Right Now, I'd Give It a Firm "Likely"
by dillon77 (2021-05-11 11:48:32)
Edited on 2021-05-11 12:16:01

In reply to: Do you think Marina Mabrey will make the cut with the Wings?  posted by MPG

based on what she did once inserted into the starting lineup.

She moved the ball well, rebounded well for a guard and, of course, knes Arike's game inside out. Since that's the Wings' meal ticket (still), that counts for a lot.

Still, there's a new coach in town and the Wings had a mess of draft picks, which they largely used (only traded one). I was a tad concerned. Still...

This year, the videos from training camp that I've seen (and one that I posted) seem to show Marina doing well in practice. And, what's intersting is that she'd distributing the ball. Note: these videos were sent by the team.

Plus, in the one exhibition game boxscore, she didn't play, which was not a slight (I think), but a way of seeing how newcomers play. Marina, Arike, Sabally and Alarie weren't on the court -- I'm not even sure if Arike's back from Europe or she just got there.

While Marina doesn't have a guaranteed contract, I think she's still on rookie terms, so she (and Arike) are bargains. So, I'm leaning "yes."
Can't see the Wings giving Dungee and Evans the keys to the kingdom over a guard that really helped turn the team into an interesting watch last year. Pl;us, Marina has good size, seems to have improved with her stints in the WNBA and overseas. Then again, I'm (just a little) biased....