Agree. And Michigan absolutely should be above ND
by ND44 (2019-12-03 20:13:58)

In reply to: It's all about the Michigan game and rightfully so.  posted by Irishdemon

But it is worth mentioning that this logic did not exist last year when ND won the game yet some idiots though Michigan should be ranked higher.

That's true, but it never actually happened.
by austindomer  (2019-12-04 10:34:44)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Reply to Post

Yes, the question of ranking Michigan above ND was grist for the mill on the sports talk shows during November. But the only people who actually took the argument seriously were butt-hurt Michigan fans who couldn't believe their unbeatable team got smacked down by Notre Dame. For everyone else it was just a way to capture eyeballs.