PFO- Calling Dr. Cash
by RJD (2023-03-23 10:04:39)
Edited on 2023-03-23 10:11:44

In reply to: he said he had a medical event in Sept  posted by vivaflanner

"Patent foramen ovale (PFO) is a hole between the left and right atria (upper chambers) of the heart. This hole exists in everyone before birth, but most often closes shortly after being born."

Without knowing the full extent of Will's issue, I am familiar with PFOs (family member). Isn't this very fixable with a Amplatzer Septal Occluder which is inserted through the groin into the heart? It's like a little alloy cocktail umbrella that closes up the hole. Of course, it may depend on the size of the hole for this to work.

Back on the street within weeks after some time on blood thinners...Rick
