I envision the meathead schools going their own way
by ACross (2021-01-28 20:58:10)
Edited on 2021-01-28 20:59:31

In reply to: yes, that's why I said 4-6 divisions  posted by jt

And I envision ND linking up with schools who have some aspiration and shame and sense of academic and amateur mission.

I would guess about 20. Or 30 schools including half or more of the PAC 10 and all of the ACC except Clemson and FSU. Maybe most of the Big 10. The academies. Vandy.

The meathead league will get almost all of the SEC and probably Ohio State and likely Oklahoma.

I would like to think Texas would throw its lot with us. Ditto PSU. Maybe Miami.

I would much rather ND go in that direction than the direction that Kelly would prefer.
