Have to include the date of your degrees
by sprack (2019-09-23 11:18:01)
Edited on 2019-09-23 11:27:28

In reply to: Resume questions  posted by tf86

Remember George O'Leary, and I'm dead serious.

Nobody sloughs off background checks these days like they used to. Even on the resume, yes, people will check and if you don't have the dates on it it's a reason to put your resume in the virtual circular file. You don't want to give people a reason to reject you out of hand just because of your resume.

And hell yeah, include your veteran status.

I've always included every job I've had on my resume, but for the ones past about 15 years, I've just put in something like "accounting supervisor" with no further description. You never know, the hiring manager might be as old as you and have a connection with wherever you worked. You'd be surprised how often that happens, in some professions (like mine, ERP consulting) it happens all the time. But like I say, no further description required.
