Folston & Fuller Save Error-Prone Irish

Tarean Folston ran for 102 yards and two touchdowns, caught a pass for the go-ahead score in the fourth quarter, and Notre Dame shrugged off a horrible start to outlast pesky North Carolina by 50-43. Will Fuller ran through the porous Tar Heel secondary for 133 yards and two scores, and also drew three crucial pass interference penalties that fueled Notre Dame’s fourth quarter comeback. Everett Golson threw for 296 yards and three touchdowns, but his three turnovers lead directly to 20 Carolina points.

The Irish trailed by 36-35 late in the third quarter when a series of strange plays moved them downfield. Fuller hauled in a 32 yard pass on a third and 21 pass to dig his team out of its own end, a roughing the snapper penalty on the Tar Heels kept things going when Kyle Brindza tried to punt the ball away, and Fuller drew the first of the interference penalties before Folston willed the ball into the end zone despite two holding penalties on Notre Dame in the red zone. Ben Koyack grabbed a two point conversion pass to put the Irish ahead by 43-36 with 10:39 remaining after Folston caught a short toss in the flat, juked the defender, and scored a nine yard touchdown.

Marquise Williams, who had an outstanding day in defeat, brought his team back down the field before an ill-advised throw under pressure was picked off by Cole Luke along the sideline at the Irish 19. After Folston burst around end for 20 yards, Fuller drew consecutive interference penalties to move the ball into scoring territory. A scramble for a first down by Golson set up a 6 yard scoring run up the middle by Folston for a 50-36 advantage with only 2:19 left. The Tar Heels would not quit, however, and Williams burned the suddenly porous Notre Dame secondary for a quick score at the 47 second mark. Koyack grabbed the ensuing onside kick to end the madness, and the Irish moved shakily to 6-0 on the season.

The game started badly for the hosts as Golson fumbled on the first series and Carolina’s Elijah Hood scored from seven yards out for a quick 7-0 advantage. The Irish signal caller was almost intercepted on the next series when Notre Dame went three and out, but he was victimized for a pick six on his next throw to put his team in a 14-0 hole. Golson calmed a bit and brought his team back with a mixture of runs and passes to take a 21-14 lead early in the second period, but Carolina fought back to close the gap to 28-26 at the half.

When the Irish held the Tar Heels to start the second half and Fuller raced past them to score a 35-yard touchdown on a screen pass, it appeared that order would finally be restored. Carolina responded by scoring the next ten points as Golson’s fumble handed them a golden opportunity. Fortunately, the Heels could not contain Folston and Fuller with the game on the line, and the Irish held on.

Coach Kelly has acknowledged the turnovers and mistakes made by his offense during the past few weeks, but the time has now arrived when the Irish won’t be able to survive such sloppy play. The defense had its own issues today and was not in a position to bail out the rest of the team, so the only cure at this point is for the entire squad to get its act together.

Let’s look at the pregame questions for additional insights.

Which offensive line will overcome its early season problems and play well? Not really. There were far too many breakdowns. Center Matt Hegarty is consistently overmatched physically and the pass protection broke down far too often. The running game was marginally better but still a long way from consistent.

Can Notre Dame maintain a high intensity level after the dramatic win against Stanford?The Irish started out flat but competed well despite numerous mistakes and a suddenly porous defense. Give them credit for staying together and winning even when not playing their best.

Will the Irish defense get into the scoring act? Joe Schmidt and Elijah Shumate combined to set up a score late in the first half, but the offense gave away 20 points of their own.

Which team’s talented skill players will break free for long gains? Folston and Fuller for the Irish had the greatest impact, while Williams broke several long plays for Carolina.

Can one or more of the Notre Dame backs gain 100 yards rushing? Folston broke the century mark, and the Irish needed every yard to win this game.

Will Irish fans be able to relax and enjoy a quiet fourth quarter? That was a joke, right?

How ’bout them Wolverines?The good news is that Brady Hoke’s job is safe for another week. The bad news is…..

If the prospect of playing the top ranked team in the country does not motivate Notre Dame to curb the rash of careless turnovers, the visit to Florida next week will be very similar to the last time the Irish played in the Sunshine State. Golson in particular has to avoid the first quarter jitters that put his team in a hole, since there are only so many times a team can walk a tightrope before the crash to earth becomes inevitable.


33 thoughts on “Folston & Fuller Save Error-Prone Irish

  1. Another sub par game by ND. The defense was exposed by Williams who seemed to run at will. Lots of bad tackling. More poor play by Golson. Not sure how they keep on winning but they just seem to will themselves to win and never quit.

    Florida State with dual threat Winston looms. They are going to need a great week of practice and I don’t know what to beat Florida State in Tallahassee next week. Go Irish!

  2. While Goldson seems to have lost confidence and is making bone head plays i still think Kelly did more to almost botch this game than anyone. five years with really bad special teams play–inability to run a kick back to the 20 and horrible two minute clock management set us up for really bad outcomes. He complete abandonment of the run game in the third quarter when we could have run the ball down the throat of a bad run defense is very perplexing. I love the win. I love the red zone efficiency and I love godsons resolve to come back from horrific mistakes but we really are skating on think ice and the coaching by the head coach is remarkably confusing.

