Kizer and Fuller Treat Irish to Win

DeShone Kizer hit Will Fuller with a 17-yard scoring strike with 2:09 remaining to lift Notre Dame to a hard fought 24-20 win over previously unbeaten Temple on Saturday night. The Irish offense struggled mightily throughout, as Kizer’s two red zone interceptions in the first half kept the game close. The determined Owls clawed back from a 14-10 halftime deficit to score ten fourth quarter points and take a 20-17 lead with only 4:45 remaining, but Kizer shrugged off his earlier mistakes and came through with clutch passes to Fuller and freshman tight end Alize Jones to guide his team to victory. A diving interception by KeiVarae Russell sealed the win for 7-1 Notre Dame.

The Irish wanted to establish superiority early in the contest and appeared to be on the right track when they took the opening kickoff and marched downfield for a 7-0 lead. Temple answered later in the first period with a field goal, and then stopped Notre Dame in the red zone with an interception on an ill-advised pass thrown under duress. The Owls offense found its stride and marched 94 yards to take a 10-7 lead. Jahad Thomas keyed the drive with a 40 yard run from deep in his own territory.

Kizer answered on the ensuing series with a 79-yard touchdown run on a zone read play where he pulled the ball away from C.J. Prosise and ran untouched around right end for the score. Leading 14-10 with just over a minute left in the half, Notre Dame had an opportunity to add to its lead but Kizer’s pass at the goal line was tipped into the air and picked off by Tyler Matakevich.

The Irish returned to the red zone in the third quarter, but had to settle for a Justin Yoon field goal for a 17-10 advantage. Sensing his team was still very much in the game, Temple’s P.J. Walker led the Owls back before a boisterous crowd. Walker hit Robby Anderson for 31 yards on a fourth down play to put Temple in scoring territory, and a targeting penalty on Elijah Shumate opened the door for Thomas to tie the game at 17 from one yard out and 10:51 left on the clock.

A sack and a personal foul derailed the next series for Notre Dame, and the Owls took over in good field position. Walker’s 21-yard scamper set up a 36-yard field goal by Austin Jones for a 20-17 Temple advantage. Once again, Kizer was able to summon the game-winning plays despite his struggles over the first 55 minutes of the game. His pass to Jones covered 45 yards and brought Notre Dame to the Owl 17 before the winning strike to Fuller.

After Russell’s interception on Temple’s last ditch series, the Irish attempted to run out the clock. The Owls had sufficient timeouts to force Notre Dame to run a fourth down play near midfield with five seconds left. With memories of the Michigan debacle fresh in everyone’s mind, Coach Brian Kelly eschewed the punt and ordered Kizer to loft a long pass down the sideline as the final seconds ticked harmlessly off the clock. Drama crept into the play, however, as Kizer dropped the ball on the ground upon taking the shotgun snap. Fortunately for the Irish, it bounced back into his hands and he was able to launch a deep pass out of bounds to end the game.

Defensively, Sheldon Day and Isaac Rochelle were dominant for the Irish. Untimely penalties and breakdowns in the secondary marred an otherwise solid performance, but it was primarily the failures by the offense that made the outcome closer than it needed to be.

Let’s look at the pregame questions for additional insight.

Will the Irish match the Owls’ early emotion and intensity, or start slowly once again? Notre Dame scored early, but Temple deserves credit for killing two subsequent first half drives with high-effort defensive plays.

Which team’s talented tailback will have the biggest impact? C.J. Prosise was a marked man for the Irish and could not get it going. This strategy by the Owls enabled Kizer to pick up 143 yards on the ground, however, so there was a price for them to pay. Thomas was largely held in check, but he did have that 40-yard run and the tying touchdown in the final period.

Will Temple’s surprising pass rush be able to pressure Kizer? The Owls created some pressure and caused some negative plays, but Notre Dame’s protection improved in the second half.

Can Walker carry the fight to Notre Dame through the air? Walker was only 13 of 30, although he did make a few positive plays that were enough to keep his team in the game.

Will the Owls get the better of the Irish on special teams? No, things were relatively even in that department with no significant plays for either team.

