that many of us believe exists at Notre Dame is a myth that Jack and others want you to believe. Make sure to send in your donation before the end of the year.

  28. mike in california says:


    Thank you for putting TOMDOMER in his place.. Shameful reply’s by him… I’ve been on record
    for over two years now that KELLY must be fired and that he truly is in over his head..

    I said it last week that Sarkisian would out coach him.. That the SC receivers would be too much
    for us… And finally, I said we would come out “flat” – and boy was that an understatement.

    I turned the game off after our first three horrible possessions.. What a joke.. Shameful
    preperation of our athletes!!!

    I even suggested four new coaches last week and several others last year..

    The arrogance of KELLY’S heart has deceived him into thinking he’s an elite coach..

    • The Sc receivers would be too much for us. Really that is all you have. We are playing third string corners versus the nations best. I have never seen a defense so F#$ked by injuries. I beg all posters to be honest and admit that injuries at least play some role in how this game and how this seaon has played out. My God it is comical the list. Nyles Morgan is replacing Joe Schmidt and Greer Martini is replacing Morgan and Martini is out. How do you compete. I am in awe that Kelly fielded a team in the second half. Vannie am I wrong, seriously next man in has become a moot point. You know your stuff, arre the Irish no worse off then anyone else?

      • Of course injuries on defense played a part in the season, but they were not the reason Notre Dame lost to Louisville and Northwestern. Also, the offensive lineup remained intact all season, and the group became less productive as the season progressed. Kelly is regarded as a developer of quarterbacks and Golson simply fell apart. Other teams have injuries as well. As much as I dislike Ohio State, Urban Meyer lost his QB before the season started and developed another excellent one out of thin air. Now he has to do it again, and I would not bet against him. He is an elite coach regardless of what anyone thinks of him personally.

      • mike in california says:


        Did you read my whole post… Yes, the USC receivers are too much for us — but they shouldn’t
        be. Come on now!! We have four star recruits in our defensive backfield including Cole Luke
        and Devin Butler — and they got shredded.. No excuse!!

        We were poorly prepared on both sides of the ball.. USC has their own problems with the
        major reduction of scholarships…

        I need you to be honest about Kelly and poorply prepared, poorly schemed system..

      • Why in the world we were so thin at defensive depth in Kelly’s fifth year? I thought he was a star recruiter and had solved all of our depth issues with quality recruits. Obviously this man can recruit but can not develop players and neither can any of his assistants. Special teams have been a joke the entire Kelly era! But the administration will sit on their thumbs while Kelly takes us closer to the Weisian abyss in 2015. He should be fined half his salary for the disaster he put together this year!

  29. I already posted earlier about the horrible job kelly has done. it is clearly time to stop making excuses. those who defend him don’t know football at all. As far as Golson goes, it was nice to see Zaire play . He should have started last year over Rees but again Kelly was stupid in that area. he should have seen some time this year. but to blame this season on Golson is not fair. He turned the ball over but he also made some really big plays and has been the best we have had in a long time. When the opposing defense is blitzing non stop and we refuse to try to run the ball and we often empty the backfield with not help to block it hard to put all the blame on the qB. I believe strongly that if the coach didn’t yell at him every time he walked off the field and if the game plan was balanced in the right system he could be an awesome QB. I put all this on the coach who has taken the program exactly nowhere in five years

    • I’d like to know why Golson isn’t rushing anymore. Broken plays or planned ones, I can’t remember him rushing like he used to.He’s just as fast as Zaire

  30. John, Thanks so much for taking the time to reply. I already sent in my donation. I’m not up there with some of our other fellow alum; but I do my best. Also John, thanks so much for running this site.

  31. Just sitting back waiting for my season ticket renewal to see how much the ticket prices go up! Highest price in country for what????

  32. I guess I was a little too generous in my USC 45 ND 17 prediction. Why did I think they could keep the spread under 30 points? There’s only one way a breakdown like this occurs – leadership, or lack thereof. What stumps me is why they keep doing the same things over and over again and expect a different result. I believe that’s how Einstein defined insanity. I do not see BK winning another game as head coach of ND. It’s as if he has checked out already. This season was an epic collapse and disappointment.

  33. Good summary. One thing wrong in the question/answer. The ND fans at the game stuck it out. A little kid seated in front of me cheered fiercely from kickoff till the clock read zero.

    • I admire that young man, but wait until he’s old enough to chase girls. He won’t waste time watching bad football on a beautiful day in Southern California.

  34. My dad was born and raised in South Bend. As a teenager he witnessed the 1973 and 1977 NCs, and later the 1988 NC shortly before I was born. Although I’m not from South Bend, I inherited a ND Football fanship. I love it and will never renounce it but it has been so difficult for as long as I can remember. I first watched the 2002 season of ND football and soon realized that since the early 90s, 2002 and 2012 were absolute teases. Even after graduating from Purdue University (twice) I still watch ND Football. The USC game today was awful. I hope there is no bowl game for ND. I need 8 months to cool off!

  35. I’ve been trying to put my finger on the reasons behind the utter collapse of this team. Every coach is motivated by the unbeaten season and a chance to be in contention for a national championship. But other coaches are also focused on player development and when the unbeaten season is no longer in the cards, they help their players win for respect sake. For Brian Kelly it seems that he is motivated by something else.

    It was seen when he led Cincinnati to an undefeated season but then bailed on his players when the big and better opportunity from ND came along.

    We saw it again last year when Golson was kicked off the team and Rees was named as the starter. It was obvious that Kelly was going through the motions of last season waiting until he got his star qb back.

    And it was on full display during the second half of this season. From all the indicators I saw it looked like Kelly lost interest after the FSU defeat. Looking back now I would say the Navy win was the determination of the players who were still playing for pride at that point.

    But after Navy I think the handwriting was on the wall. When the extra point squad (one of the most basic and fundamental parts of a team) goes awry, it’s obvious that the internal mechanisms and psyche of a team has collapsed. The only cause, and fix, at that level is the leadership(coaching).

    A coach still engaged with his team and their season would pull out all the stops at that point to get them back on track. Instead we have seen a coach “chasing points”, aka vanity, on a failed two point conversion against Northwestern and apparently leaving any game plan he had at home this week.

    Perhaps the weekly regression of ND Football is a result of a team realizing that their coach has checked out on the season and is now dreaming of next year.

  36. OK, I admit it. For 20 years I have been delusional. I thought ND was an elite football power. Leading up to the SC game I read an article in a So Cal paper describing a possible Kelly move to Florida as a chance to “move up to an elite level program”. Oh how the country views us. How the mighty have fallen. I don’t know what happened to take the fight out of the Irish but this team had issues and I am on the bandwagon that it is the coaches. If we’re gonna suck then lets get a humble coach that can teach values and have at least somebody get something out of this mess. Ranting a bit. A meltdown of Weissian proportions. Bowl Game? Let the team vote on it a la Ara. I’ll watch a bit of the first half, but if someone asks me… I’d rather be an alum and fan of ND than anywhere on earth.

