Please See Cav2's Post Just Below For Some Insights...
by dillon77 (2024-04-28 08:47:54)

In reply to: Why is anyone surprised we never get the Gems from TP 🍀 *  posted by bohratom

I will add that "gems" come in the eye of the beholder and Niele has managed to get lesser-known ones (Maya Dodson, Lauren Ebo) and make them shine well individually and collectively, which is really even more important.
I just wrote a post on this that Niele develops her team from an integrated, collective standpoint and that's what guides her.

Lastly, even though it was before the portal era, Jessica Shepard was a flat-out gem of a transfer who was an individual star and a team player. We can nail it. As Cav points out, it's a difficult play now.

Also, there are four top notch starters who wear ND uniforms right now ...