ND had one of the top Dlines in the country last year..
by BigNDfan (2019-07-13 07:10:17)

In reply to: DL and total 5*...the same main weaknesses that we had  posted by TCIrish03

And they will again this year. Did you stop watching several years ago?

They’re not Clemson, but literally no one else is in their category.

ND’s Dline recruiting was bad for years, but they solved it over the last several years through increased development. They’re going to have multiple DLs get drafted next year.

Your post makes no sense
by TCIrish03  (2019-07-13 21:16:17)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Reply to Post

"ND’s Dline recruiting was bad for years, but they solved it over the last several years through increased development."

You "solve" bad recruiting with better recruiting. Recruiting and post-matriculation development are two completely separate ingredients, both of which are essential. Sure you can use one to compensate the other, but that only gets you so far for so long.