“Relatively” cheap
by DakotaDomer (2021-11-29 13:24:59)

In reply to: I don’t think it’s cheap. This is coming from someone who  posted by kellykapowski

It’s an extra 13-ish% each day

So if it was good - why wouldn’t everyone do it? (When these things first came out it was like a cut-line on all eligible rides whenever you showed up)

In reality its 2-3 rides a day where you can wait 30 minutes instead of 1.5 hours and you have to use the app to schedule your slots.

It’s relatively cheap to what I would expect for something that had the value of what “fast-pass” used to be. And it turns out the reason is because it’s also relatively useless.

Still going to do it because I will pay almost anything to spend less time in lines with my children.