  37. Happy to have spent the day with a great friend at the NU v. Illinois game where the weather for this time of year was good and the outcome of the game meaningless to me. Followed this up with an afternoon movie date with my wife. Left the theater and received a text from my brother about the score. Validated my decision not to waste time aggravating over a team and program going nowhere. Wish the people in charge could see past the ND Experience nonsense and focus on one simple thing: find a coach at the level of Ara and Lou. I, too, have noticed the empty student section and the lack of energy at the games. Kelly, like Weis, has made the program about him. He changes traditions and talks about finding the right kind of guys. Neither has brought ND a national championship and a malaise has fallen over the program. To say it is star crossed would not be an overstatement. From student tragedies to student/athlete embarrassments to gameday embarrassments. Regardless of who or what is to blame for them, they have all happened under his watch. It’s time to move on.

    Kelly himself compared where ND is today to where it was two years ago. Funny, he did not mention where Alabama is today compared to where it was two years ago. They are poised to again play for a national title, which is where ND should be in year 5 of the Kelly regime. I will give Kelly credit for proving Ara’s philosophy that a coach only needs 3 years to build a program. The difference is that Kelly only played in the title game in year three. Having reached that point, there is no more “building” of a program. It should then be about refining and improving what has been built. It seems like ND is starting from scratch to hear Kelly talk. He got his artificial surface. What more does he need? More night games to show off his in-game coaching decisions?

    I cannot fathom what has happened to the program. Did Kelly interviewing for the NFL job or the catfishing embarrassment or the loss of assistant coaches cause the quick demise of what seemed to be a building program? I have no answers and neither do the people in charge. In 20 years they have turned ND into a joke and a shadow of its former self. But we have lots of new buildings and more renovations of the stadium. Now we just need a team worth watching and one that won’t engender snarky remarks when we alums identify our alma mater.

  38. The criticism of Coach Kelly and the bemoaning of the “demise” of Notre Dame’s football program, which seems to occur annually, may be lacking some
    historical perspective.

    Prior to 1973, there was not a limit on the number of players who could be on scholarship. Some schools routinely had as many as 150 players on scholarship
    to prevent some of these players from playing for opponents. In 1973, the NCAA imposed a limit of 105 scholarships. Thus, for 9 of his 11 years at Notre Dame, Ara had no limit on scholarships and thje full effect of the limit did not occur until after he retired.Yet, as great a coach as Ara was, only once did he go undefeated, untied. He suffered embarrassing defeats to Michigan State in 1968, USC in 1970, LSU in 1971, Missouri in 1972 (Missouri gave up 63 points the week before), Nebraska in 1972, and Purdue in 1974, while losing to good Purdue teams in 1967-69 and then giving up 49 straight to USC in 1974 when at the time ND had the #1 defense in the country. Even Ara struggled with Navy (1974 game prompted him to retire).

    In 1978, the limit was reduced to 95. Thus, for his entire six years at Notre Dame, Dan Devine had a limit of between 95 and 105 players. Yet, Devine never went undefeated and in 4 of his 6 seasons, he lost three or more games. In 1976, he beat Navy by 6 points.

    In 1992, the scholarship limit was reduced to the current level of 85. Thus, for 6 of his 11 seasons, Lou Holtz had a scholarship limit of 95. His record in 1994-1996 was not at the level in his previous years. He, too, had embarrassing defeats to Stanford and Penn State in 1990, and Penn State and Tennessee in 1991 (blew a 24 point lead), Stanford in 1992 (blew an 18 point lead), Colorado in 1994 and Air Force in 1996, while barely beating Hawaii in 1991 and beating Army by one point n 1995.

    Consider, too, that when Ara and Devine coached, players did not typically leave early to go into the NFL. Think of where ND would be this year if Nix, Tuitt, Nicklas and Aaron Lynch had not left.

    None of the foregoing is intended to detract from the great accomplishments of Ara, Devine and Holtz and the fact that particularly during Ara’s and Holtz’s reigns, there were multiple years when Notre Dame was dominant or “in the hunt”. Nor is it intended to dismiss justifiable criticism of Coach Kelly. But today, the situation in college football is different and some allowance must be made for this. When did Ara, Devine or Holtz ever have to play 8 or 9 freshman on defense? Never ,because they had 10 to 30 plus more players on scholarship than Kelly has. Also, ND does not accept junior college transfers.

    Finally, to add further perspective, consider this question: in the last 60 years, how many teams from the Big Ten have won the National Championship outright? Only one-OSU.

    You so called “fans” need a good dose of reality. ND had 15 freshmen or sophomores playing yesterday. Not only were first stringers out on defense, but also second stringers including the QB of the defense. Gee, what a coincidence that after Schmidt went down in the second half against Navy, so did the defense. Yet, you expect ND and Nyles Morgan (who never played a down on defense before Schmidt went out) to play at a top 15 level. And you “fans” who last week wanted Fitzgerald and Mullen, who do you want this week?

    • For the umpteenth time THE COACHES YOU KEEP MENTIONING WON NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS. Kelly hasn’t won shit and he never will. Try joining the rest of us on planet earth and quit living in denial by trying to put Kelly on their level. He couldn’t carry their clipboard.

      • You totally failed to respond to my point. How many of them won a National Championship with an 85 scholarship limit? None. How many of them went undefeated, untied with this limit? None. How many of them played with 15 players who were freshmen or sophomores? None.

        Nor did I put Kelly on their level.

        Take away 6 of Alabama defensive starters last night and tell us why Saban still would have beaten Auburn? NOT!!

        Now tell us again who is in denial??

        • There are elite coaches in every era, regardless of scholarship limits. Brian Kelly is not an elite coach. Guys like Urban Meyer and Nick Saban have all lost games, so you sound like a shrill little girl when you say stupid shit like, “Why do you want him as your coach? He lost to [name of lesser opponent].” Every coach loses games, even where it is considered an upset, but Kelly has made a habit of it and is not nearly good enough to have earned the benefit of the doubt. Demeaning other coaching candidates because they have lost a game or two during their careers is a childish way to argue for the status quo, but that has been your calling card on this forum. If you want to continue to participate, you need to raise your level of critical thinking and expression.

          Meyer is on his third quarterback now and is still winning because his teams are physical and fundamentally sound, and he cares about defense and special teams. Saban has worked through injuries as well and yes, I believe he would have beaten Auburn with a couple more backups than he is already putting out there. His system is fundamentally sound and he coaches all of his players extremely well. He also understands how to protect his defense by emphasizing a strong running game when the situation demands it.

          Finally, injuries are only a part of the meltdown we have witnessed in the past month. The starting lineup on offense has been essentially intact, yet they have regressed to the point of complete ineptitude. Golson’s development is solely on Kelly. The pitiful play of the offensive line is also on the coaching staff. The inability of the offense and play calling to protect the defense during this stretch is also on Kelly.

  39. I’ve been a fan of Notre Dame since I was 6, and I am 32 now. I’ve watched almost every game since I was 16 or 17. To me it is painfully obvious that the snobby priests who run ND do not care about doing what is necessary to win football games at the Big Boy level. They look down on football and the people who enjoy watching football more than reading classic literature.

