
Fiddling While Hoops Burns

Those of you who follow my writing know I beat the improve-the-physical-plant drum loudly and often. Some of you regard it as some kind of excuse mechanism for Mike Brey, and no amount of explanation has proven able to dissuade you of that idea. So if you are of that camp, you may as well…

Full Notre Dame Column

Notes from the Geetar: Lost in the Angst

I’m still trying to figure out how to implement the “NftG” heading in this thing. For now, I’ll use it for compendium-like posts that lack a central theme. Like that doesn’t describe half my work. With all the hand-wringing recently about the need or lack thereof for coaching staff changes and the deplorable state of…

Full Notre Dame Column

My Dinner with Charlie

Alright, it’s more like my dinner with Charlie and 2,000 others. But I got the most vivid reminder yet why Charlie Weis is such a good fit at Notre Dame, and far be it from me not to share it with those who weren’t able to dine with us. In deference to him, I waited…

Full Notre Dame Column

Vagina Dialogues

I realize this isn’t sports related, but disingenuity in all its forms makes my brain itch. There is nothing that makes me more crazy than people who participate in a negotiation claiming a desire to see all parties satisfied when in reality what they want is 100 percent of their own wishes fulfilled. Which is…

Full Notre Dame Column

Defensive Improvement

Tom Zbikowski recently said that Notre Dame will go as far in 2006 as its defense can take it. I happen to agree with this, and spent some time thinking about how we can extract improvement from this much-maligned unit. Nine starters will return this season, and it’s doubtful that an incoming freshman will become…

Full Notre Dame Column