Author: SEE

On-the-Job Training is Over

posted by The Rock (The Rock Report) – Here’s how I started last year’s column, On-The Job-Training: “At this point it’s hard to understand how a realistic fan could have confidence that Notre Dame will improve to championship caliber under Weis.” This article is mostly a rehash – different year, same problem. Here we sit,…

Full Notre Dame Column

Charlie’s Big Bet

(The Rock Report) – Weis is betting big on the USC game this week. Not necessarily to win, but with the future of the program. There will be between 10 and 15 four and five-star recruits on campus as the Irish look to break the Trojans’ seven year stranglehold. As noted by Tom Lemming in…

Full Notre Dame Column

McCarthy & Smith Press Conference Transcripts

UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME MEDIA CONFERENCE September 9, 2009 Q. It seems as if Coach Tenuta had — obviously, he’s always had a very aggressive approach to calling plays on defense. He seemed ultra aggressive last week. Is it to the point now with him that you almost expect — I mean, more often than…

Full Notre Dame Column

Clausen & Olsen Press Conference Transcripts

UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME MEDIA CONFERENCE September 9, 2009 THE MODERATOR: We’ve got Jimmy Clausen, and Eric Olsen here at the front table. We’ll start with the questions from the media first before we take any questions from the callers. Q. Was this a game that you watched much growing up? Do you remember watching…

Full Notre Dame Column

Weis Post-Game Press Conference Script

UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME MEDIA CONFERENCE September 5, 2009 Charlie Weis COACH WEIS: All right. Fire away. Q. It looked like a continuation of the last time you played, and it’s been an awful long time. But how were you able to go from that game to this game pretty seamlessly from the way you…

Full Notre Dame Column