Defensive Collapse Renders Mission Impossible

Conrad Ukropina drilled a 45-yard field goal as time expired to give the Stanford Cardinal a 38-36 victory over Notre Dame on Saturday night. The Irish had gone ahead by a point with just 30 seconds remaining on a two yard bootleg by DeShone Kizer, but Brian VanGorder’s defense collapsed by allowing Stanford quarterback Kevin Hogan to pass his team into scoring territory. The gut-wrenching defeat ends Notre Dame’s regular season at 10-2 and destroys the team’s mission of making the four team postseason playoff.

The game was a see-saw battle throughout, but all of Stanford’s trips to the red zone resulted in touchdowns while the Irish squandered away four opportunities in scoring territory with three field goals and a lost fumble. If even one of those chances produced a touchdown, Notre Dame would be standing at 11-1.

The Irish did land a few haymakers on the Trees as C.J. Sanders returned a kickoff 92 yards for a touchdown, Will Fuller hauled in a 73-yard scoring pass and Josh Adams ripped off a 62-yard run to put the Irish ahead by 29-28 late in the third period. The Cardinal were more methodical but no less effective. They demonstrated precision and creativity in the red zone to produce five touchdowns in five trips, while Notre Dame was confused and impotent.

Hogan came back to direct Stanford on a long scoring march with the help of a questionable pass interference call. He then hit Austin Hooper for a touchdown on the first play of the fourth quarter for a 35-29 lead.

The Irish regained possession on its own 12 after a rare exchange of punts, and Kizer was once again a clutch performer for his team. He hung in the pocket and delivered a key third down pass to Corey Robinson, and made a few critical runs to move the chains as the clock ticked down.

After Adams ran for a first down at the Stanford two, Kizer faked a handoff and ran for the left pylon. Although he fell into the end zone and a touchdown was signaled, the play was reviewed by the officials. Replay seemed to indicate Kizer was a foot short of the goal line, but the play stood. As it turned out, the 30 seconds left on the clock was enough for Hogan to find Devin Cajuste open over the middle to set up Ukropina’s fatal dagger.

Let’s review the answers to the pregame questions for additional post-mortem.

Which quarterback will perform best under pressure? Kizer’s mental breakdown and fumble at the end of the first half cost his team three precious points, but his gutty final drive was as good as it gets. Meanwhile, Hogan calmly executed when it mattered most, which is what a fifth year senior is supposed to do. It didn’t hurt that the Irish failed to cover his receivers though.

Will McCaffrey advance his Heisman campaign at Notre Dame’s expense? Not really. He was good but not especially Heisman-like. The average Cardinal player that Notre Dame turned into a superstar was Cajuste.

Which star linebacker, Jaylon Smith or Blake Martinez, will be a difference maker? Neither defense had a particularly good game, but Smith was the better player between the two star linebackers.

Can Will Fuller bounce back and make the clutch receptions for the Irish? Fuller had a long touchdown and a few other nice receptions, but a fourth quarter drop on third down was an ugly moment for the Irish.

Which team’s depleted secondary can rise to the occasion? Stanford was not very good, but Notre Dame was downright awful. We saw the same inexplicable blown coverages that we’ve witnessed for twelve weeks now.

Which offense will convert its red zone opportunities? Did I mention that Stanford was five for five and Notre Dame was one of five?

Can Notre Dame make a compelling statement to the playoff selection committee? Yes, it was “Our defense is not ready for prime time.”

Looking back, the season played out like a novel in which the brave hero dies tragically in the end, leaving many tearful supporters in his wake. Perhaps the most devastating of all the injuries for Notre Dame was the last one that sidelined KeiVarae Russell, as the secondary was unquestionably the Irish Achilles Heel. On this final night, its mental mistakes and physical shortcomings were just too much to overcome.


126 thoughts on “Defensive Collapse Renders Mission Impossible

  1. I think I read we had 9 starters lost to season ending injuries. And we still ended up within a field goal and 2 point conversion (plus overtime) against top 10 teams from being undefeated.

    In order to be national champs, you have to have talent (check), good senior leadership (check), avoid injuries (nope), and catch a couple of breaks in the big games (not really). It just wasn’t our year.

    • The Ugly Truth says:

      Shoulda, woulda, coulda. By your own argument we were about 10 points away from being an 8-4 team as well (Virginia and BC come to mind). This team is 10-2, period. Get used to that and stop trying to justify reasons behind an undefeated season that didn’t happen.

      With the history of injuries this program suffers from year in and year out, maybe someone should take a look at the conditioning side of things.

      • BurroTrailAlum says:

        “Shoulda, woulda, coulda. By your own argument we were about” 4 “points from being a” 12-0 team – with 12 starters and nearly that number of backups on the Injured List.

        While “conditioning” could be looked at, most of the injuries were ‘freak’.

        • You gave 2 examples, there were 9 injuries. Two straight injury-plagued seasons points to conditioning, and blaming injuries points to a lack of depth and bad coaching because the 2nd stringers aren’t prepared.

          • ImrightYurwrong says:

            Actually, most of the 2nd/3rd stringers that did play were well prepared, having said that, you can only withstand so many injuries before they take a toll.

          • I would look at the equipment that the team is using. Nothing against UA but there seemed to be a lot less leg, knee & lower body injuries when Adidas was outfitting the team. Maybe the footwear is the cause of all the lower body injuries.

        • All other analysis aside, this season shows Irish Football is remarkably deep. Bodes well for the future. Irish fans, were you not entertained? Yes, you were.

          • The Ugly Truth says:

            Bodes well for the future… We have all been waiting for this “future” for about 10 years. It should be here by now.

            Oh I forgot, we’re Notre Dame, we only live in the past and for the future, but never in the present.

          • Deep if you never plan on winning a national championship, and that’s what I thought ND fans were after, unless we have Minnesota expectations. The lack of depth is most apparent on the D-line and in the secondary. RB is the most replaceable position, followed by QB as witnessed over the past 2 years. Ask yourselves what was the biggest win this season? USC . . . Navy??? The nail biter at UVA?

  2. Mark Napierkowski says:

    Crushing loss. Stanford red zone vs. ND red zone is the difference. Great job neutralizing McCaffrey. Secondary was poor, though, as demonstrated by performance of Cajuste. We would not have made the playoffs anyway, with Oklahoma outcome tonight. But the loss is still brutal and gut-wrenching. I don’t think injuries can explain the red zone circus – not this late in the season. This is a BK thing. If we play Ohio State in bowl game and win, that would be a great way to finish a very good season. Finish in or near the top 5.

