Don't Think It's as Cut and Dry as Last Name/First Name
by dillon77 (2024-04-26 14:42:59)

In reply to: A question (about KK Bransford) and a request  posted by veets

Communications was my business and for years I'd have an updated stylebook on my desk my typewriter, PC, tablet.

On first reference to a person, you'd spell out a whole name and on second reference just go with the last name. However, certain departments would deviate from that, most notably sports and entertainment; particularly if the player or entertainer had a catchy nickname.

And headline writers would use the nickname to catch your attention or -- in a practical bent -- use the nickname because it was shorter and fit the space for the headline. Hence, Earvin Johnson was Magic or Magic Man.
Oscar Robertson became The Big O and so forth.

In the case of McGraw's Bench, many of us use hybrid approaches. I'll list first and last names often initially, then switch over to first names because this group is familiar with all concerned and heck, we are a fan board. We like these players and write about them on a very frequent basis.

Sill, think about that nickname:

- Sonia Citron --- Citron --- Soni
- Hannah Hidalgo --- Hidalgo -- HH/Hannah
- Olivia Miles -- Miles -- 'Liv
- KK Bransford -- Bransford -- KK

Many of us have been parents/coaches/administrators of female athletes.
Way back in the day when my sister was a kick-ass forward did I see lousy refs, but not when I because a coach and also ran a huge soccer club (in charge of the women's side). BTW, I respected my girls and they became young women, but I very much referred to them by first name or nickname.
When I coached a guys hoops team, same thing.

So, I think most of what you see is familiarity, more than anything else.
I also post on UConn's Boneyard and refer to ND players mostly by last name because that audience don't know the nicknames and/or the first-name references would be out of line. Know the audience...

Continuing on the familiarity track, go the UConn-themed threads and I don't think you'll see the name "Bueckers" or "Fudd" ever typed. "Paige" or "Azzi" is the reference.