Why do people play difficult/hard mode?
by OrangeJubilee (2024-04-23 16:31:18)

In reply to: What's up with Wordle lately?  posted by melanzana

And why is it called that? It seems like it should be called stupid mode.

If there are 3* or greater mutually exclusive answers, the smart thing to do is guess as many of those letters as possible. The wordlebot guesses known wrong words all the time.

The worst is when you are down to what you think are only 2 possibilities. You definitely should guess 1 of them then the other ... only to realize you didn't think of the third possibility.

I got both today and Sunday in 6.

* If you KNOW it is only 3, and you have three guesses left, doing it either way yields the same expected outcome I think. But doing the known wrong word also gives protection if there was another option you didn't think of.