    • Putting aside whether we can beat Ohio State, anyone who describes this season as “great” or even “good” needs to raise their standards. Losing two games where you weren’t beaten so much by the opponent as you beat yourself is a failure.

      Should Kelly lose his job? Of course not. Perhaps VanGorder should. If Kelly insists on keeping him, and we find ourselves bemoaning another galling loss at the Coliseum because of incompetent defense, Kelly may find the decision to pink slip VanGorder out of his hands. And it might not be the only pink slip issued.

      • Van Gorder always starts the season strong and fizzles away. We were supposed to have 6 starters at linebacker, but could never pressure the QB on LB blitzes! The missed tackle that let the receiver walk into the end zone was pathetic because the receiver hardly moved, the corner just put his head down and didn’t wrap up. The D-line also didn’t have the game it needed to step up and make up for the beleaguered secondary by pressuring the QB. I’ve never seen a fan base that makes so many excuses for mediocrity.

  3. After the BC game, there should have been no doubt about this team being a serious contender for anything.

    The classic ending for this season would be for them to get into an ambitious bowl game and have s 50 points on them.

    • NDBonecrusher says:

      Nice, Fulk. Nice. A couple freshmen take them to the brink of the playoff and your sentiment is that you hope we get our asses handed to us in the Bowl game? Clearly an Ohio State or Michigan supporter.
      Nothing to add to Vannie’s expert dissection. D was porous, O didn’t get in the end zone. I know that grit don’t win games-points do. But my goodness. Save one HUGE mistake Kizer looked fantastic. Lot of positives to take away from this. A message to all you haters who, like Fulk, would rather see ND lose so you have something to bitch about: NO WAY the teams of the recent past sustain the number of departures to injury and drama and go 10-2. No chance at all.
      Rub some dirt on it, kick a locker, smooch your girlfriend, and get ready for a damn nice Bowl game. Which will not be in the playoffs.

      • hurts but its all part of the game. dc really should be replaced. a zone d with 30 sec on the clock come on…………man to man and we are probably 11-1 and #4 in the play off ……yep really hurts but congratulations to the Irish for hanging in there no excuses but a heck of a lot of injuries…..good luck in our bowl game hopefully 11-2 year for us would be just fine

      • The Ugly Truth says:

        It’s not “hoping” as much as it is “predicting” what is going to happen. Just wait and see the ugly truth about this team unfold before your eyes when we’re pummeled by some other team (OSU seems to be floating around) that is hungrier and better prepared than we are.

        • There is no precedent for this team being pummeled by anybody in 12 games. if the number #1 and the probable #6 team beat us by 2 points, what makes you think OSU and their less than 200 yards against MSU will turn the trick. Your vitriol for Notre Dame football hides behind a very thin veneer.

  4. Van Gorder needs to be fired…this one is on him. how do you play prevent D and only rush 3 when all Stanford needs is a FG? especially when they have a kicker who can hit from 50+ yards. absolutely unacceptable. Hogan was probably ready to piss his pants and you don’t blitz him? makes zero sense. hate that strategy. Red zone efficiency is the difference…and that turnover. I said before the game if ND loses the turnover battle they lose. true story tonight. Now we can look forward to an Ohio State pummeling in the Fiesta Bowl. 10-3’d

    • Completely agree that it’s time to fire the defensive coordinator. The defense never understood his coverages. These are 18-21 yr olds, not professionals like VanGorder used to coach. All yr (and every yr since he’s been at ND), the kids just don’t get his defense. As soon as we scored with 25 seconds still remaining, I knew he’d go Prevent D and blow the game. Until VanGorder goes, our beloved Notre Dame will play a leaky defense. He’s not man enough to quit and admit he has sucked, so he has to be fired.

    • Hogan is a fifth year senior who was incredibly ready for the moment. I don’t like BVG either but saying Hogan was ready to piss his pants is disrespectful to the kid and very naive.

      • I was riled up..I understand where you’re coming from but some pressure wouldn’t hurt. For the reason you stated (5th year senior) we could not afford to give him 3 days to sit in the pocket and look for receivers. Some blitzing and pressure could have saved us from all of this pain.

    • I can’t believe people keep blaming BVG for the prevent defense. Was VanGorder at ND in 2011 when Notre Dame played Michigan this game looks a lot like that one. What about 2013? Wasn’t the defense “bend but don’t break” then?

      The only constant here is Brian Kelly, this is the defense he wants. Kelly has said so many times. VanGorder coached defense for the Georgia Bulldogs and the Jets, these teams didn’t play prevent defense when he was there.

      In the game yesterday there were a few critical plays on defense where only 3 rushed, every time I see it I want to turn my T.V. off.

  5. Ghost of Joe Moore says:

    The good, the bad and the ugly… The good, as a fan you couldnt ask more of Kizer. The guy did an
    Awesome job and the only time he looked like a true freshman was against BC.
    He recovered nicely! The bad, the Irish never took care of business when they had to.
    Weak wins over lessor opponents and lack of preparation especially in big games
    especially night games. The ugly, Diaccos failure to adjust to the throw back pass
    pass play in three straight ocassions the resulted in three TD’s and the expected
    passes over the middle vs Stanford that sealed the fate of the Irishs’ chances of a playoff
    spot in the playoff. Overall, i have more respect for this team than the
    2012 team. Lots of character but lots of work to do to be a serious contender
    for the NC. Need to put a boot on the throat of lessor teams and not play down to
    that level. Catching the ball in big games would help too. Great season overall
    all things considered..GO IRISH!

  6. Why do I end up under the coffee table watching these games. If we get a good holiday bowl game, I’m going to completely relax and not give a fit about what happens. Sometimes I think it might be best to record the game, and check what the results were, before going back to watch. Especially recommended for heart patients.

    • What an idiotic way to defend with 30 seconds on the clock. Injuries and coaching mediocrity sealed our fate this year. BK and crew lived down to my expectations once again. On to Hoops. Go Irish!

    • Agree Jack. Once that kick split the uprights I lost interest in the playoff games and now could care less except for th bowl game, which I hope they play vs OSU. My wife is an alum and I’m from OH but not a frickin Buckeye and seek revenge for the home n home series in the mid 90sthat OSU took and which she reminds me of every year. Why does Kelly go for 2 so early in a game. How can we have All Americans on defense and look like a sieve. Thanks Irish for delaying my annual depression this long? And our hoops tears? Losing to Monmouth? I’ll retire to bedlam. Slade 77

  7. Yeah Stanford, rush the field. Your 5th year QB and Heisman candidate RB beat our 2nd string QB & 4th string RB, in a game in which you were favored to win (and didn’t cover).

