Is that even logistically possible?
by roccoglobboschoolforwomen (2020-06-22 08:41:38)

In reply to: College Football spring of '21 IMO.  posted by flanner73

It's not like the pro leagues where there's a single governing body that can control rescheduling. Every single team would be responsible for rescheduling its own out of conference schedule, which would need to align with each conference's in conference rescheduling. And it's not like this is for a 32 team league, either. Team travel plans would have to be completely redone. Whatever structure is in place for players' classes that accompany football travel would need to be re-implemented for the spring semester. If there were to be fans allowed in the spring (I'm guessing not), that would present another hurdle. The NCAA would need to address eligibility concerns and how the spring 2021 NFL draft and combine is integrated into the process -- remember that kids sign agents before they start talking to NFL teams.

Typing it all out, it does seem possible, but rescheduling would be the most difficult part. And it would require strong leadership and guidance from the NCAA to help make it happen. Personally, I don't think such an idea ever gets off the ground.