Which team will be burdened by penalties and turnovers? Both teams committed multiple 15 yard fouls that were costly at the time. Notre Dame was hurt much more by turnovers until Walker’s final pass.

Will the Irish defense finally avoid being gashed for long plays due to mental errors and sloppy play? There were still a few inexplicable lapses, such as allowing a flea flicker for over 20 yards, the 31-yard pass on fourth and four, and the 40-yard run by Thomas out of the shadow of his own goal, but Notre Dame survived.

How long will it take Notre Dame to turn the Owls into 7-1 pumpkins? It should have happened in 30 minutes, but it took every bit of 60.

The Irish must stay on the road and prepare for a Pittsburgh squad that historically gives Notre Dame all it can handle. The path to the playoffs nearly dead-ended on this spooky night, and one has to wonder if the Irish can remain in the conversation with monumental struggles against teams that have nowhere near their overall talent. While these shaky performances create great entertainment for the networks, this game was hardly a treat for fans of Notre Dame.


48 thoughts on “Kizer and Fuller Treat Irish to Win

  1. Great to get a win over a ranked team on the road but …..
    Three trips to the red zone with three points and two turnovers –on that leads to a TD for Temple. A good disciplined team with good play calling wins this game by 14 or more points. this was a classic Kelly game. lack of fundamentals, poor red zone offense and bad special teams seem to be now a signature for Kelly that has not improved despite over five years to do so. Same mistakes and problems year after year. I can’t believe we really let them hang around.
    By the way the completely classes act by Kelly of grabbing the staff (not sure who it was) and losing his cool should not be ignored by the university. We suspend players for a year for a lot of different reasons. he is the coach–that behavior is unacceptable. he should be reprimanded harshly by the school and perhaps more –what a totally classless thing to do. the coach is in a game fighting for the teams against a team they should have blown out and he loses his cool completely –wow. pretty bush league Kelly

    • It was the assitants strength and conditioning coach, David Grimes, who Kelly thought was about to get a 15 yard penalty for yelling at the refs. Kelly’s actions were totally appropriate.

  2. The team is wildly inconsistent with weird lapses, but I like how this kid manages to pull out wins. This might just be one of those strange teams that unexpectedly goes all the way.

  3. NDBonecrusher says:

    Spot on as usual Vannie, but I think perhaps you are being too kind. When oh when will ND ever learn to knock somebody down and keep ’em down? When are the red zone swings going to stop? So, so costly.
    I know I should be satisfied with a win. We were trailing late in the 4th when Kizer, Fuller, and even Russell (who stunk up the place for the previous 58 minutes) saved the day. But the lads were under no obligation to keep this close and a game that should have been a yawner was indigestion city. I thought ND was past two his but guess not. Interesting to see how the committee views our 1 loss record against all the others.
    Next week is big. Winning at Pitt has not been easy but they ought to be able to do that.

  4. The 2ndary is just horrible and Russell made one play all night be it the INT at the end. Up to that point this 2ndary was terrible. Although the offensive line protected Kizer well in the pocket they still are not getting any push in the trenches. the front 4 played great and especially Sheldon Day, he was all over the place. The LB’s were were good but why is Nyles Morgan not getting any playing time? Joe Schmidt is still not himself out there and Jaylon got schooled a few times out there as well on the crossing routes. These kids are not prepared by the coaches or either they just think they are better than everyone else. Next week in Pitt is gonna be more of the same and the IRISH may not be so lucky.

  5. When you have more talent than the other team, the way you lose a game is to have turnovers, commit penalties, and have breakdowns that kill your own drives and give up big plays to your opponents. ND did all of that, yet still won the game. You have to be able to win the games where you don’t perform well.

    But you also have to improve so those costly mistakes don’t happen again.

  6. Regarding Head coach: his side line tantrums reached a new high – JJ has to intervene!!
    Start by replacing AD and give play calling to Off Coordinator – Mr. Sanford

    • Word on the street is BK isn’t calling the offense this year, or at least not nearly as much as he has in the past.

