Author: SEE

Let Them Eat Steak

Rock’s House Discussion on the Training Table (The Rock Report) – Would you put regular gas into a Formula One car and expect it to compete for a championship? The answer is… of course not. When Ruben Mendoza recently lobbied for a training table for Notre Dame athletes, he wasn’t just making excuses. In the…

Full Notre Dame Column

Spring Signs

Depth Chart – OffenseDepth Chart – DefenseDepth Chart – Spec. TeamsRoster – AlphabeticalRoster – NumericalRoster – Coaches (The Rock Report) – As I’ve detailed in this column in past years, you don’t learn very much in the Spring. The list of past MVPs and players who looked like they were going to have breakout years,…

Full Notre Dame Column

It’s Time to Expect to Beat Southern Cal

(The Rock Report) – There has been an ideological debate on NDNation over whether coaching or talent was responsible for Notre Dame’s two year plunge. The answer is both and when you have two factors with that much impact, it’s hard, if not impossible, to determine ultimate causation. As we’ve covered before (ad nauseam) Weis…

Full Notre Dame Column

Talent, Coaching and Chemistry

(The Rock Report) – Talent At this point, nothing matters but performance. But as the chart on the left shows, Notre Dame will emerge this year from the upper level talent dearth that is finally working its way out of the system in 2009. This chart, based on WTF68’s analysis, is an updated analysis of…

Full Notre Dame Column

Chris Martin Highlights

The new Chris Martin highlights are posted above and below. [youtube=]