not only playing, but the NFL is pushing for fans at games
by jt (2020-09-08 14:44:25)

In reply to: NFL being on TV may also shift perceptions  posted by turtle17

and in the past week I've seen stories out of Santa Clara, CA stating that NFL games are "low risk" for covid exposure; it was in an article in the SF Chronicle, of all places. If you can have NFL games with thousands of people in attendance it seems odd that you can't have college football with some minimum standards of variance and quarantine protocols in place.

It appears that CO is also planning on re-starting high school football, to join Kansas, Michigan, and perhaps a few other states re-starting. I think that CA will certainly not do that, nor Washington, or similar states, most likely. I would lump New Mexico in with the states not re-opening, but I am pretty sure that state has been closed for a few centuries as it is.