  3. Kelly holds the Irish offense back at the beginning of each game with his stubborn insistence that Cam McDaniel start. I love McDameil but he should concentrate on blocking on kickoffs instead of turning his back to the kickoff coverage and always telling Carlisle not to return every kick

  4. Syracuse ran 31 times for 156 today and exploited some deep sidelines on FSU. ND should be able to run on the FSU defense. The more we run, the more we keep the FSU offense off the field. Run the ball, B.K. Please, run the ball.

  5. The Irish were torched by a very bad football team. Too many mental lapses to count on both sides of ball yet they win due to the poor quality of the opponent. They have not looked good since the Michigan game, except the D, but here they are 6-0 and now the D has huge question mark. Golson’s mistakes are maddening and FSU will surely take advantage of them.
    ND may need to score 60 to have a chance to win if play does not improve.

  6. Kelly doesn’t know how to prepare or motivate a team, he learned nothing from the Pitt game in ’12. Everyone, including Kelly (I think), knew this was a trap game coming off the big win against Stanford and playing FSU next week; they came out flat as a pancake and looked totally unprepared to play. He loves to say everyone plays their “game of the season” against ND, but if he knows that why can’t he get this team ready to play? The D, as well as the whole team, took a huge step backwards today.

  7. ND is going to go into Tallahassee and going to shock the world and beat Rapis Winston. I know that Florida State is a good football team but they aren’t what they were last year.I know ND looked subpar today, but the defense has been conistent all year they are allowed to have one letdown before this big game. I think the biggest question going into next weeks game is will Golson clean up his turnovers? If he does then ND will win a close game 35-31. I think he will. Golson is a tough kid. ND will come out fighting.

  8. Brian Kelly has done some great things at Notre Dame and is a good coach, but he will coach ND out of some wins. This team can beat FSU and it is up to the players to make that happen. The only thing the players can’t control is who gets to play, so Cam is the starter. It’s bad when a coach has already handcuffed his team before the game starts.

  9. Way too many missed tackles today. Also, one of Notre Dame’s biggest problems today besides the turnover’s and poor tackling was very little pass rush. Golson needs to get togrether asap.

  10. Hopefully the team – on both sides of the ball, on the field and on the sidelines – got the mistakes out of their systems. FSU would have scored an easy 60 on yesterday’s team and we’d have been sent to bed without our supper and maybe 10 points.

    Nothing I have seen tells me Golson can lead this team to a win over FSU.

    Hope I’m wrong.

  11. We left the field 6-0, in a game that Weis, Willingham, and Davie would have figured out how to lose. Yes, it was a trap game that we played well enough to win, got some turnovers of our own which led to points and in the end recovered and onside kick and won the game. I have to believe we will play better against FSU. Eliminate the early turnovers get the defense clicking again, and we will be ready for the upset of the year. I really like his team, and I really like the job Brian Kelly’s doing despite the loss of the five players due to suspensions. Go Irish!

  12. Somehow I knew this game was going to go down to the wire since ND continues to play down to their competition. I realize NC has some talent on offense and would score some points, but allowing 43 points and 500 yards on your home turf is hard to swallow. Van Gorder has done some great things but he and the D laid an egg this week as NC as they made it look far too easy and gashed and gouged the ND defense throughout the game.

    This is also the third straight week of Golson struggling with turnovers. At some point the two interceptions, 1-2 fumbles and occasional pick sixes will cost ND the game.

  13. Did playing an emotional game with Stanford cause the flat scattered performance or was it the fact this was midterm exam week? Most likely a combination of the two.

    Let’s not forget these are University students and not full time footballers. This is the same week the team struggled so much against those undermanned Pittsburg teams the last few years.

    For the team-I don’t like this midterm v game prep quandary. But for the players and University-I am happy education comes first for my team. When was the last time you heard other teams having trouble on the field because of exams? I’m proud the university values its players for more than their athletic abilities. Another reason to love Note Dame, they do college athletics right.

    Go Irish!

  14. The most astute quip from yesterday’s game watch was “Where’s Tommy when we need him?”. Everett Golson slid down in my Heisman hopeful fantasy but as ever he never quits and he has a ton of talent. I think he is playing as well as he can. The D needs to tackle better, not sure what happened yesterday… they played much better the last month. I don’t understand a “trap” game… don’t champions play every down like it counts? Hopefully we can put it all together next Saturday and possibly be the team with the better game plan! Go Irish!

  15. Give Kelly credit for being 6-0. With the suspensions we have overachieved to this point. Hoping we don’t take a beating next week and lose the esteem we’ve built to this point like the Alabama game. After four bad hires we now have a consistent winning team which should be even better next year. Shame on the university for making the suspended players wait so long to know their fate. How would they feel if it was their kid? Wondering if any of those players are deemed innocent whether they would have legal recourse for what was taken from them and the humiliation they have suffered. Hoping for the best at FSU.

