Author: SEE

It’s Not an Execution Problem, Brian

Saturday’s debacle wasn’t the result of an “execution problem” or a “turnover problem”, it was the result of a game plan that made execution hard and put ND at risk of turnovers. Two simple points:  Point 1. Wimbush, for all of his talent, has been erratic, late with reads and been sailing passes all year. …

Full Notre Dame Column

Revisiting the Reboot

Jack Swarbrick threw around the word “Reboot” liberally this off-season which many jokingly (and to some extent justifiably) compared to what college students engage in the day after a binge weekend… just the college football coaching version.  What’s clear now is that the reboot has had a marked impact that has lifted the team from…

Full Notre Dame Column

The 2017 NDN Probability Poll Results

For the 11th year  the NDNation Probability Poll is in and the relative success of 2015 combined with the giant let down of 2016 left a bitter taste on the mouths of the faithful heading into 2017. The probability concept puts a little more thought around predictions than just ” is ND better than X”?…

Full Notre Dame Column

Notre Dame Football Fall Primer

As I’ve written before, Notre Dame is coming off a season of systematic failure. Strength and conditioning, defensive coaching, offensive coaching, special teams coaching, nutrition, team leadership and recruiting were all in various stages of dysfunction. In retrospect, 4-8 shouldn’t have surprised anyone, what should have surprised everyone is how such a storied program slid…

Full Notre Dame Column

The 11th NDNation Probability Poll (we’re old)

The 11th NDNation Probability Poll is underway. In theory, the probability concept puts a little more thought around predictions than just “ND is favored over X!” We ask every fan to estimate the probability of the Irish winning each game and use that to calculate expectations. In 2015, the optimists won out (and this was…

Full Notre Dame Column