Thx...WW and 2nd Streeter for Insights, Opinions
by dillon77 (2020-05-31 08:53:19)
Edited on 2020-05-31 09:03:55

In reply to: I hope not.  posted by WaxonWaxoff

Three quick comments. Once again, intended as observational.

- Let me be more specific: the "somewhat inevitable" tagline had to do with expecting huge numbers and elements of society reacting to this situation, not a comment on what any ND has or will do. My apologies if that was written in a confusing or dual-meaning mannter (it wasn't).

I thought of Taya Reimer primarily as a young person (who also happened to be on a team) who -- who chose to react to a similar incident.

However, I also thought of my mid-20's daughter and her friends who lives in Brooklyn a 1/2 mile from Barclay's Center, where numerous outbreaks took place. She (my daughter) is coming "out" to NJ today and I look forward to her reports and insights.

- 2nd Streeter raises a really good point that I've been thinking of, which is how many protests seem to take on a violent hue, whether threatened or actual. (Not all protests "back in the day" were non-violent, but the vast majority were.)

- Once again, these comments are made as observational...if I want to enter the "political" board, I will, but I (primarily) come to ndnation for basketball.

- Short-term, to paraphrase the late, great John Prine, I "wish you all the best."