    Certainly feel bad for the team, but at least the loss saves us from a bunch of knuckleheads discussing how we “need” to join a conference.

  8. Would someone please fire that idiot Van Gorder! 2 years with no semblance of a defense. Last one this bad was Gary Darnell in ’91, when Lou was obligated to take over for the Sugar Bowl.

  9. The highlight of our year was two ‘good’ losses. The fact of the matter is that we don’t play a tough enough schedule. The IRish offense was first rate tonight, first rate. The defense was simply sad. We barely got the offense a play in the first quarter. Kelly’s teams play down to lesser opponents, and have a hard time stepping up for the big ones. Doubtless, he has assembled a lot of talent. We have had many injuries. But the next five years of scheduling is more of the same error. It’s not going to help us to add Ohio State in ’22. They need to make the Shamrock game a big time game right now.

  10. Heartbrokeirish says:

    Well I’m glad we got beat. It would not have been good to make the playoff and get EMBARASSED.
    I’ve been watching all year and telling everybody our defense isn’t good enough and our offensive line is WAY underperforming.
    Brian VanGorder needs to go. With all the speed and talent we have, there is absolutely no excuse for the lack of pass rush, the lack of focus, blown coverages, mental break downs and big plays given up all year.
    Hiestand is a mediocre line coach at best. Everybody all year said we had such a great O line, but they can’t get the job done when it matters. There is NO excuse to not be able to punch it in when we get in the red zone. Nobody expects us to score TD 100% of the time but is 50% too much to ask? It is with this team. If Kelly is smart he will spend the entire break before the bowl game working on fundamentals. We don’t tackle well, we don’t block well, we don’t Rush the QB well and our red zone offense sucks. If we don’t get a whole tougher on both sides of the ball we will get EMBARASSED in our bowl game because it won’t be against a Temple or Navy. It will be against a marquee opponent who plays defense and scores points in the red zone.

      • So a 10-2 record with two last second losses to the No. 1 and 9 teams in the country on the road by two points each made you concerned about the Irish being embarrassed had they made the playoffs? Really?

        • pj, I’m with you. Why does anyone think we will get embarrassed? Yes, there is much deficient in the secondary but overall this team can compete with any in the nation. I also wish people would stop with joining a conference nonsense. No way our schedule gets tougher by joining any conference unless it is the SEC West, and with the average player IQ over there it isn’t happening. ND is just fine where it is.

    • Stanford’s defense played exactly like they did all year. Keep stuff in front until the red zone and then use the back line and short field as an extra defender to protect their weak CBs. BTW the OL owned Stanford most of the night.

  11. As soon as we scored w/ 30 sec. to go, I thought, well if we blitz Hogan hard, there’s no way they get in
    FG position to win.
    I was appalled when I saw the 3 man rush – I knew instantly that ND was done.

    The game leaves a bitter taste in my mouth and I hold Kelly responsible = failure to supervise his D

    • I say we press charges! Kelly is a fraud and must be held accountable. I’d say a 10 year prison sentence would be sufficient.

  12. Agree with GG, BVG must go. Only rushing 3 on last Stanford drive was stupid. BK can’t win against top competition and chokes in big games. Red zone offense was terrible and play calling was worse. If we ever want to return to glory we need a head coach who can manage a game with a defensive coor who knows how to play D.

  13. Imagine how outcome would have been different on one play: If Kizer’s last touchdown is reversed, we have first and goal on the one yard line and we score with no time left. Such are my dreams. We will be very good next year. Go Irish!

    • I thought about ways to eat that last 30 secs, like taking a knee a couple of times without dropping too far back….but that 0-4 inside the 25 made me think that any TD was a good TD. If we can’t play 30 secs of defense, then we are not the team that we need to be.

      It been said here a number of times: win or lose, we were not one of top 4 teams in the country when the dust cleared Saturday night. Let’s be honest about that. It is the medicine to swallow 15 years into the 21st century: if your program plays for the Natl. Championship and you are 5th best or worse, your season is thought to be a failure.

      I disagree like most here, however. We were not deep enough to overcome alot of the injuries, but discovered some outstanding young talent (Kiser, Adams, etc.) along the way. I was entertained this year, never saw any quit in this team, and see good things for the next couple of years. 106 or so teams will watch the Playoffs on TV with ND — it will eat us up inside and drive us to find a way to get there next year. That all you can do. GO IRISH!

  14. If someone told at the beginning of this season ND would finish 10-2 I would have laughed in their face based on last years finish. As was stated, ND was just 4 point from being undefeated this year. Yes the defense played bad but the offense was no help either by only getting 3 points in 3 separate trips to the red zone. Kelly needs to be more creative in how to score in the red zone. This team is a “TEAM”, it shows in all aspects. They play hard and they loose hard but they don’t point fingers and that is a good thing. I think ND will get a good bowl and will be prepared and hopefully build on a win for next year. GO IRISH!

    • The Irish sorely lacked a service-able tight end to make the RZ trips a better experience. I suspect next year the offense will be fantastic. The D, on the other hand, need to make up for the lose of Jaylon and Day. Difficult to do. I’m not ready to dump BVG until after next year when he has more of his recruits in place. Hopefully, he tweaks a few things.

    • NDBonecrusher says:

      Preach, Brother Brian. All these trolls (except you, I guess) forget from whence we came only a short while ago. Anyone remember USC last year? I do. And it sucked. This team had just as many injuries to key personnel but “next man in” proved to be for reals this time around. Of course I’m not doing handsprings of joy over 10-2. But sure could have (and in fact has been) worse. At the very least, all players, coaches, and fans know that “next man in” is not just coach speak-it’s the expectation. They will be rested for the bowl game and maybe even get some guys back. I don’t know if they will win, but I don’t see ANYONE blowing us out.

      • I guess my source of frustration is I don’t see our shortcomings this season being due to the injuries. Yes, there were a lot of them, but I can’t point to either loss and say “we lost that game because so many guys were hurt”. If it were a case of guys just being physically outmatched, that would be one thing. But the losses this year were mostly due to substandard coaching on the defensive side of the ball, and we saw that last year.