  7. Play calling was terrible. No short, to the outside or screen type passes.
    No motivation, almost like sleep walking.
    Kelley cannot or does not show any motion. Just terrible

    • 467 yards of offense against the most prolific unit of a deservedly ranked team does not portend to “terrible” play calling

  8. A persistent problem in the Kelly era is the inability to power run for a score inside the ten. Eventually this will cost us a game. The secondary continues to be a problem by never challenging and conceding the short underneath pass. Tight man coverage is non existent. The dropped pass in the end zone by Temple was yet another weakness in the pass coverage. Blown zone coverage almost cost them the game. We won’t reach elite status until those issues are addressed. Unless the Irish correct the secondary problems, Pitt’s Tyler Boyd will have a field day against us. He may be the best receiver in the country……GO IRISH!

    • Which probably is among the reasons (if not the primary reason) ND leads the nation in red zone turnovers the last couple years.

    • NDBonecrusher says:

      You are correct mrm. I live here in Pittsburgh and watch a lot of Pitt Football. While I disagree that Boyd is better than our #7, no doubt he is special. We can either get to the QB or figure out how to cover someone, or it will be another long night. Next weekend is huge. Lots of highly ranked teams playing each other. If ND can play better on the road next weekend they will go out to Stanford with 1 loss. Stanford is beatable. Wazzu would have come away with a victory but for a missed field goal.

      • Bonecrusher, I’m also from Pittsburgh area. I quantified my Boyd statement with may. Attended Pitt Carolina game. Pitt secondary weak. Look for Fuller to have a huge day.

  9. I don’t remember a game where the size difference between the teams was so obvious on my TV. The ND players looked half again as big as the Temple players, yet I am somehow baffled how the O-line was not able to establish dominance.

  10. o line provides good protection but run blocking is terrible. Middle linebacker play has been terrible. time for a change at that position

  11. Give Temple some credit. They played Navy-like. I couldn’t believe how they were able to swarm CJ in the backfield. That, of course led to Kizer’s td run. They also had to pass interfere on every play, which is actually a smart tactic to give up 15 instead of 30 or a td, and occasionally you get away with it.

    But we matter of factly came back. Kizer is incredible. Fuller does it again and we win.
    In direct comparison to two of our main rivals, Michigan got lucky on the last play and Stanford needed a missed field goal, whereas we actually won our game.

    But we need to break the Pitt curse. I need us to win by 21 to feel good.
    Go Irish

  12. If Kelly had grabbed me like that, I would’ve dropped his rolle pollie butt right there on National TV. He’s a pompous ass and needs to go. He is embarrassing!

  13. Hard to figure what was worse, o-line run blocking or red zone offense. A Notre Dame team that has First and goal from the four yard line , and cannot push it in, is not a Notre Dame team.can’t wait to hear the excuses. Bad coaching by Kelly and his staff.

  14. Jake in California says:

    Good news: We won!!

    Bad news: Our “O” line got it’s butt kicked. Our “secondary” is very soft.. Special teams are
    barely existent.. Kelly does not know how to call plays in the “red zone’..

    We are “not’ an elite team.. We will struggle with Pitt..

    Yes, Temple played hard — but after six years of recruiting four stars recruits, this game should
    have been over after three quarters..

  15. I agree with most of the comments. I was at the game and the Irish were out coached and almost outplayed. The fact that ND has far superior talent made the difference. If Walker was more accurate and his recievers more sure handed the results would have been far worse. Coverage was terrible.The ND offensive line got no push.This was not a championship caliber team. They better come up with a far better effort if they are going to beat Pitt.

  16. Kizer still makes far too many mistakes. Two very poor throws resulted in red zone interceptions at the end of the half and took 6-14 points off the board. He continues to be slow in his progressions and constantly takes way too much time handing the ball off. To be fair, he also made all the plays on the final drive, culminating is a perfect touchdown pass to Fuller, and deserves credit for that.

    In my opinion, Wimbush will be a far better QB. Better QB IQ and presence, decisive in his judgments, bigger arm and much faster and elusive. However, Kelly made his choice with Kizer when Zaire went down, and will have to live with its consequences. Having a QB controversy at this stage of the year would be foolish. QB competition should be something to behold next year.

