Author: SEE

Upping the Offensive Ante in 2013

(The Rock Report) – Every team has its own personality; last year’s Irish squad was the scrapper. Stout as any unit in the country on defense, the offense, directed by Chuck Martin, focused on supporting the defense. When in doubt, the Irish traded opportunity for field position and low turnovers. That will likely change in…

Full Notre Dame Column

Tommy Boy

(The Rock Report) – When Dayne Crist went down in the 2010 game against Tulsa, Tommy Rees, a true freshmen (ranked 31st by Rivals and 64th by Scout), was thrust into the game.  Still sporting adolescent acne, Rees responded by throwing for four touchdowns and 334 yards.  Most fans remember the interception throw that ended…

Full Notre Dame Column

2013 NDNation Probability Poll Results

(Notre Dame Football News | The Rock Report) – For the 7th year the NDNation Probability Poll is in and 2013 checks in at just slightly more optimistic than 2012, which was far more pessimistic than 2011.  It looks like NDNation is putting more stock in the BCS national championship beat down and the loss…

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The NDNation Probability Poll for 2013

(Notre Dame Football News | The Rock Report) – The 7th  NDNation Probability Poll is underway.  In theory, the probability concept puts a little more thought around predictions than just “ND is favored over X!” We ask every fan to estimate the probability of the Irish winning each game and use that to calculate expectations….

Full Notre Dame Column


(The Rock Report) – Sports Illustrated described Parseghian thusly, “Ara is an impatient, determined man, convinced he can return Notre Dame to a position of dominance in college football, and this he undoubtably will do one day – but not in 1964.” Sports Illustrated was wrong.(see this Time Magazine article for a great story on…

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