Author: SEE

Rational Exuberance with Secret Sauce on the Side

(The Rock Report) – The last time Notre Dame was in this rarified air, the season hadn’t even started. In 2006 the Irish were the consensus #1 choice in pre-season rags, 2nd in the AP and 3rd in the coaches’ poll.  The only problem was that the team hadn’t played a game and achieved that…

Full Notre Dame Column

Build Like a Champion

(The Rock Report) – Charlie Weis and Tyrone Willingham both had strong first years at Notre Dame; as it turns out both were mirages that masked mismanagement underneath.  Sustainable success involves a long-term commitment to doing all of the small things right on a consistent basis, which is why Kelly’s mantra “you can’t start winning…

Full Notre Dame Column

Irish Pride and Champions

(The Rock Report) – Before Lou Holtz put up the famous “Play Like a Champion Today” sign in Notre Dame Stadium there was an even  simpler inspiration for Notre Dame players as they descended the steps into the tunnel, the word PRIDE written in capital letters and a slightly bent sign with subtle changes in …

Full Notre Dame Column

Defense, Offense and Dissonance

A look back at Notre Dame’s last four national championships and the last four by any school point to one glaring commonality:  Championship teams have to play great defense. It may sound trite, but that fact gets lost as fans concentrate on the more glamorous side of the ball.  If a team plays great defense…

Full Notre Dame Column

Remembering Not to Forget

(The Rock Report | Notre Dame Football News) – I was heading through the airport Monday morning and noticed CNBC on the television. The commentators were talking about the Irish and business.  I just smiled as it’s obvious the cycle I media storm is under way.  Whether it’s Gameday at Notre Dame, featured network night…

Full Notre Dame Column