    Totally agree with the prior comments today about Joe Schmidt. He was invisible last night. For whatever reasons, Kelly is enamored with him and refuses to make the obvious change. Apparently it has to do with his play calling for the defense. But in terms of sheer talent, Morgan is far better. Schmidt is not the player he was before being injured. He cannot cover anyone in the passing game and has been missing tackles all year. This is incredibly frustrating to watch.

    Both Luke and Russell had terrible games. They were constantly beaten until Russell made a critical interception at the end of the game. The targeting call on Shumate was an absolute joke. He made an excellent tackle in jarring the ball loose from a receiver who ducked his head in the end zone on a third down play, which would have forced a field goal. Instead, with a gift first down, Temple ultimately scored a touchdown. The NCAA really needs to review that rule.

    The good news is that the Irish got an ugly win against an inspired, previously-undefeated Temple team. I’ll take it.

    • My 13 year-old lobbed off a “I like Joe Schmidt, but he’s terrible” comment this weekend. A little harsh, but his tackling has been weak at best. The Schumate call was pathetic, I don’t know what else he could have done to avoid that exact call; I don’t know how they expect defenses to account for split-second level changes by players on the offense.

      • I thought the exact same thing. Watching the replay on the Schumate call, he was actually turning his head AWAY from the receiver’s head to avoid the inevitable contact. I mean, he was coming over at full speed and then attempting to slow down before the receiver’s head made contact with the SIDE of Schumate’s helmet. It was a complete BS call all around.

  17. All of last year and through seven games this year I have bemoaned the fact that Harry Heistand and Brian Van Gorder
    get out schemed by opposing coaches way too often. Also the teams lack of poise at certain crucial times during a game forces them to scramble
    to beat inferior teams (Va, Temple) and lose to teams our equal (Clemson). If these two don’t go by end of this year then Kelly needs to go.

  18. Temple’s D is was tough. A lot of guys that have played tons of ball. There was a lot of trash talking going on and in the end, a win against a team like this will pay off in the future.

    Bill, please. You don’t sound tough. Kelly completely overreacted. But had you been watching the game instead of complaining about your team, you would’ve noticed how intense and heated the contest was. This “Kelly has to go” nonsense makes you sound like an idiot.

    • Jake from Ohio (not State Farm) says:

      I agree completely with what Felipe says, people need to give Temple, and specifically their defense, some credit.

      At the end of the day the Irish left at least 6, maybe 14, on the field with the red zone turnovers and still found a way to win.

  19. Not a lot that can be said that hasn’t been already by other posters, but even though I’m happy we won this team has more than one Achilles heel with the three most notable being a defense that continues to get gashed and gouged for big plays, atrocious run blocking by the o-line, especially in short yardage situations, and woeful red zone offense. It’s not likely these things will get corrected since it’s already the 9th game of the season and if by some miracle ND makes the playoffs they won’t last long with these glaring weaknesses.

    And I realize you can’t win them all by wide margins, but ND is supposed to have the 8th most talented roster in in the FBS and they rarely play like it. I doubt Temple is even in the top 40.

    • We’re ranked 8th. The readers of this board want ND to not just win but to win with authority. Look no further than to that QB from Toledo. When time was running out, he checked out of the planned run and put the ball right on #7 in double coverage. Before this season he was going to be setting up kicks. There is a lot of upside to Kizer and to the team. Knocking on the door to the playoff is an enviable position this year and the team has performed above expectations.
      Halcyon Ara’s of dominance never look so special at the time.
      Go Irish beat Pitt.

    • So, you think a team ranked #23 has talent level outside of the top-40? You’re not only clueless, you’re absolutely daft. Nothing more to be said.

  20. If anyone questions Kizer’s ability and performance to date they are out of their mind. What more could you possibly ask/expect of as red shirt frosh! I am surprised BK didn’t make a better adjustment on the 8 in the box and throw the ball to CJ like we did against Clemson.

    As a couple of guys commented on the Boards, if you can’t enjoy this season (mostly good with a little bad thrown in) then there is something wrong with you. But there is an obvious answer-don’t watch.

