47% of all HS graduates . . .
by 02DAD (2018-08-24 10:39:52)

In reply to: High School GPA inflation.  posted by sluredandstumbly

have an A or A- average now. In 1998 38.9% had A averages. I'm not a stats guy, but that seems like a pretty steep up tick in a 20-year period. The modern gpa's help students and especially their parents feel good about the high school experience.

Erik Furda, Dean of Admissions at U Penn, recently said ". “Our evaluation process looks at where they are right now and what can we expect from them once they come to our campus. Take, for example, applicants from private high schools or top public schools. We expect them to have high test scores and grades,” he said. “That’s a given. We need to know more. We need to know what they did with the opportunities they were given? How far did they travel in their high school journey?

Most all selective colleges re-calculate gpa's today based on the strength of the curriculum, the grades, and the perceived rigor of the high school. Very few are looking for well-rounded students any more. Selective colleges want mini-specialists. My two cents worth.