    Football success is what made ND famous and wealthy. Irish Catholic immigrants and Catholic immigrants from other countries were able to feel good about themselves in America with ND’s football success. Most of these people were not rich educated snobs. ND has turned it’s back on the sport and people who made them famous.

    A coaching change isn’t going to make much of a difference.

    The ND admin is satisfied with 7 or 8 win seasons as long as the $$$ keeps rolling in from all the deluded mislead Irish fans.


  40. It’s also time to lower ticket prices to watch this team until they can put a consistent winning program together and that will not happen until Kelly is out.

  41. John..

    The Pink Floyd and lighting up the… is working great. I’m still listening to Animals. My God .. My God what did ND do to get thee angry ??

  42. I’m 71 and remember Leahy’s last team. Have seen lot of good times and bad but this will go down as one of the worst prepared teams ever. Golsten has gone down hill and looks lost. He no longer tries to make plays on his own and played totally confused. Cam’s fumble was awful but kick the extra point and they have to get to end zone. AS Charlie learned before him, these are kids not pros ready to play sophisticated schemes. Sorry Brian you are not the answer and your game plans are poor. Folsten and Bryant are 2 of most talented kids out there and underutilized. Before we go getting a new coach we must make sure we are getting the right one.Might be right in front of us (Tony A)

  43. NDBonecrusher says:

    I have enjoyed reading your comments (Well…not really but you know what I mean). Funny how so many people referenced Miami ’85. My first home game and I was only 11, but was old enough to know that we got our asses handed to us in every conceivable manner. I saw the same “What the hell just happened?” Look in my sons eyes yesterday. Only difference is that he has not seen us win a NC.
    People talk about signature wins all the time. This was a signature LOSS. This ought to be a seismic event in the Athletic Dept. Will that happen? Let’s be honest-probably not. But it should. I have been a big Kelly supporter but I can’t abide this. Enough is enough. Let’s see if we can get that kid from Northwestern. Worked pretty good last time (Ara)!
    In the real world, Kelly will be the coach at the Blue and Gold game this spring and we will be in the position (again) of saying “OK Coach–this is really REALLY it. Playoffs or buh-bye.”
    Cheer up guys. Rub some dirt on it, go to Church, watch the Steelers.
    Man this sucks.

  44. It’s understandable to a point that the defense would struggle, but what excuse does the offense have? If the preparation, motivation and game planning were better the defense might have been granted a much needed respite, suffered fewer injuries and the score might have been respectable. Kelly has been hailed as some kind of offensive genius, but we sure haven’t seen it the last several weeks, we definitely didn’t see it yesterday and arguably not at all since he’s been at ND. Of course, sports pundits think any coach who throws 75% of the time is some kind of genius.

    I thought the training table, the jumbotron, field turf, and playing “crazy train” at home games would lead to championship football. We’ve been deceived and I don’t necessarily believe that 2015 will bring better things.

  45. Why does Kelly never defer until the second half on opening kickoffs? Is he so arrogant about his mighty prolific offense and qb that he really doesn’t understand that taking the ball and going 3and out doesn’t really give you an advantage? Does he not know they have been behind coming out of halftime of late? Why not defer and at least know you will get the ball when you really need it? Of course they can still go 3 and out then too I suppose. Just once I would like to see him start a game on defense.

    • Holtz always put his defense on the field first in big games to SET THE TONE!!!!!! Then had that
      second half card with the offense to star with!!!! Common sense!!!!

  46. A truly horrible performance, Kelly, BVG and entire staff should be fired today!!!! Since Lou left this has been absolutely one failure after another. We need a COACH who can coach and motivate players. I am about ready to give up on ND after following them since 1966!!

  47. Typical Kelly after the game, “Woe is me” because of injuries. It’s funny he never mentions that it’s his fifth year at ND and any depth issues are owned by him. What happened to “next man in”? I guess for Kelly thats a good sound bite, but far from reality when it’s tested. Maybe he could have come out running the ball to try and keep his depleted defense off the field instead of throwing it all over the field, but that would have required coaching. Ohio St. lost their Heisman Trophy candidate QB early in the season and played a freshman QB who lead them to the Big 10 Championship Game, but he broke his ankle yesterday so he’s done for the year. Do you think Meyer is complaining and feeling sorry for himself right now or figuring out a game plan to beat Wisconsin? That’s the difference between a losing and winning mentality.

    I guess maybe it’s time to admit that ND isn’t committed to returning this once prestigious program to where we think it belongs; among the nation’s elite. ND competes for and gets a lot of the same student athletes that many of the top programs in the country are offering. The facilities are there, the money is definitely there, but the coaching is completely AWOL. How does a program like Wisconsin win every year and usually end up playing in a quality bowl game? They aren’t getting (on paper) the type of athletes ND gets, but they clearly outperform them on the field year after year. Madison isn’t Los Angeles or Tallahassee in the winter time, but they don’t use it as an excuse and it clearly doesn’t stop them from winning. It certainly isn’t a slouch when it comes to academics. Wisconsin has had 3 coaches in the last 20+ seasons and every one has been a winner. Every one of those coaches believes in running the football, stopping the run on defense, and solid special teams. In other words, everything Brian Kelly is not.

  48. Notre dame administration is a bunch of hypocrites that now only worship money and are no longer Catholic although they love to keep that image to make money off of it. Now that they are paying for abortion causing drugs they are getting exactly what they deserve on the field. Paying for abortion causing drugs, not defending traditional marriage, honoring Obama-the most pro abortion president in history thereby saying to Catholics across America it is ok to support his pro abortion poiicies, having one of the greatest abortion advocates now on the ND board of trustees and even having Jenkins work on Obama’s so called accommodation for abortion in Obamacare, ND has become a bunch of hypocrites who have trampled on the values of the university. There are more important things than football and perhaps their alumni should wake up to what has happened under Jenkins. Stop giving money to the school demanding Jenkins go and there be immediate changes in the board of trustees. If you love Notre Dame as I do and fear for its future and are embarrassed and saddened by its current state, give your money to the Sycamore Trust instead and also throw your support behind Father Bill Miscamble as well who is a great true Notre Dame man.

    On a lesser note, all you fans cried for years that ND needed to stop their run game, get artificial turf and become like everytone else. Well you got what you all cried for! ND is now just like everyone else. No one is scared to come into ND stadium and play anymore. Its just like any other stadium now. I noticed yesterday that Florida State grass field was a mess. Yet they keep winning on it. No excuses there like Kelly needed. It seems that if other teams like USC were crying that ND used the grass to their advantage then it is something you should keep. It was good enough for the teams that won 11 national championships but not good enough for self serving egotistical Kelly who cares only about himself. And of coarse the money worshipping ND admin saw another way to save money by putting in the turf.

    • Relax, Jim. ND lost a football game. You sound like a guy who is ready to walk onto campus with an AK-47 and start hosing people down.