  21. On a different note: does anyone else think the targeting rule has to be changed? First off, how many of these calls area ctually incidental contact between helmets? If a player is clearly trying to injurethe other team, then eject them. However, in most of the ejections, this is not the case.
    Second, HAS anyone ever seen a targeting ejection overturned onre view? I have not. Why have it reviewed if it never is over turned?
    The NCAA should change the rule to be an automatic REVIEW. If the review crew believes the player was “Trying to injure the other team”, then the player is ejected.

    This zerotolerance automatic ejection rule is complete crap.
    Zero tolerance does not work in school. It also does not work in NCAA football.

    • I saw it once overturned two seasons ago. Alabama vs Texas A&M. That was CLEARLY not an attempt to target the other player. Unfortunately, the 15-yd penalty was not overturned, but the player was allowed to remain in the game.

  22. I’ll give the kids credit, this team has a lot of fight and never gives up. Finding a way to win is what good teams do. Having said that the areas for improvement are obvious and have been covered above. Most importantly I think is red zone scoring. At the very least take care of the ball as Yoon has proven to be a very accurate kicker and a field goal certainly beats heaving the ball right to the defense. There’s really no excuse for getting inside the 20 and coming away with 0 points. Of course it will happen on rare occasion but it’s unsettling and kind of baffling how it’s become a trend. Can’t help but wonder if this would be less of an issue with Zaire and Fulston healthy.

    Anyway a win is a win and all that right? 7-1 and being about 1 foot from being 8-0 is certainly not a bad year. Onward Irish! Be ready for a hungry Pitt team coming off a disappointing loss.

  23. Sorry, people. BK not to be blamed for all red zone errors. Kizer made a bad throw on the first interception. That series would have
    ended in a field goal if he takes the sack. Instead, Temple drives for a TD. 10 point swing. Second interception was outstanding defense
    by Temple. If we win out, losing by 2 to Clemson, who could be No.1 at end of season, we are a possible playoff team. If that happens,
    let’s have the naysayers admit that BK has pretty darn good coaching skills.

  24. Kelly probably saved a 15 yard penalty… but with the wrong actions. Of course, he would have been blamed for the penalty, which could have cost us the game.

  25. Still don’t understand no QB under center when running in red zone. Defense was in backfield on most run plays. Had good control of game till the turnovers, from a pass happy offense on a short field. Take the field goal. D-line was dominant.

  26. Given the amount of injuries this team has endured it is pretty remarkable to be 7-1 with a narrow road loss to a top 5 team. Few teams could lose their starting QB, RB, TE and defensive players like the Irish and still be a top 10 team. Those injuries, and the offensive line being overrated, is why the Irish struggle in nearly every game. It should be expected. Fun games to watch though.

  27. Well I was at the game.

    A few points:

    — Temple sold out to stop our RBs. That is why Kiser had a huge night running the ball. A more gifted running QB would have had a field day. It is hard to have a power running game out of the read option against 7 and 8 men crowding the line of scrimmage. Stop blaming the offensive line, hard to run when there is one more guy to block than you have blockers.

    — The playing surface was a mess. I was on the field. Footing was challenging. It made the fast team play slower. Big Advantage to Temple

    — The officials were allowing quite a bit of rough stuff by the secondaries of both sides. It definitely impeded the Irish wideouts ability to get separation. I think a flag could have been thrown at least 5 or 6 more times for defensive holding on Temple. No excuses, but a few more calls would have forced them to back off and opened up the passing game.

    — Temple played extremely well on defense. Their Mike linebacker played great. Give them some credit … they are legit.

    — You have to get points in the red zone. No excuses. 2 field goals are better than zero points.

  28. Excellent points by JT. Temple was undefeated, Irish were in a loud, hostile environment. We escaped with a W. Most teams that get this far have survived near upsets. I see nothing but confidence in the 4th quarter, and most games have come down to that. Kizer is the catalyst for that. Go Irish!

  29. I guess I have to get use to ND teams being the better team and playing to t
    he level of their competition against most teams and having to fight for a victory either late in a game or close yet ran out of time. Its kind of frustrating in the last few years to watch. This is nothing to take away from Temple …they played great! I’m happy for them!

  30. we should all be happy with the number 5 ranking but as many have said we need to play up not down to our competition. the redone offense is horrific and special teams in general are pathetic . It will be hard to make the playoffs and hard to win convincingly without that being corrected.