Movie Night
by Irishbuzz (2019-11-05 12:49:36)

In reply to: Please refresh on how to get access to the game Saturday.  posted by irpa

We recently considered going to the movies this weekend with the whole family. After considering the cost of tickets and potential expense of cheap, overpriced junk food, I would only agree to go if it was to see a very good movie.

There was one particular Notre Disney sequel that was supposed to challenge for best picture. The critical reviews suggest that it’s a cheap, poorly scripted sequel. Character development isn’t lacking only because the key cast members actually regress over the course of the movie.

I’m not wasting my time with the movies. Perhaps I’ll go to a park with the kids or smoke a brisket. Maybe I’ll cut down a tree. I’ll find something to do that I actually enjoy. I suggest you do the same.

smoke a "brisket" - now I understand what your handle means *
by ArasEra  (2019-11-05 14:40:59)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Reply to Post