I wouldn't put too much money on that bet.
by SUJB9 (2020-08-11 07:08:20)
Edited on 2020-08-11 07:19:33

In reply to: Oh, I bet they will remain in a bubble. Dabo is not going to  posted by 1NDGal

Clemson requires at least the freshman to stay on campus. And all it takes is a few players attending class at FSU to open the potential exposure up from 11,000 ND students to 32,000 FSU students (I'm not suggesting going to class actually causes direct exposure to that many students, but in terms of the linking between individuals if you look at each college as a self-contained bubble, which they aren't but for the sake of argument can be used as an estimate for amount of comparable exposure). You multiple that by 10-12 games, the links for potential spread become significantly larger. And that doesn't even include my point above about students at places like Miami being exposed to the Miami population versus ND students being exposed to the significantly smaller South Bend population that (currently) has fewer cases.