If There's Some "In-Office Only" Planning Going On...
by dillon77 (2019-08-15 18:40:06)

In reply to: See Section 11's report in Dillon 77's thread below. *  posted by MPG

..for after this week, that's great.

Prospects can come on campus this month, but you'd think that folks would want to wait until the home football weekends start up.

After Labor Day (or thereabouts), prospects can visit campus and coaches can visit prospects at their places (home/schools). That's where a lot of rubber can hit the road.

If there is a lot of activity going on, perhaps that tells me that all the remaining coaches are pitching in for the remaining 2020 prospects. Or, along with the job posting, that the top recruiting slot may be shifting over to a current coach (say, Beth?).

Well, look forward to the activity!