  15. I couldn’t handle watching the game because I feared the mistakes ND would make. So I taped the game and intended to watch it only if we won. I turned the game on with 2 minutes to go and watched the final TD by Kizer. With only 30 SECONDS TO GO (!!) I assumed the game was in the bag so I switched the recording to the beginning, and watched the entire game, relaxed in the assumption that ND had won. When I saw the defense collapse in those last seconds I was absolutely stunned. My mistake…next time I will not assume that 30 seconds is too short for Van Gorder’s defense to blow it.

  16. Very funny statement about recording the game. I have said for years that the best seasons were when I simply recorded the games and spent the autumn Saturdays walking the campus with my young kids. We would watch maybe a quarter of the game, go to the bookstore and then drive home listening to Halloween music. If ND won, I watched the game. If we lost, I erased the game. It was better because the stress of the blown time outs, fumbles without contact, dumb play calls, interceptions, etc. did not stress me out because I knew we would ultimately win. When it’s live, even a win at the end does not undo the stress damage experienced during the game. My running joke is that this practice added years to my life. Now with my kids grown, I’m back to watching the games in real time and have probably lost those years I had gained. Oh, well!

    Once the team learns to put away the lesser opponents as they should, the wins over quality programs will become more frequent.

    A good season that shows a program and head coach moving in the right direction. I have great hope and expectations for the Irish under Kelly. We need to shore up the defensive coaching and stop chasing 2 point conversions in the third quarter. We usually miss on those attempts and that tends to deflate the momentum gained by the touchdown. But I am just a fan, not a coach. Go Irish.

  17. I’ve defended Kelly on here quite often but if you were an anti Kelly guy this game definitely adds fuel to the fire. I’m not talking about their inability to stop Stanford late because there is D is sub par. Schmidt played like a walk on this whole season and there corners even being banged up don’t cover to save their life. I’m talking about Kelly calling a timeout with 35 secs left. There was no reason to do that. Run the clock down from the 3 yard line and with 2 timeouts you have 4 plays and can run anything. There was no reason to give them the ball back with even 30 secs left. They have now become a team that is good enough to lose close to all the best teams. Maybe a big improvement over the last 20 years but not quite there yet.

  18. 3 things were consistent this year-
    1. We can’t make stops in 4th quarter
    2. We can’t operate a good red zone offense
    3. The pre and post game articles by Vannie are the best anywhere! Thank you John for another great year of work!

  19. Conrad Weymann says:

    A prevent defense rushing 3 linemen was a huge mistake. Give a good qb and decent receivers enough time and they’ll complete a pass. Unfair to the kids who played their hearts out. Van Gorder has to go.

  20. Well, I’m not surprised by the results of this game given how we have been playing the all season. 10-2 is a very good season were compared to other programs would be considered a great season! Having said that, now we have to wait and see where the chips may fall. Hopefully, the Orange Bowl or Fiesta Bowl would be a nice way to end the year. Now it’s about getting and convincing those recruits to stay with us.

    On a lighter note, Merry Christmas IRISH FANS. Health and happiness from my family to yours. See you next year (after New Year’s Eve).

  21. Hats off to a good season. The lads left it out on the field and I am proud of their effort. Injuries were overcome and 10-2 marks a successful season. Now for some dopey observations.
    1. This is a good football team, but certainly not a championship team.
    2. The ground game tends to be impressive due to a maturing O line.
    3. Will Fuller is an amazing player.
    4. This team consistently plays to the level of their competition.
    5. We have no tight end participation in this offense.
    6. The secondary is consistently burned for big plays.
    7. I remain suspect of BVG’s coaching ability. Last night’s defense leading up to the field goal was inexcusable and, frankly, baffling.
    8. Justin Yoon is money.
    9. The spring QB competition will be exciting.
    10. BK is winning a lot of games, just not the big ones.

    I know, I’m a moron. Happy Thanksgiving.

  22. Terrible way to lose. The Irish offense played really well but we could’nt stop an average Standford team. The coaches better be recruiting corners as we speak. Great year despite all the injuries. Go Irish! I hate Shaw.

  23. The Pac-12 officials screwed the Irish out millions of dollars and a possible playoff birth. Kizer was down. The Irish could have ran two more plays and force Stanford to burn one of their timouts. I do agree with GG, a prevent defense only prevents you from winning. You have put pressure on the QB, but the face mask didn’t help either. Terrible red zone offense too and defense.

  24. I’m very proud to be a ND fan this morning. The game against Stanford was a hard fought game and ND left it all on the field. Considering they lost 9-11 starters this year, I think the season was a success…not as successful as we would have hoped…but a success nonetheless. There will be those diehards that expect perfection, in an imperfect sport, who will demand that Kelly and Van Gorder be fired, but this team acquitted itself very well, and only 4 points and two plays kept them from competing for the prize. Well done Team 127.

  25. Yep, ND does stand for no defense.

    If ND just converted one of their red zone trips into a touchdown instead of a field goal they would have won. Or, if Kizer did not fumble in the red zone and they came away with three points instead of zero they would have won (most likely).

    I knew the atrocious red zone offense would eventually cost us a game and it did. Ditto for the the appalling coverage and open field tackling by the defensive secondary. And this is why ND is 10-2 and agonizing over missing the playoffs instead of 11-1 or possibly 12-0. I hate to quote Charlie Weis, but you are what you are.

    Congrats to the seniors and overall a very good season, but it still could have been one for the ages if some of the fundamental issues cited above were corrected.

  26. I am very disappointed with the result, but certainly not with the effort. The fact is that Stanford played a a little better than Notre Dame last night and earned the victory. Kevin Hogan and Devin Cajuste both had outstanding games for the Cardinals.

    Unfortunately, three critical mistakes were the biggest factors in costing the Irish the victory. First, the DeShone Kizer fumble at the end of the first half when he failed to protect the ball in all likelihood cost the team a field goal. (Kizer otherwise played a terrific game.) Second, Amir Carlisle dropped a wide-open pass in the flat inside the 10 yard line in the third quarter that would have been a touchdown. Third, the face mask penalty on Isaac Rochell after ND had just taken the lead 36-35 with 30 seconds left in the game cost the Irish 15 critical yards and turned what would have been a second and 10 into a first down. Even with the Cajuste catch for 27 yards, which of course never should have occurred with a three-man rush, Stanford would have been well short of field goal range with time about to expire.

    Agree with John that ND’s inability to score touchdowns in the red zone was also huge. On ND’s second trip to the red zone in the first half, overly conservative play calling was the cause. On the third trip to the red zone in the first half, a mysterious offsides penalty of Nick Martin was the culprit. On the third quarter red zone trip, as noted above, Amir Carlisle dropped a TD pass.

