Author: SEE

The Rock Report: What Would Rockne Do?

“My wife and I went to the Notre Dame vs. USC game in 2009. The thing that impressed me the most about the whole experience was the fact that there was NO Gig’tron type artificial hype in the entire stadium. Notre dame’s football stadium is a shrine for the football purist” ~ Keith, Texas A&M…

Full Notre Dame Column

The Fighting ____________

We were fortunate enough to get a priest from St. Rita, the all-male Roman Catholic school on the South side near where my father grew up and went to school. As he listened to family members talk about “the tough SOB” my father prided himself on being when he was alive, the priest smiled and…

Full Notre Dame Column

The Rock Report: Spring Game Primer

The spring game is an odd box of chocolates. Some players look amazing and are rarely heard from again (see prior MVPs for a list of who’s not) others are hardly noticed or used and turn into integral players. The team always looks discombobulated (a Davie hold over) because the coaches are creating a faux…

Full Notre Dame Column

The Rock Report: ND and the “Football Arms Race”

Given that the NCAA has taken the reins off recruiting to a great extent, schools will have to make some choices about how they’re going to compete in the new wild west.  Responses vary, the Big 10 is very concerned about the new rules  B10 ADs, Coaches Worry About Easing Recruit Rules reigning champion Alabama…

Full Notre Dame Column

Closing the ‘Bama Gap

This may be Brian Kelly’s best class at Notre Dame. That may not be good enough.  Notre Dame was likely the second best team in the country last year, but second may as well have been 10th given the evident gap the country saw on January 7th.  As good as this year was relative to…

Full Notre Dame Column