    • Absolutely correct on the 1st paragraph..2nd an element of accuracy there also…As all things football,l I believe Golson and those guilty of academic cheating,one and al,l should have been told to go and play elsewhere.If those who cheat(and diminish the value of an ND education)didn’t learn by Golson then a stronger message needed to be sent.Just get Coaches that really believe in FUNdamentals,blocking and tackleing,special teams and honor..HONOR!Jenkins could stand to learn a bit about that.To have invited this President on campus was a violation and trespass on the beliefs of all the Catholics who love and support this University!

    • Of coarse not. Thats disgusting to even suggest such a thing. What I am saying ND football success brings in a lot of money to the school and allows the hypocritical administration to do whatever they want. It gives them a cover to abandon their Catholic values like they have. I am by no means you have to be perfect but you should at least be trying and ND admin is no longer Catholic. If you dont want to be Catholic anymore that is fine but then don’t claim to still be so you can make money off of your image. Take Our Lady off the dome. I don’t care ND lost a football game. I am saying it is all of you out here who are showing so much outrage over football when if you love the university and what it once stood for thois outrage is misplaced and should be directed against Jenkins and his worldly board of trustees. I wanted ND to go 0-12 in fact in hopes that the money to ND would stop and maybe people would start looking at what Jenkins has made them. Like Fr Bill said it is disgraceful that ND is spending 400 million dollars to add unnecessary classrooms and a ballroom and luxury boxes to the stadium. Is so far away from what used to be their core values. So sir you misunderstand me. I am not upset ND was embarrassed. If going 0-12 every year makes ND look at itself and what it has become and stop their money stream then it is worth it. I love my alma mater but I am saddened and embarrassed by who it has become or I should say who Fr Jenkins and his board of trustees has made it – a fundamental transformation as Obama said of his destruction of america. So i am saying if instead of being outraged by the state of ND football, its alumni were as outraged over what Jenkins has done to ND’s values, then maybe it would return to its former glory

  49. Sadly, to anyone observing the trend of this team re: injuries, consistency, effort, coaching, etc, the result yesterday was hardly a surprise. What makes this even more insulting is the likes of USC and ASU have been thumped by teams we should at least match (e.g., UCLA).
    There seems to be was no emphasis on hard nosed football, winning at point of attack. Heck, NW out-toughed us. Unless we get basics taught and achieve consistency we will never be relevant. BK also does not seem motivational. I had no doubt looking at sidelines in OT of NW game that NW would win.
    Then the Coliseum….how’s that for motivation?

  50. BTW if you are someone I called crazy or a Debbie Downer for predicting 7-5, you have my humblest apologies. They will go to a crappy Bowl and I will watch every bloody second, just like yesterday. Clearly I hate myself to behave in this manner, but I guess I have some company out there!

  51. Wow. Calm down folks. It was a bad season mostly due to the rash of injuries and players losses due to suspensions.

    Good grief. This team will win at least 11 next year.


  52. John, I was impressed initially by VanGorder’s aggressive defense after being lulled by year’s of Diaco’s “bend, then eventually break” style. Can we expect more from our DC next year with a healthy group? Also, what do you think Swarbrick’s take is on Kelly and what are the chances he goes to Florida or the pros? Am aware first hand that Swarbrick is a focused, aloof, no-nonsense guy, but he seems surrounded by much nonsense these days. Thanks for your always insightful and entertaining take. P.S. — I’m one of those dark room guys, too, but I’ll go with the Stones.

    • I believe VanGorder will continue to play aggressively, but I certainly hope that a healthy roster will cause him to be more fundamentally sound. He took a lot of chances later in the season that backfired in a bad way, and the secondary seemed to be poorly coached all season. There are also issues at linebacker aside from Jaylon Smith. Joe Schmidt is a great kid but not an elite player, and I did not hear James Onwualu’s name called the entire second half of the season. The entire back seven seemed to be running around without a clue and were out of position more often than not.

      As for Swarbrick, he is a company man and there is no mandate for a coaching change from above him. It’s more likely that Kelly will leave on his own this year or next for the NFL or some other job like Florida, and I doubt Swarbrick has a contingency plan lined up at this point. I believe Kelly is looking for another job but his stock has to have taken a hit with this month’s collapse. You can see in his post game comments that he is referring to the team as “they” rather than “we”.

  53. Kelly could care less about defense. SC had freshman receivers and lineman. It’s all about under armor contracts and feeding the cash cow. Soften the schedule so can create illusion of competitive team. What recruit wants to come with the prospect of playing Miami of Ohio down the road or Duke. Come on, any real player worth their metal wants to play LSU, BAMA, etc. You can bet a million ND is going bowling, didn’t join ACC for any other reason.

  54. Golson’s play has clearly deteriorated since FSU and whether the coaching staff chooses to admit it or not, he clearly appears to be suffering both physically and psychologically. His short to intermediate throws are high and his long balls are all under thrown suggesting that his shoulder is far from 100%. He is also so wary of throwing an interception that he is putting the ball in places that no one can catch it. Defenses have been designed to contain him in the pocket and all of this has taken away his ability use his natural mobility and has made him a 6 foot tall pocket passer. At his point he is so afraid to make a mistake that he is no longer spontaneous. Some of this has to fall on coaching. At this point ND needs to play whatever QB has the hot hand and not hesitate to play both of these young men in any game. A two QB system might bring out the best in both of them.

  55. We’ve seen this before. It’s EMBARRASSING for a once-proud football program to crawl into the fetal position right at the opening kick off as we did Saturday. Yes the third string defense is young, but they had no clue on what to do, nor how to tackle. The “veteran” offense has no clue what to do out there, nor can they block, nor can our “veteran” QB find open receivers let along hit them when he does. The special teams are a mess as usual. There was absolutely no fire in the team Saturday.

    So Kelly cannot motivate, he cannot teach and he cannot do basic math (see Northwestern game). His team has repeatedly embarrassed the university this season by simply not being prepared and/or motivated. ASU, Northwestern, and now USC. Eerily similar to the Weis era … very good talent going in and then coming out after 4 years. What happens on Saturdays in between is a head-scratching failure of the coaching staff to develop the talent into a cohesive TEAM every Fall. I’m not sure Brian Kelly even cares any more, but it’s clear that even if he does, he does not know how to build and maintain a championship caliber football program. This isn’t about losing a few games … its about representing the university with PRIDE and COMPETENCE. Too many embarrassments THIS season, not to mention the Tulsas, etc from prior seasons.

  56. Yesterday’s loss was bad, really bad, but before Coach Kelly is run out of town keep in mind that every loss in the past 3 years except Alabama and now USC was due to turnovers. An objective observer recognizes that irrespective of yesterday’s loss the team has improved over the past 5 years under Kelly. Turnovers cost ND victories vs ASU, Northwestern, and Louisville, and ND simply outplayed defending national champ FSU. The injuries, suspensions, and guys leaving early for the NFL caught up with the Irish. Unfortunately, when Sheldon Day and Jones went down there simply wasn’t enough depth on the line, at linebacker, and the d backs to survive the injuries and suspensions. The only hope the Irish had yesterday was a huge offensive explosion similar to Alabama who gave up 44 with a healthy defense. They need the experience of a bowl and guys like Cam McDaniel and Austin Colinsworth deserve to play in such a game. They need a win to end on a positive note heading into next year. ND does have talent and is on the right path, despite the embarrassment of yesterday. Don’t give up. Next year, what though the odds be great or small old Notre Dame will win over all. If you look at the recruiting class more help is on the way. We will be okay. Don’t give up and stay positive. Go Irish!

