What about patients with cancer or auto-immune disorder?
by StetsonDan (2021-10-19 10:49:42)

In reply to: I appreciate the perspective  posted by RoccoGlobboSchoolForWomen

I have a client who has multiple myeloma (the cancer that Colin Powell had prior to his death) which is a cancer of white blood cells. She has the vax, but her treating physicians at the Mayo Clinic don't know that the vax will take with her given her severely weakened immune system.

Our law office visits require her to be double masked in N95s, our office staff to wear N95s, and it to be first thing in the morning so no one else has been in our office. She's at risk because she has no immune system right now following a stem cell transplant.

As others have pointed out, there are countless other reasons why someone could be at severe risk of getting COVID and dying even if they've been vaxed.
