Not all alums
by ACross (2023-06-10 17:36:17)
Edited on 2023-06-10 18:48:30

In reply to: Wait, I thought we were supposed to support fellow alums....  posted by crazychester

I side with alumni v the administration and against foes, external and internal. I know that there are elements at ND and always have been that are toxic. Eg, Ann Firth, Tom Streit, Mark Poor man, Bill Kirk, Blowchow, Wadsworth, Swarbrick, the lace curtains on the BOT.

I know nothing about Bevaqua. Which is a little peculiar. I expect I will know a great deal more about him soon.

Swarbrick obviously saw a lot of himself in him. Swarbrick's prioritieswere equal parts advancing himself and his kin, and currying favor with with his brethren among the Conference commissioners and ND's vendors. And that is what they are. Vendors and sponsors. Not partners. Swarbrick was never that interested in running a championship football program.