      • I think the turnovers were a result of poor passes, poor play calling, and at times poor routes or execution. For example, Tommy Rees, who is a great kid by the way, struggled when he rolled out and I’m not sure I would have put him in that position. He also made poor decisions or poor reads at times, ie; Tulsa, Florida State, and Michigan. Rees, though, saved the day in 2012 vs Purdue, Michigan,and one other. In 2011 Rees and the Irish had like 27 turnovers. In 2012 they did not turn the ball over and had a magical season until Eddie Lacy and company exposed them. Last year, Golsen hurt the team by cheating and Rees had critical turnovers in every loss, sometimes not his fault. This year Golsen had as many turnovers as Rees in 2011 and like that year it was when and where those turnovers occurred. ND beats Northwestern despite the defense if they don’t fumble inside the one and again in the red zone, not to mention Cam’s unfortunate mistake. Add to that fumbled snaps and you’re going to lose. There’s an obvious trend and Kelly admitted at least one int this year was a poor play call. Poor route running is coaching in my view. They also had trouble picking up and blocking the blitz. Some of these things should not be happening 5 years in so I’m not a Kelly apologist. I think they are better and overall Kelly has done a good job than they were 5 years ago but they still need that signature win. I think they improve by playing so I hope they go to a bowl and win to end on a high note. I like Zaire but he missed an open receiver and threw a couple floaters. Still, I think he has a stronger arm and if he’s the qb in what could be a great year then he needs game experience, so I don’t see a downside to playing a bowl game. I’m as frustrated as anyone but I believe they are close. The team needs support. Go Irish!

        • The fact that Kelly’s system has made Rees and Golson into turnover machines is not a coincidence. It requires 20 year old quarterbacks to read defenses and play the position like Peyton Manning. In other words, it’s a recipe for failure unless we are playing a completely outmanned opponent.

          • John, Here are a few stats to consider:
            In 2012 ND had 8 interceptions and 7 lost fumbles for 15 total. They have had nearly twice that this year, including 12 lost fumbles, so it’s not just the quarterback. The offense is no more complex this year than it was in 2012 and is no more complex than most pass-oriented offenses across the country. More and more high schools are running these type offenses so kids are coming in more prepared than ever, this per Trent Dilfer who runs the Elite 11 program. If the complex offense is the reason for the turnovers then how did they have only 8 interceptions in 2012? (Only 7 during the season and 1 vs Alabama.) Golson completed 61% of his passes this year with 29 tds and set a record for most consecutive completions. Golson and Rees both threw for over 3,200 yards, only the third and fourth qb in ND history to throw for over 3,000 yards. That’s an offense that works when the ball is not turned over, as witnessed in an undefeated regular season in 2012. The difference between the two seasons is turnovers.
            Regarding Kelly, after 5 years his record is 44-20 with some tough close losses and the first two bowl wins since 1993. That’s 24 games over .500. His predecessor Weis was 35-27, just 8 games over .500. Willingham was 21-16 in three seasons, 5 games over .500. Davie was 35-25, just 10 games over .500. Clearly, Brian Kelly has improved the team, despite the embarrassing loss yesterday. As a comparable, Lou Holtz after 5 years was 46-14 with a national championship so he has not turned the team around the way Lou did but they are better and improving. Devine was 44-14 after 5 years and a national championship.
            I understand why people are frustrated because I am too. I thought the embarrassing losses were behind us, but there were mitigating factors of extensive injuries, suspensions, and playing young players who were not ready. Kelly does things I don’t agree with, but I’m not a football coach. I feel they should run more and get the tight end more involved, but I have to yield to the coaches.
            I remain confident that next year will be a great year and today’s frustration will turn to joy this time next year when ND is ranked #1. We are all fans and no matter how frustrated everyone is, next August we will all be cheering on the Irish. People may respectfully disagree about the ability of coaches and players, but in the end the fans, coaches, and players all want the same thing, to win a national championship. I believe we are on the way there. God bless Notre Dame. Go Irish!

          • The offense in 2012 was managed quite differently by Kelly, because he had a young, inexperienced quarterback (Golson) he needed to protect. The running game was much more prominent that season. Last season and this year, Kelly reverted to form by placing a significant burden on his senior quarterbacks. Neither Rees nor Golson was able to handle that workload, for different reasons. Rees had physical limitations and mediocre arm strength. Golson does not see downfield very well when there is any pressure in the pocket, and frequently holds the ball to long.

            Kelly’s refusal to adapt his offense to the strengths of his players in 2013 and 2014 cost the team several victories to opponents with inferior or similar talent. It does not take a football genius to understand these concepts.

  57. I’ve just glanced through these 95 or so statements and most of them are quite perceptive and fun (?) to read, but I remember one particular thing from yesterday – it was in the 2nd or 3rd quarter and the camera was focused on the ND sideline and Kelly was behind a few players and he (once again) took off his hat in anger and threw it on the ground.

    None of the players in front of him reacted.

    Kelly has lost this team – they’ve tuned him out – one tantrum too many?, and when that happens nothing good follows.

    Except ……

    There is a lot of talent on this team and Notre Dame is still NOTRE DAME. The brand is a bit tarnished to be sure, but nothing that can’t be fixed by the right coach. By the right NEW coach. There HAS to be a head coach out there or a promising coordinator who is ready for the jump up.

    Notre Dame is still NOTRE DAME.

    Today is Sunday November 30 – there are 9 weeks to go between now and signing day.

  58. a couple of points. I have been down on kelly since day one and thought it was a bad hire. But anyone who thinks Kelly is going to get a serious look at Florida’s job is a out of touch with what is going on. He is not being considered. if he get interviewed it will be because at least 6 to 8 others said no. He has no realistic shot at that. I also don’t think any NFL team would seriously look at him. Just watch special teams to see if you want that guy as your head coach.
    Finally to the whacked out nut jobs that the football issues above the realm of sports l to University policy on marriage, Obama and other ethical issues–you guys are a detriment to a great university. get a life and get another school to support please!!

  59. Fact is this team did not improve one iota since game #1 this year. One could even argue that game #1 was their best performance even if it was vs Rice. Most teams, even the bad ones improve from beginning to end. This one did not even with the injuries taken into account. USC had freshmen and sophs on the O-line and they didn’t seem to have a problem. NDs O-line still cant run block or pick up a blitz consistently. How long should it take to coach an RB to pick up a blitz? A whole season? I’m not sure BK is the answer. Watching the Bama-Auburn game I’m not even sure that ND can attain that level no matter who the coach is. That’s just a different level of football that I’m not sure ND can get the players for. BK looked done after the Navy game. And I”m sure the players picked up on it. Corey Robinson had a tweet that alluded to the fact that there’s no where else he’d rather be despite the bad loss. I”m wondering if maybe there isn’t some dissention/dissatisfaction among some players that might lead to some transfers. Just a thought.