    There were also some questionable calls that went against the Irish like the long pass that kept a Cardinal drive alive in the first half on third and long after being called incomplete on the field by an official who was in perfect position to make the call. There is no way from the replays shown that there was conclusive evidence that the receiver’s foot was in bounds, as it appeared his toe was also on the sideline. The pass interference call on Cole Luke was a joke and also kept a drive alive. Both drives resulted in Stanford touchdowns.

    Hats off to Jaylon Smith, Sheldon Day, Max Redfield, DeShone Kizer, Josh Adams and Will Fuller for awesome games. Too bad it was not enough. I do disagree with John’s criticism of Will Fuller for the one ball he failed to catch. While Fuller got his hands on the ball, it was was an extremely difficult catch on a ball fading high and to his right that he had to dive up and out to attempt to catch.

    In my opinion, Notre Dame had a terrific year given all of the injuries to starters that the team had to endure, many more than any of the other National Championship contenders. Finishing with a 10-2 record, where the only two losses were by two points each to the No. 1 and 9 teams on the road, and where those two games literally went down to the final plays, is pretty darn good. I think we all have to salute the coaching staff and the players. I also agree with other posters on this board that with the performances of Oklahoma and Michigan State, it is extremely unlikely that a 36-35 win would have catapulted the Irish into the final four. Hopefully, a victory over a strong opponent in a bowl game will cap an excellent season and set the stage for an even better 2016.

  27. Overall, a nice season but our red zone offense and our poor pass defense along with losing( by my count) 16 key players due to injury, transfer and eligibility issues kept it from being special…Continuing defensive breakdowns make me question whether BVG is the right guy to run the defense….

    Lets hope that we play a beatable opponent in our bowl game….and get back some of our wounded so we can put our best foot forward…GO IRISH!!!

  28. Kelly’s spread offense tendencies are what deprived the Irish of a go-to red zone stragegy. What a waste of a stellar ground game. This team, in the hands of Lou Holtz, wins going away. Slashing 10 yard gains everywhere you look and he starts throwing on first down in the second half? Then sends Adams on an end around when ND is kicking the butts of Stanford’s D-line? What a waste. Having said that, Kelly has rescued us from the days of embarassment with his brilliant recruiting of playmakers. The fact that this team was in this position this late in the season makes them one of my favorite Irish teams, up there with the ’93 team. I love Harry Hiestand. Long may he stay at ND. We learn from our failures, so I expect to see improvements next year. Final fixit item: In this era, style points do matter, so playing down to your competition and winning in shabby fashion is now known beyond all doubt to come with a big price.

  29. As I said on the post after the game the secondary lost the game. 36 points should have been enough to defeat Stanford. I also said, as many others have, that a 3 man rush and a prevent defense when all that Stanford needed was a FG was dumb. The kids played hard and had a good season, better than I had predicted when the season began and before the injuries. I agree with others that BVG is not the right fit. Kelly is doing a good job all in all. Go Irish!

  30. Agree that BVG has to go. The defense has been confused all year, and the last Stanford drive was the perfect example. Plus, you would figure a genius like Kelly would figure out a red zone offense that works. He always blames it on “lack of execution.” That is why we have coaches. When you have a lack of execution all year long, that is on Kelly and his sfaff.

  31. The Ghost of Everett Golson says:

    This game served as an explanation point on ND’s shortcomings.

    First, Brian Kelly’s play-calling in the clutch, particularly in the red zone is awful. The plays are unimaginative and he fails to make the necessary adjustments. In the red zone, because the safeties come down into the box you have to spread the formation four or five wide and pick your poison. How many times did the Irish run the dive play up the gut into a swarm of bodies? Where was Amir Carlisle last night? If I didn’t know better, I would’ve thought he was a healthy scratch. The naked boot DeShone ran was a thing of beauty, but why was that the first time we ran the play ALL season??? That little misdirection near the end was awesome, but again, why do we see so few plays with that level of creativity? And the last point is that silly move where the guys freeze and look to the sidelines for their mommy has got to go.

    Second, Van Gorder’s D calls at the end sucked for sure, but does Kelly get none of the blame in that switch? Everyone knows that in that situation you simply cannot rush three guys and let a guy like Hogan pick you apart. Everyone evidently except BVG and BK. The tackling from the secondary left a lot to be desired.

    All in all still a great year. How many programs have this level of success year in and year out? But look out. Kelly’s headed to the NFL next year for sure.

  32. Ok so I am with most if you that say BVG should go. We did not play fundamentally sound defense at all this year, and we didn’t really have the right type of end rushers or CBs to play the type of D he coaches. When you preach the blitz and you never get sacks when bringing extra pressure you are going to lose. I absolutely can not understand playing prevent when a team needs 40yds and a FG. Sanford really didn’t have the speed to beat ND over the top so prevent is extra stupid.

    Overall thought I think the was a very fine year and a year we got to see lots of kids step up when given the opportunity. Adams is awesome and so is Kizer.

    To those who say we will get blown out by a good team in a bowl game…..where is your evidence? We have two losses, on the road, by a combined 4pts against the #1 and likely #7 teams. We didn’t even play well against Clemson having 4 fumbles and a bunch of drops. Even last year against the defending champs on the road we were essentially robbed to lose to FSU.

    So get off of BKs nut sack. The program is improved and we are competing in every game. Sure maddening things still happen like our inability to run in short yardage or ever generate a pass rush but overall the program is soooooooooo much better than it has been since Lou departed.

    To those saying we play a weak schedule…….Are you stupid? This year we played both the Pac12 champ game reps, Clemson is in a conf champ game, Temple in a conf champ game. Texas and GT are winning programs that underperformed (even though they beat OK and FSU) and Virg, Wake, and BC all .500 teams that had bad seasons. I love it how we beat Wake by 21 and its a bad win while Clemson beats them by 20 and its fine. So our schedule is fine and if we went 11-1 we should have gotten in.

    No way we drop bellow 10 and we will go to BK’s second major Bowl. I don’t fear tOSU or any big ten team. FSU would be a nice matchup…… that we know were out of the playoffs who would you like to matchup against?

  33. Kevin from Reading, PA says:

    I’m still not over the loss. We still would have been squeezed by the committee. However if you look at the last two plays we had a lineman drop, not rush and just stood about two yards from the line of scrimmage. What was his job? Spying the QB? Made no sense. The face mask hurt but giving up the 25 yard pass was inexcusable. The prevent the win defense prevails again. I’m not blaming BVG until I know it was his call alone. Great final drive by the offense. I’m very proud of this team just disappointed for the players. They made us proud. If we get Ohio State we might give up 50 points.

