“And a little child shall lead them.”
by irish gypsy (2019-01-07 12:25:07)

In reply to: I had written the post below in the hopes of providing an  posted by cj

Kimi’s spirit was love made manifest. No matter what she confronted —spinal taps, bone marrow transplants, chemo, radiation, surgery, any number of experimental treatments that might someday help other neuroblastoma patients…a crazy uncle who lived to see her laugh…a curious gorilla on the other size of a plexiglass wall at the zoo who didn’t appreciate her mocking him— she responded with pure love, humor, and energy.

Those characteristics, as lovingly related by cj from the time she was a toddler, resonated so strongly in the BR that she brought all of us together time and time again. Very few of us actually got the chance to meet her in person, but I think we all felt lucky to know and love her from afar. Love for Kimi has united us all in ways that not even exulting or despairing over Irish football ever could. She transcends even the crazy “inside” jokes and legends that have forged this peculiar internet camaraderie among imaginary friends.

We are all crying today, our hearts shattered by the knowledge that our Warrior Princess is no longer singing and dancing in this world. But we all know that her spirit, released from the shackles of her earthly suffering, is singing and dancing more exuberantly than ever before.

May she glory in perpetual light. May the angels comfort us all.