  60. There have been some pretty interesting comments regarding the current state of our football program. As John stated earlier, as long as the crossroads project ( the three new buildings) stays on course, luxury boxes being occupied; very little will change. I’m just hoping (actually praying) with my parish priest that Kelly will a coaching position else where. The lack of passion was appalling. I saw very little pride in our team yesterday. I won’t waste time going over the coaches’ game plan.

  61. Seems like the average fan can’t do much about this. I can stop buying overpriced Irish stuff, but that is about it. Time for someone with big bucks to organize others with big bucks, and tell Jack that we love the school, but will not contribute to mediocrity. Jack needs to have his comfortable little world rocked.

    • Kelly finally pulled Golsen resulting in positive energy; Jack needs to do the same thing to Kelly.
      I’m tired of Kelly blaming the failures on everything and everyone.
      Consider the outlook for next season had both qb’s received a reasonable chance to lead ND this season.
      ND should win or lose as a team, and should be led by a coach who accepts that responsibility.
      ND is already playing with one hand tied behind her back with the high academic standards for admission. We must offset that with great leadership, character and dignity from our head coach.
      I don’t expect ND to win every game, but Kelly is in over his head.
      Time to move on and find a better “fit” for ND.

  62. ND is just a horrible football team. The program is in real peril. In my opinion, I don’t believe ND can get the kind of coach they need to be a real contender as they use to be. The last great coach was Lou Holtz and I think near the end he got “handcuffed” from the administration and decided it was time to leave. After Holtz left, every coach hired has been a bad choice. Although, I must admit, I think Kelly is by far better then the other three. Also, I think Kelly is a good coach but certainly not a great one and I don’t think ND will get a great coach there again unless they were to get lucky and get some young and up and coming star. I just think it is hard to get the kind of coaches, players and the numbers of those kind of players up there now. The times have changed…the world has changed. There is no way ND can compete week after week with the top tiered teams such as Alabama. They would probably be about 4 and 8 in the SEC. They can’t physically compete with these kind of teams. I hope that I am wrong but I just don’t see it. Two years ago I am afraid was a one time fluke. The administration will have to take a different direction and I doubt very seriously they are going too. They are too busy trying to get President Obama to come back for another honorary degree award. What was once the benchmark for Catholic University’s and college football in America is now just a liberal rich man’s university and unfortunately just a shell of what it use to be. What a man once told me…”that Lady on the Golden Dome left that place years ago”! I think he was right and She took the team with her.

    • Brian Kelly should walk in to the main building and say I want 85 academic exemptions for my football team, or I’m walking.
      That’s the power play folks

      Jonas Gray looks pretty great behind top notch lineman

      We hamstring ourselves bc we think it’s 1940 still

      I take no pride in being .500 over the last 20 years
      USC was on probation same with tOSU. They just reload and the fanbase is happier than we are.
      Oh by the way, they have hardware (nc champs) we have Hawaii bowl, Hyundai sun Bowl and new era pinstripe wins!!

  63. I actually read through the article and all the responses. Pretty entertaining but also insightful.
    I’ve been following Notre Dame football since the mid 1960’s, so I’ve seen some pretty great teams.
    Last night I told my wife and son that something is definitely wrong when I’m not upset after a loss.
    But I wasn’t upset because I expected the loss…and that’s something I can honestly say has never
    happened before. After watching every game coached by Lou Holtz, I always, ALWAYS believed The
    Irish could find a way to win. Now that’s gone.
    One of the earlier posters made a comment about the “gameday experience” being more important
    than being an elite team. I think he nailed it. For many years I have taken my son to three home
    games every year and, looking back on it, the game itself was almost secondary. (Now that he is a
    freshman at Holy Cross he goes to every game) Sadly, he has never seen the types of ND football
    teams I got to see when I was his age. Next year we are looking at attending only the ND/BC in Boston
    and then a Wisconsin home game instead.
    I have a also been a supporter of coach Kelly but perhaps I was wrong. It’s not just a matter of wins
    and losses. It seems to me that his coaching decisions have directly caused them to lose games and
    it seems that a detrimental undercurrent has set in. Don’t get me wrong, I admire the values of the
    university and I wouldn’t trade those for championships, but something is wrong.
    Thanks for letting me vent a little…

  64. Here are the National Champions since 1989:

    1989 Miami, Fla.

    1990 Colorado (AP)
    Georgia Tech (UPI)

    1991 Miami, Fla. (AP)
    Washington (Coaches)

    1992 Alabama

    1993 Florida State

    1994 Nebraska

    1995 Nebraska

    1996 Florida

    1997 Michigan (AP)
    Nebraska (Coaches)

    1998 Tennessee 13-0

    1999 Florida State

    2000 Oklahoma

    2001 Miami, Fla.

    2002 Ohio State

    2003 LSU
    USC (#1 in AP Poll)

    2004 USC

    2005 Texas

    2006 Florida

    2007 LSU

    2008 Florida

    2009 Alabama

    2010 Auburn

    2011 Alabama

    2012 Alabama

    2013 Florida State

  65. Mary Mannion SMC '75 says:

    Thanks John V…You took the words right out of my mouth. This game was a huge disgrace. I was there for the famous 55-24 rout in 1974. Talk about giving up in the second half. But our guys gave up in the first 10 minutes of this game. Kelly drives me crazy. There was no apparent game plan…so many players on the sides lines and very few came to play. Golson is in a bad place now for sure. He could not throw on target, threw balls into the ground and looked helpless and hopeless. We were so embarrassing yesterday…makes it hard to recruit too.

    Please Notre Dame: Say NO to any bowl game. Season is over.

    • A number of posters have referenced the “chosen one” (urban) playing with 3rd string qb.
      In fairness, that 3rd stringer publicly said he’s not there to play school.
      If 3rd string isn’t there to play school…1st and 2nd string must be having a dam ball!

      Let’s let Urban and Saban play under the same austerity Kelly must do as part of his gig.
      Guarantee you, it’s not as glitzy a result.

      What’s wrong with ND offering a survey course major to ball players?
      I think golson hangs his head bc he’s beaten down by the rigor of ND where no TAs teach classes and they are all ball buster full profs

      I’m educated in this commentary – hold degrees from ND and taken courses at prominent school that has appeared on Rockne’s list. Our woes are self imposed entirely
      Depth in a football team reveals itself when players have gym time, relaxation time, 5 years to get ONE college degree.

      We state 4 years to get ONE degree- a hard degree.
      We suck bc we still think it’s 1940 and don’t evolve
      You can still be a ND man with a basic degree of general studies spread over 5 years.
      There is still no budge from the University on this antiquated policy.
      Players should be taking watered down, syllabus light courses in the fall.
      I think the head hanging you see come November is the effects of beat downs on the academic front and football front daily.

      • You need to educate yourself on the current rules at ND. Four years for a degree is no longer required. Recent fifth-years have still been working on their bachelor’s.

        • I appreciate being corrected on my erroneous claim about 5 year one degree.
          I truly hope that this change of policy helps in creating depth.

