Yes, but we’re sharing that 10-11 game revenue with others.
by tdiddy07 (2022-09-20 10:37:11)

In reply to: It makes sense to me that ND would get more in the B1G  posted by tf86

It goes into a pot along with the Minnesota-Indiana game, and then comes back out split evenly among all members. We don’t split the NBC revenue with anyone. (Though we make payouts to one-off teams.) Which is why we don’t ordinarily get away game tv revenue. I don’t recall if the ACC network gives us anything for football. It’s possible we get a small amount, but I would assume we don’t.

So if ND were to have a home schedule with two big brand matchups per year and otherwise had games that were as nationally attractive as the rest of the Big Ten slate would be, ND should make more money as an independent. It doesn’t have to prop up poorly performing conference members.