You should call me....the double wide has a septic and well
by irishguard78 (2018-12-13 06:55:32)

In reply to: About to put an offer on a house...a question for the board:  posted by four pillars

The Doofi and I have been pooping in a septic system for years. 32 to be exact, and 20 at the double wide.

Is is a mound system, holding tank or leach bed? Ask how old the septic system is....ask whether it’s had trouble. If it’s more than 20 years old, insist on having it tested.

Ask whether they’ve had the water tested and if you can see the results. Ask how deep the well is. You want a deep fucker in case the water table gets hunky. Ask when the last time the impeller pump was replaced. Ask about the bladder inside the house and how old it is.

Oh and ask if they’ve done any sort of radiation/radon test on the water.

I’m perfectly happy with the septic (we have a mound system outside the double wide) system and our well.