          Everyone wants to torch Kelly
          The guy has graduated coordinators to head coaching jobs (diaco)
          Had success in molding our into solid football players (demetrius jones)
          Had success at each level
          Brought us a solid defense in 2012, (albeit exposed by Bama)

          Things are at play beyond his control
          I say Saban and Meyer are perennial 3 loss coaches at Notre Dame.

      • Virtually all the players are taking a lighter load in the fall as most are taking classes during the summer.

        Meyer and Saban are elite because they demand execution from their players. They give a darn about defense and special teams. They let the offensive coordinator do their job and call virtually every play instead of doing it themselves. They get back-ups into games for meaningful minutes, then in the event of injuries to the first stringers, they have at least seen a college football field before.

        Now to be fair, ND does honor scholarships for 4 years (even if they are technically renewable annually). ND does not sign 30 players every spring and then get rid of non-performers by not renewing their scholarships; this is a staple of most every program in the SEC although the Pig 10 has rules against it. Meyer and Saban would do better than you think at ND. They would consistently go 10-2, 11-1 IMO. 9-3 would be the floor.

  66. I agree with zeke about always taking the ball when we win the coin toss. It drives me crazy and see no other coaches from pee wee league to the pros who take the ball first. Always take the ball to start the second half,because if you are ahead you can continue to up the advantage or if behind you can regroup and start the comeback, instead of having the pressure of “having to make a stop” to start the second half. Unless you are absolutely sure of a score, never ever take the ball first.
    I also have some of the same thoughts as Jim. I do believe there is a conection between the futility of the football program and the fact that our Lady’s university has turned it’s back on traditional Catholic values. By honoring such figures as Obama ,as an example,this administration has sold our true Catholic identity down the river and joined the world in it’s pursuit of money and power.

  67. This is my first time back here in years. I’ve followed ND since Faust. We were wrong w/ Gerry. We were wrong w/ Davie. We were wrong w/ Ty. We were wrong w/ Weis. Kelly’s an improvement but I cannot figure out if that is because of the scheduling or if it is because we are actually better. I think we are better – certainly we have much better players than we had in the Davie and Willingham years. And we score more points and we move the ball. But, honestly, hurt or not, I have never seen a defense perform as badly as we did against SC. They held the ball – easily they could have scored two more TDs.

    I’m not sure where things go from here. Alabama basically surrendered the 1980s until they cheated with Gene Stallings in the early 1990s. I don’t want some guy who cares nothing about ethics and responsibility. Yet, if all we do is beat the weaker teams in the ACC and we beat the service academies, what is the point? If we cannot play with the SEC and the Pac 12, forget it. I don’t want to watch.

    So, I think Kelly probably gets one more year but I don’t know that he earned it.



  69. QUESTION: Does the coach get so angry at the quarterback because he throws so many interceptions, or does the quarterback throw so many interceptions because the coach gets so angry at him?

    • Interceptions happen when you throw the ball; while annoying, sometimes a ball is tipped, sometimes the other guy makes a great play. And yes, sometimes the QB makes a bad throw. The point is, when you throw, you have to live with them. For all the crap we give Florida State about Jameis Winston, he has thrown 17 picks this season. The best pros throw interceptions.

      The fumbles were much more irksome, and only one or 2 at most were caused by the ball carrier getting absolutely creamed on a tackle.

  70. No bowl came! Please!
    The team is physically hurt. Emotionally hurt.
    The team needs rest and recuperation.
    Notice the Navy Hangover. No More Games With Navy.

    Coaching is becoming questionable. On both sides of the ball. Poor Offense. Poor Defense. And Special Teams took a mysterious dive after Navy.

    Wonder if the team adopted a united mindset at the Navy juncture. IF THE COACH LOST HIS TEAM’S LOYALTY, THE REST IS FUTILE. Punishment does No Good.


  72. Kelly is fast becoming the Bo Pelini of ND. Like Pelini, he has had many winning seasons, but he does not win games against ranked opponents, just like Pelini. Nebraska finally faced the music this weekend and fired Pelini. Does ND need to do the same? I believe one or more seasons is enough for Kelly to finally prove whether he is worthy of ND’s confidence.

  73. I keep coming back to this when evaluating ND’s coaches: Recruiting rankings are very sophisticated these days, unlike maybe 15-20 years ago. That being said, these are the last 5 years of ND’s national rank of that year’s signing class from Scout:
    2014 #6
    2013 #5
    2012 #16
    2011 #8
    2010 #19

    So ND has been averaging a #10-11 recruiting class over this period. Furthermore, ND ranks approx. #10 in terms of number of players currently on NFL rosters. So ND has a lot of high quality players coming into school and highly sought after players by the NFL. If our coaching staff is on par with the talent, then it would be very reasonable to expect ND to finish seasons ranked near the Top 10 in the country, right? Here are the final AP rankings for ND over the past 5 seasons:
    2014 unranked
    2013 #20
    2012 #4
    2011 unranked
    2010 unranked

    Conclusion: Coaching staff has essentially failed when it actually comes to coaching the X’s and O’s on Saturdays. Maybe “failed” is too strong a word, but they have significantly underperformed given the resources at their disposal. They’ve done a good job recruiting, but it stops there. This isn’t only Brian Kelly’s performance issue, but also Jack Swarbrick’s.

  74. Say what you want about Tommy Rees but he had the fight in him to lead the Irish back several times in his career. I don’t see anyone who commands the respect of his teammates like he did.

  75. The two schools that should be compared to ND are Stanford and Northwestern. Both have academic standards equal to or greater than those at ND. Stanford has consistently (in the past years) produced a football team that competed with the best. If Stanford can do it, then there is absolutely no reason ND cannot do the same. The time for excuses and finger-pointing by Kelly are over. It is time to put up or go.

  76. Auburn just fired their defensive coordinator after the 55-44 loss to Alabama this past Saturday. The same defensive coordinator who took them to the BCS Championship game last year. Kelly has had 5 years under “his” system and has not performed as good as Auburn did this year nor last year and some people want to keep Kelly around? Kelly has underachieved ever since he got to ND. If he can get to the National Championship game in 2012, then we should not have had this much of a drop-off in year 2014. We made it to the Championship in spite of his coaching. We must start holding these coaches accountable for their performances just like we do the players. When will the ND organization learn?

  77. And the Auburn D coordinator was in his 2nd season so there was no.. well lets give him more time. Injuries built up, etc. You are expected to perform good at your job right away, not 9 years from now. I am even more lenient on BVG than Kelly because at the start of the year, ND defense looked promising. Kelly has not had a prolific offense ever at ND.

  78. a lot of good comments expect the absurd comment just posted about TR. He had no business being on the field for any D-I school ranked in the top 100


  80. Listen to all of you on here. “Fire the coach!” “The kids are bums!” Get a grip already. I was at the game sitting at the 40 yard line in a sea of USC alumni. I live in USC country. Do you think I enjoyed watching the team get boat raced for 3 hours? Most certainly not. But I am not going to lose my mind because I have a good idea why we have sputtered across the finish line this year.

