So Mrs. Loaf phoned me in the summer of ‘87
by MBOIrish (2022-01-25 12:28:23)

In reply to: That's Mr Loaf to you. *  posted by socal_doubledomer74

Meat’s 40th birthday was coming up and she wanted me to get him out of the house for 8 hours to decorate for a surprise party. First four hours would be easy with 18 holes of golf. Then remembered that Meat also wanted to play a particular course we has never been able to schedule to play. So scheduled that course about 45 minutes after we would finish first 18. After finishing the first round of 18, had the pro there come and tell me and Meat that we had a tee time at the other course. Meat called Leslie Loaf and she said no problem!

After 36 holes, Meat headed home while I waited then followed him home. My wife was already there. It was a fun bd party and Meat was surprised!

They threw a Christmas party that was even more fun. It included our entire softball team and spouses or sig others. (that team included Meat plus a mix of young high potential corporate guys who commuted on a train from Westport to NYC. I recruited them off the bar car hence I named the team—the BAR CAR! The other half of the team was young local plumbers, electrician, contractors etc. One of the plumbers had installed a garbage disposal in Paul Newman’s shower—apparently Paul likes to eat pizza in the shower and throws the crust away….) A second group invited to the party was thru their maid from Bridgeport who could bring any friends she wanted. That was about a dozen inter-city blacks. The third group was of course the band and company. A fascinating mix of people and a fun time was had by all.
