Author: SEE

“He really made it feel like a family”

Rev. James Riehle, C.S.C, chaplain to University of Notre Dame athletics teams for nearly three decades, died at the age of 83. Here’s a story shared by fightingamish (others linked) Fr. Riehle was the rector of Pangborn for my first two years there. He could be a little gruff at times, but had a sly…

Full Notre Dame Column

Weis Cracks and Crack Backs (by Bacchus and Kayo)

There isn’t a lot of joy in beating a football team as hopelessly awful in every aspect of football (“flummoxed” is the word Seattle Times reporter Bud Withers used) as Washington is, but there is a hell of a lot of relief in avoiding a doomsday scenario no matter how unlikely it was in the…

Full Notre Dame Column

The View From Seattle

( – NDNation asked Seattle writers, broadcasters and publishers to give us their take on the Willingham, Notre Dame and Washington. In order of response, here’s what they told us and a link to their most recent articles or broadcasts. Bob Condotta, Seattle Times Is Willingham’s Failure Vindication?Husky fans initially wanted to believe that everything…

Full Notre Dame Column

Willingham’s Scorched Earth

(*Re-run from cfb360) Author’s note: Often we hear people say “drop it, Willingham’s not our coach anymore so it doesn’t matter.” I heartily disagree. Willingham promoted the idea the Notre Dame was racist and unfair in his dismissal of him and that view has sadly been adopted by the majority of mainstream media and fans….

Full Notre Dame Column

Clausen vs. Quinn

( – The Rock Report) – When I wrote that Clausen would be better than Quinn in this offense by mid-year this year I received a fair amount of “you’re crazy” emails and even more “you’re a moron, Quinn was a record setting QB” emails. But mid way through Clausen’s sophomore year, Clausen’s numbers are…

Full Notre Dame Column