    1) We had several good players held out due to cheating for the year
    2) We continue to schedule Navy which wastes a week of preparation and growth in trying to learn option defense and injures our players due to the cut blocking and up tempo run defense against a bunch of rugby sized players.
    3) We got exposed by North Carolina. They ran tempo on us and BVG had no clue how to respond being that he is an NFL guy where that kind of thing is still not employed widely and for an entire game. His entire defensive scheme that was taught to the kids in his first year on the job went up in flames because he could no longer substitute packages in and out. BVG will adapt in the off season and be better prepared for 2015. You can’t install a new scheme mid-season, especially with a bunch of injuries to veteran leaders.
    4) Our quarterback was exposed in the Purdue game. The announcer showed that when EG got pressure in the pocket he got happy feet and hesitated to pull the trigger on open throws. When you heard Kelly lament that EG didn’t follow the plan during many games as the season went on, this is what BK was talking about. EG regressed. You saw that, as the season went on and opposing coaches got tape showing this, they instructed their line and linebackers to not rush past EG but instead push the pocket in at him and get their hands up. This kept EG from running nearly as much and, being a short QB, made him more nervous and less able to see and complete throws from inside the pocket. As to whether this can be fixed, I don’t have the answer. I don’t think you can fix mental errors when a QB goes Rick Ankiel/David Duval. You just have to give EG some time off and hope he can get it together for fall camp. In the meantime, get Zaire experience in the bowl game.
    5) Yes I said bowl game. It would be terribly foolish to skip a bowl game. The players play hard all off season and during the grueling season, waking up in the dark to hit the weights, going to class, going to practice, study hall, bed…rinse, wash, repeat. Now that they earned a treat in the form of a bowl game you want to deny them that? Way to entice recruits and keep it about the kids all you old, too proud foolish armchair quarterbacks. Any coach will tell you that the extra weeks of practice are great for developing the kids. Plus, do you think the kids on the team want to leave that taste in their mouth from the USC game? No, they want the chance to show that they are better than that. Give them that chance.

    Look. It made me sick to see the USC coaches call off the dogs in the second half on Saturday. There was a point in the first half where we lined up in a defense that was vulnerable to a run off the left tackle and USC went right to that spot for 10 yards. ND lined up in EXACTLY THE SAME DEFENSE on the next hurry up snap and USC ran EXACTLY THE SAME RUN PLAY that got them another 10 yards and another first down. Just watch the tape on some of these games and you can see that once we got exposed on defense we had no chance to overcome the unusually high turnover and injury rates we experienced this season. I have faith that this coaching staff can regroup and learn over the spring and summer. They are recruiting well. Another firing and recruiting falls apart, we get another couple of years of turmoil, we move further down the coaching wish list due to blind impatience shown by university leaders and alumni. Don’t be ridiculous.

    • 1) Three starters, only one on offense, and his replacement led the nation in TD catches.

      2) Oh please. Fear Navy? Hike up your skirt. If we can’t handle a service academy, we should shut the program down.

      3) “Tempo isn’t employed widely”?? Give me a freaking break. And let’s ignore the years he’s coached in college already.

      4) We have other quarterbacks than just one. Maybe they should have played.

      5) A bowl game where we get “boat raced” again does absolutely zero for the program or the players. It’s not a “treat”.

    • Do you guys who keep making excuses for the inexcusable really believe what you write or are you just trying to be “that guy”? The players who were suspended (other than Hardy) never played a down this year; don’t you think that was enough time to plan/make adjustments for their absence? Let’s take all the teams off the schedule that Kelly has lost to or struggled against such as the vaunted Naval Academy, Tulsa, Northwestern, and South Florida. Saying that Van Gorder wasn’t prepared to handle up tempo offense is an indictment of the guy that hired him. Your litany of excuses about what’s wrong with Golson falls back on the guy who’s calling the plays and coaches him. If he can’t get the job done then he’s not good enough to be playing or the coach isn’t coaching him up. Hence, the call by many, going back to last year’s turnover filled season, to give Zaire a shot to see which one is the problem. Most people who have watched this offense the last 5 years know exactly what the problem is. If you think a trip to a third tier bowl like the Pinstripe Bowl in NYC in late December is a treat you need to get out more. I think most of us realize Kelly will not be fired, whether he should be or not is up for debate, but to say he shouldn’t be because it might affect the incoming recruiting class as a reason is ludicrous. Don’t regret what you’ve done, regret what you haven’t done.

  81. 1) I saw several drops of passes that were right on the money in the USC game, including at least two in a row from Zaire to wide open guys who simply had butter on their gloves. Three starters when paired with the cavalcade of injuries we suffered is a contributing factor. But to your point, it isn’t nearly the largest factor by any means.

    2) Say what you will about Navy. We only beat them by 10 this year 4 last year. Their kids treat the ND game like the Super Bowl. Why not schedule a total patsy like the SEC schools do? The mindset you display in telling me to hike up my skirt is why we get no credit for beating Navy. So why not schedule the likes of Georgia State?

    3) Since the start of this century (2000), BVG’s college coaching has only been in the SEC (Georgia ’01-’04 and Auburn ’12), where tempo was certainly not as prevalent as it was in other conferences.

    4) Kelly probably promised EG that if he came back to school he would have the starting job. This also helped the other suspended kids see that it is worth working to get back into ND and finish what they started. I’m not going to defend how Kelly handled EG, because part of being a coach is knowing how to press the right buttons with different types of players. But I think BK was really torn between the talent that EG has and his backsliding. Going 6-0 as starter you can’t pull the kid, and then you can’t give up on him after a few crummy games. But we have gone several games now and the David Duval factor is almost undeniable now. Plus Zaire wasn’t getting starter reps, so he probably has a limited playbook attached to him at this point in the season as well.

    5) Going to a bowl game is a treat for the players. Getting to go on the related field trips, dinners, fun events, etc. is enjoyed by them. This is about the kids after all, isn’t it? It isn’t about the fans and how we feel embarrassed watching some kids lose a game. Its OK to be disappointed that ND didn’t play well over the last month, but I’m not embarrassed. I don’t work for the team or coach it. It isn’t a reflection on me or my family. Let the players vote on going to a bowl game. If THEY vote not to go, then don’t go. But only the players should decide.

    • It’s freaking Navy. The fact that you fear them says a lot more about you than about Notre Dame.

      Treats are earned, not given out. Participation medals don’t do anything for anyone.

  82. For the first time ever, I did not watch the ND-USC game. I couldn’t bring myself to watch it, nor could I bring myself to be emotionally involved with it. I am just flat spent on ND football this season. Was glad to hear that Zaire FINALLY got reps. He should have been inserted during the ASU game. Maybe things might have been different. At any rate, I will look forward to whatever late December bowl game they get… or I may not even watch that game either.

  83. At least the Bama beat down was an NC appearance, this one at the hands of USC made ND look to be Pop Warner look a likes…..

  84. Please,
    No bowl game this time around! Avoid the additional embarrassment. N.D. will simply NOT win any bowl game. ND has a battered group of players who need rest and recuperation.