  34. I don’t get all the talk about Kelly has to go. Are you guys nuts. He has created a PROGRAM at ND for the first time since Holtz. How do you think we were able to gut out this season? We did because the program had recruited and developed the next man in. The story is still out of the him. The same players make the same mistakes but the recruiting/injuries in this area has no answers yet in the pipeline. For the Schmidt haters what did you think of the bonehead penalty by Morgan on the return late in the game. Might give you pause over wanting him to run the defense. The deck was stacked against us this year. Too many injuries and players just unable to learn on defense. Let’s move on and get some folks healthy for the Bowl game and kickoff the 2016 campaign with a win. Go Irish!

  35. In order to win, somebody needs to step up, but BK’s teams have no leadership because like Chip Kelly he has no connection to his players and staff. Jaylon Smith’s stupid narcissistic episodes with the cheesy bowling ball celebration and pointing to the captain symbol prove he can’t lead because he’s more concerned with highlights than wins, plus he won’t play linebacker in the NFL because he cannot stop the power runs and messes up gap assignments, they will have to move him to defensive end. Why does the offense freeze every time it gets in the red zone? Kizer looks so lost, he turns the ball over just out of angst because his coach can’t make the offense simple and effective enough and rehearses so he knows what to do when he gets down there; how can the passing game be so complicated with 3-5 receivers split out every play? The good news is they have the big play potential at RB and in Fuller, but somebody who drops half of the shorter and mid-ranged passes thrown to him isn’t ready for the next level. I also noticed the receiver run very poor routes and really don’t try to get open. The little things win ball games, tenacity wins ball games, heart and love of your team love ball games; unfortunately, you could tell from the outset how this game was going to go, especially with the red zone weakness. I don’t think Kelly can handle this level of College Football, his teams at Cincinatti were more competitive in big games against WVU and Pitt, who were on par with Stanford, and we know they couldn’t compete with the top 5 teams of that period. This is as good as it will get, and to give up the tradition that ND represented for a century for a classless tyrant who put in a megatron, plays Ozzie Osbourne, and puts in turf, and assaults staff isn’t worth 5 championships.

  36. Our toughest game will be coming up next month. As occurs occasionally during the season it will likely be a team comparably talented and determined. To win or lose may boil down to one element: luck.

    Lou mentioned that after the 88 season. Blue Gray Sky had a suggestion in that regard and that was taking a moment for a little prayer to St. Barbara (patron saint for landmines and cannons). Remember Harry Oliver’s last minute field goal against Michigan assisted by an unscheduled gust of wind. It was documented that all the nun’s prayers had caused that.

    It might not hurt for a change; that is, having a little luck.

  37. As the saying goes, all a prevent defense does is prevent you from winning. Stanford redzone offense was very good, with imaginative but relatively safe play calls. I wish we would have run the plays they ran. Special teams are starting to become special again, as in the days of Holtz. Defense under-performs too often to make a title run. The talent is there for the most part. The scheme used by BVG seems to be nothing more than over-coaching by someone who is consistently out-coached. Let your talent win the game. They don’t need to be in perfect position to make the play. Simply let them be in position to make a play with their athletic ability instead of putting them in positions where they can get beat for big gains. And if you are going to play prevent defense, maybe pull some of our slower players and put in faster DBs (assuming we had any left). For me, the defensive scheme woes are far more significant than the offense’s redzone problems. Overall, I agree with the poster who says this is his favorite team since the ’93 team. Fixes are still needed (like getting a new chart on when to go for 2) but these are only fixes. The overhall needed after Weis is now a thing of the past. Kelly is the right guy in my view. Go Irish.

  38. Kelly is a great coach and our talent is by far the best it has ever been. We clearly have issues with teaching defensive backs how to cover receivers who run free in our secondary every game. The three man rush at the end of the Stanford game was foolish and most of us watching knew it signaled the end. Why didn’t BVG know this? Poor secondary play from our four stars back there has been a problem for as long as I can remember. We need to make fixing this our highest priority or we will continue to suffer. Please get someone to teach our secondary to cover aggressively and intimidate rather than passively trying to tackle after another big gain. It’s truly driving the rest of us nuts so, Coach Kelly, please do something about it now. Other than that, no complaints!

    • Yes, the DB coach needs to go. I am sick and tired of watching them in great position, but NEVER LOOKING FOR THE BALL!!!

  39. 1988: the LAST National Championship for the Fighting Irish. The LONGEST stretch between NC’s in ND history. And counting . . .

    1989: the LAST time the Cubs won the World Series – in ”Back to the Future 2”. Just a stretch.

    Those were the days.

  40. As has been said, the D needs work. No pass rush and zone in prevent. I don’t blame the guys for the red zone. I blame play calling. Stanford used misdirection to their advantage. Kizer and the receivers were great. The running backs did very well. Hopefully Kelly can recuperate with good recruiting. Too many guys lost to injury and last year’s scholastic problems.

  41. Something tells me that some of your best, most insightful and humorous comments never get posted. What a shame. Especially in this our “enlightened age.”

  42. Im not going to read all the posts. I hope they were more positive than neg.

    2 plays away from being undefeated. It reminds me of the Holtz years when we we were always one of the best teams but still suffered a quirky loss. You definitely need some luck to run the table.
    Think of how long its been since the tv announcers have talked about us as the team with the skill and speed advantage. And most of it is coming back.
    In hindsight I think the loss of Drew Tranquill was bigger than we realize. If he stays healthy he will be like Harrison Smith next year.

    Go Irish. Lets play TCU or Baylor!

  43. Just from a practical standpoint, shouldn’t this program at least study/compare injury rates in other frontline programs? Look at number, type and severity and then take a close look at what we are doing. There might be some changes worth looking at Could it be that some of these guys are “too” tight, maybe lacking flexibility–favoring bulk. Who knows–seem like something that ought to be done considering the insane number of injuries.

  44. Please no more Van Gorder. His defense is horrible. Kids deserve better. And Kelly’s ego will never admit he makes a mistake when calling plays in the red zone. Proud of our team which played great with so many injuries. What will happen next year with QB ? To many to choose from? Can Kelly handle talent. Don’t pull an Urban Meyer and create controversy. Hope for a good bowl game and teach the dbacks how to defend. Why can’t ND produce a good secondary. And blitz the QB. I agree with all the comments about final 30′ seconds of play calling by VG. Blitz, and blitz again. Oh well. Love the team. Get rid of coaches.

  45. At what point does Kelly realize that VanGorder is not a good fit at DC? I will not fault BK for this loss. BK is a winner and when I look back at where we’ve been since Holtz, I truly believe he is the best fit as HC. We have more talent and depth than at any time since the early 90’s. There’s more consistency on the field. There are not many coaches who could hold things together and turn out a 10-2 season with the amount of key injuries we suffered this year. All that said, this defense is atrocious. I realize that in its nature, it is high risk/high reward but the last two seasons there we have been on the wrong side of high risk/high reward. We have been gashed for big plays both on the ground and through the air more than I can recall in recent memory. If it weren’t for superstars like Day and Smith, I shudder to think of what we would look like. Kelly has surrounded himself with superb assistants (Hiestand, Sanford, Denbrock, Booker, Denson and Lyght) but VanGorder simply doesn’t feel like the right fit. I hope that BK will evaluate this and make a correction.

  46. Hey 10-2 is good but not where we should have been with or without injuries. We had two teams on he ropes and could not finish the deal. Regardless of who our QB is, if you look at the facts the best team we beat this year was Navy. That is sad! It doesn’t matter what year he is or who the QB is: Rees, Cryst, Golson or Kiser, we have been terrible in the red zone under Kelly and it has not changed. No significant improvement in 6 years. in fact I think many of you know that of all the FBS teams we are dead last in red zone turnovers. That is all on Kelly. The players change the the result is the same. year in year out no change. Our special teams gave us a real boost last night but after that we could not get the ball to the 20. Started most 2nd half drives inside the 20 after kickoffs. Again –no real improvement in 6 years. Reality is that other than beating Oklahoma and stanford in 2012 we have not beat a really good team in his tenure. we can’t upset a team or beat a high quality team. we can beat teams lesser than us usually but not always. November has been a disaster for two years now. Prior to Stanford we won and still played our way out of the top four. Our pass defense has been terrible under his reign year in and out. You can blame BGV for last night’s defense but the head coach is Kelly –that is who is responsible in the end. By the way, Farley covering the TE in the last 30 seconds. Really?? great special teams player and great against the run but in passing situations with him in and Redfield out–no way!
    I do not think Kelly is capable of winning big games and I don’t think ND will ever compete with the big teams under his tenure. Injuries or not we did not play to our potential last night or the last three to four weeks. If we pay a Big 12 team in a bowl they will score 70 points on us and although we can score on them we will settle for field goals if we don’t score on a big play from outside the redone. Frankly very disappointed!

    • I would have been satisfied with a win at Stanford, because that would prove ND can win on the road against a competitive team, but it wouldn’t prove that ND can win against BAMA.

      • A well written opinion! After six years, many of the same mistakes and poor decisions are continuing to be made. Kelly is a good coach, but not one of the top ten coaches. ND needs to find another Ara or Lou.

  47. Congratulations to the team for a great ride that came up just a bit short. What did we learn? There is
    some stellar talent spread around on this team. Who knows how good we might have been without the
    crippling injuries. Kelly is building a true “program” with excellent depth, but to make it this far with a
    third string quarterback and a fourth string running back is amazing. Kelly has proven to be excellent at
    judging talent and developing it, but he isn’t a great game day coach. He is not a commanding presence.
    For whatever reason, we are our own worst enemy. We lack the killer instinct. We leave tons of points
    on the field; give up tons of cheap points in garbage time; and are completely impotent in the red zone.
    In sum, we are not yet championship caliber, but all things considered, it was a terrific ride, we have a
    great nucleus coming back, and I can’t wait for next year!

  48. Joe Schaefer '59 says:

    I have read all 86 of the comments. Perhaps they can summarized thusly: Kelly has no red zone offense even no short yardage offense, both being common to lower division football which is his background. Perhaps had he worked for an accomplished big time coach before becoming a head coach he might have been disabused of such behavior. (No tight end? Bring in another tackle) Even BVG must not have confidence in his defense. Kelly is stubborn. Get used to it. (Going for the extra point kick instead of the two point play means the heroic field goal takes us to overtime) Let’s see now: Tulsa, the Michigan State fake field goal, failed unneeded two point play at Clemson, now Stanford; the losses to Navy. He is not a very good coach saddled with a weak staff.

    • Tulsa, I will give you going for 6 when 3 was all that was needed was dumb. MSU fake FG? Anyone could have given up that play. As I recall it, one of ND’s defenders slipped and fell who was in position to make a tackle. You cannot fault Kelly for this play. When you say “the losses to Navy”, that is absurd as Kelly has beaten Navy every season except 2010 (look it up). It was Weis who lost to Navy twice… once in 2007 which ended the 43-year streak, and then again in 2009 his last season.

      Now, this season, he chose to go for two against Clemson when not needed, I will give you that. Had they just kicked the PAT would have been enough. However, going for two against Stanford ** was ** a good choice because they would have needed it. At that point, it would have been 31-28. Thus, when Stanford scored to make it 35-31, once Kizer scored again, after the PAT, ND is up 35-38, thus forcing Stanford to drive the field to go for 6 to win the game.

      • I disagree with your MSU assessment. No defenders fell down. The issue was not being prepared for the fake, as every defender on the field took two steps forward at the snap of the ball. By the time they realized the fake was on, the TE was already past the deepest defender and wide open.

        I also disagree with your Stanford assessment. Yes, they would have needed the two points eventually. But going for two before you absolutely positively have to takes away options later in the game. Coupled with the poor performance of our red zone offense (which should be included in any decision regarding a two-point conversion play), it was a bad call.

        • If you didn’t see Harrison Smith fall, watch the video at the 0:28 sec point. And, again, ANYONE could have fallen on the sword on this play. Disagree all you like, I couldn’t care less.

          And, WRT the decision to go for two against Stanford…. you’ve made my argument more than you realize where you said, “they would have needed it ** eventually **”. So, if they would have needed it ** eventually **, what made the decision bad at this point of the game? They would have also had the same red zone struggles now or later, so what is the difference when?

          • Rewatch the video yourself.

            1) There are only two guys not on the line of scrimmage, and when the ball is snapped, they immediately move forward. That’s not safety defense on a possible fake. This is on a fourth-and-very-long play, with the kicker about to attempt a 47 yard field goal into the wind when his career long is 50. Nobody on the ND team had the first idea they might fake, while I, watching on TV hundreds of miles away, was screaming “WATCH FOR A FAKE” in front of a bar full of people.

            2) The MSU player was already two steps past Smith when he fell, and Smith wasn’t catching up to him even if he’d kept his feet because he was going for the punt block.

            3) Smith and the guy next to him fell down when they were blocked. They didn’t miraculously trip over a blade of grass. They got blocked to the ground on the LOS.

          • It makes a difference because if you miss the 2-pointer early, it FORCES you to go for two later and doesn’t allow for the possibility the original two might not be necessary. Look at what happened against Clemson … turns out, if they’d just kicked the extra points, they’d have been fine. When there’s that much time left in the game, plenty of things can happen that may help you. Why reduce the number of those things?

          • I still disagree that the decision to go for two was a bad decision. In that case, since they had been struggling, he was trying to keep them ahead. I will agree that I didn’t understand the play call. No imagination whatsoever.

  49. All of this analysis is producing mental paralysis. Let’s cut to the chase: The face mask penalty on Stanford’s last drive killed us. Without that penalty, the FG attempt is 65 yards. We still could have escaped with a win.

  50. Was anyone else as angry as I was about Kelly going for 2 with 5 minutes left in the 3rd?! While awful redzone and defensive performances cost us the game, it sure didn’t help things. After the Clemson debacle, Kelly, when asked about his questionable decision, stated that they “have a consultant-reviewed “card” that they use once into the 4th quarter”. So, they “don’t chase points until the 4th quarter.” He was annoyed with the question and seemed surprised to be asked about it. Well, flash forward to Stanford, and what do you know, he inexplicably starts chasing points with over 5 minutes left in the 3rd!? WTF? I hope someone calls him out on it. He just doesn’t get it…and never seems to have a feel for the game going on in front of him. I guess we can count on him blowing those decisions a couple times a year – I really hope they don’t cost us anymore games. I also hope he gets someone else with football knowledge to review his card and set some logical time parameters about when to start chasing points…making sure they take into account our redzone awfulness greatly reduces our likelihood of success. This stuff seems pretty basic.

    • It ended up making sense because it would have led to overtime. I did question it at the time, it wasn’t a good decision, but what is more pathetic is the low percentage plays he runs: QB draw vs Clemson, basic passing routes against Standford which Kizer really can’t decide on. The receivers really don’t try hard to get open, and Kelly needs to simplify the passing plays in the red zone and on the two point conversion like the play against UVA.

      • I’m glad that at least someone understands the decision to go for two. Stupid play call, but the decision was sound.

  51. Wow its hard to believe that ND fans are so delusional . We lost the game because of COACHING PERIOD! We need to look a Defensive Cordinator on the last drive you run a zone 3 man rush and let 89 catch as 8 yard slant and turn it into 30 yards what a joke. I guess if you like losing then keep watching . Over 25 years since the last championship team too long for this fan . If they don’t make any changes on the defense (BVG) we should be ready for the same crap. I have had it personally cant handle much more that loss was totally unexcusable!

  52. Irish Sting summed up the season. Homers can make up all the excuses but poor coaching fundamentals cost a talented group of young men a shot at a National Championship.

  53. These kids ( yes; they are still ki played their heart out this year and gave it 110%. We had good breaks (Virginia) and not good breaks (Stanford) Kelly did a phenomenal job considering all the injuries…
    Thank You ND Players for giving it your all!!

  54. They made Hogan (and Cajuste) look like a Heisman contender. Embarrassing. I hope that Kizer loses his affinity for puking the ball up (fumble/int) in the red zone. It’s nice with the late-game heroics, but taking care of the ball earlier in the game would leave that unnecessary (yes, I know he’s a freshman).

    On the bright side, this loss did alleviate the pain that was gonna happen when ND got passed over for the playoffs. And, I was happy to see Kizer under center when they only needed a yard for a first down instead of the usual shotgun.

  55. This is a deep, talented, committed and well coached football team that was just not good enough this time. No shame there. And no reason to place blame all over the place anywhere because of personal frustrations and shortcomings. Brian Kelly and his staff did a commendable job recruiting, developing players and preparing them for the challenges they faced this season. They are a team with inexplicable flaws, indomitable spirit and the heart of champions. They deserve a place of honor among the football legends of Notre Dame–if they take care of business in our bowl game. I have no doubt the adversary chosen for us will be formidable. It will feature the two teams who “might” have been national champs.

  56. There is not doubt that we were going to miss the playoffs even with a win. Oklahoma had a great november and the body of work exceeded ours. it would have been very painful had we won. the two previous victories were so weak that we actually played our way out of the playoffs (with wins) before the Stanford game. While I agree that we had great play from many people who were not on the two deep last spring and there is a lot to be said for that, I still feel that Kelly doesn’t have what it takes to get us there. We can’t win against big teams and we struggle on the road with even mediocre teams. Same problems year after year with no real improvements in the red zone, turnovers, special teams, abandoning the run early in games, poor starts in big games and bad pass defense. Really over the past 6 years there has not been a lot of improvement in any of those areas. Dead last in FBS teams in red zone turnovers. After 6 years somethings should have improved

  57. Just an opinion but I never thought with the injuries that ND would do as well as they did. It speaks well of Coach Kelly’s ability to attract talent. I get tired of watching close games though, especially when I don’t think it has to be that way. I believe the performance in the BC game greatly hurt the chances of us being in the championship mix. Turnovers..performances like that are usually a sign of poor coaching and game preparation. I think Kelly might of been too caught up in going back to Boston. The loss to Stanford was hard to take. It is hard to believe that we come so close…seconds away…from being undefeated.

    • I agree the depth this season was good, and would also point out that was a known feature of this team going into the season.

      But I can’t point to any performance in any game this season and say “if there weren’t so many injuries….”. I especially can’t say that about either loss.

      • Now we agree. Injuries was not the problem… play calling in the red zone and a porous defense at crucial moments. They still would not have earned a playoff berth because the defense is not yet championship caliber. They could be with the talent, but their play hurt the team most of the season when it counted.

        • Well, to counter your statement, Luke’s INTs and Russell’s INTs when needed were HUGE during the season. You could definitely see that Russell was not there during the Stanford game where I think he would have added a huge impact.

          If the offense had turned any one of those trips to the RZ where they scored only 3 into 7, that would have made the difference. If you look at it, once they had taken control in the second quarter, it could (and should) have been 28-14 after Fuller’s 73-yd score. At that point, Stanford would have had to play catch up for the remainder of the game. Final score could very well have been (and, again, should have been) 49-35.