  16. I think we’ve gotten a lot of mileage out of a team that was not that talented or experienced to begin the season, and now our young players have some serious game experience. The defense was a serious question mark before the season began and we caught huge breaks when it turned out that our competition wasn’t nearly as good as thought pre-season. The questions about the defense didn’t go away because our opponents weren’t good. Now they have 6 games under their belts, which is about as good preparation for FSU as we could have hoped for. The same is true on offense — Stanford’s “D” was tough as nails. FSU’s isn’t nearly as good. So we passed all the tests so far and now we have the hardest one with more reason to think we can pass it than before the season began. What remains maddening is the unwillingness to let the RBs carry the football. It appeared we could have run at will yesterday, which may also have greatly improved the mediocre pass protection and turnovers. Golson continues to take more tough hits that he should. BK and EG need to channel 2012 Oklahoma this week.

  17. Good reminder, 2012 at the “OK corral.” Go in there and kick some butt ND!

    Yes, Winston will pose a challenge and a serious threat. Yet on the bright side he may be behind bars before the game even kicks off thus annihilating his contribution. I was tryin’ to not go there, the whole Catholics vs. Convicts thing from the 90’s but just couldn’t resist seein’ as I cut my teeth on some of those games around ’90, ’91. Learning to be an Irish fanatic.

  18. I completely agree with the comment that the University should be ashamed of itself for the way it has handled “scandal”. I am completely embarrassed and ashamed of the way this has been handled. Even if they are guilty and even if they deserve to be suspended, the university has botched this beyond comprehension.
    I feel bad for those kids whether they are guilty or not.
    Also agree that we should be thrilled to be 6-0 butI still doubt Kellys ability to get the team ready in big games and i question why he abandons the the running game and refused to put any emphasis on special teams play. this is a huge part of every big game. We started the season returning punts and blocking on punt returns. the last two games Rigs has three to five opposing jerseys around him each time he catches the ball.
    I am optimistic that FSU has a number of weaknesses –if we prepare and execute we can beat this team

  19. NDBonecrusher says:

    Ha! Was at an ND wedding yesterday and we were all checking our phones in disbelief thru the Mass and reception. (I know you’re not supposed to do that. Mea maxima Culpa.) Looking forward to watching–sounds like ND did their best Keystone Cops impersonation but still managed to pull out the victory. Keep your chins up lads/lasses–winning ugly beats the $#it out of losing. Go IRISH beat Seminoles. And stop putting the damn ball on the ground!!!

  20. Exactly the game I predicted and I really wish I was wrong but a win is a win and we move on!
    Although FSU is clearly the best team we will play this year I have a lot of confidence because its all about how you match up with a team. We should have success running and also getting our receivers over the top. If golson avoids the turnover big we have a good shot. Rest up boys and lets get ready to shock some of the morons over at ESPN!

  21. Hopefully we don’t see another replay of the 2012 season: only really good team we play and we get hammered. The team needs to work on the fine details, and I thought EG had a whole year off at some elite QB camp in Cali to work those things out. He looks like a headcase out there, and we can beat ok teams with him a the helm on offense but not elite like FSU. I think Malik Zaire has explosiveness and durability to run the ball and give teams fits in the spread, and that will make the passing game easier for him. I would hate to see us get on the field against the only elite team we play and get totally outclassed because our players are not given the preparation and confidence that a wise coach provides to win at top levels. I haven’t seen on QB progress at ND for decades, and in this offense you need a really mature and effective QB to go all the way. I don’t think EG is either one, but he is like a crap shoot, so hopefully he comes out as Dr Jeckel and not Mr Hyde.

  22. All of you characters calling Kelly a bum are nuts. Our team is really, really young. If all you were looking at when evaluating North Carolina was the score of their previous games this year, you came into this game ill informed as to the talent level on the other side of the field. Yes, the Tar Heels had lost games due to tons of turnovers and lack of focus, but their coach was also trying to figure out which quarterback he was going to go with. But going into South Bend, you knew these talented guys would focus and the coach stuck with the better QB. Plus, every team gives ND their best shot so they can tell their grandchildren some day about the time they beat ND.

    Now should the game have been so close? No. Golson again couldn’t hold onto the ball when running and threw some late/bad balls. As I said last week, I love his competitive fire, his toughness, his willingness to take a big hit and pop right back up and the pure talent he has. What I continue to see from him though is hesitation, especially after he has made some mistakes or gotten pressured continually in a game. He sees that a receiver is going to come open, and you can even see his body undulate like he subconsciously wants to make the throw. But he waits an extra second until the receiver makes the cut and delivers the ball late or then pulls it down and goes to his later reads or runs. If you need some context here, think of Eli Manning. If you watched the Eagles game last night, he became skittish because the center couldn’t plug the middle of the line and pressure was coming right up the gut. So even when Eli had time, his feet weren’t set properly and he hesitated. This is some of what Golson is dealing with as well due to the line not keeping proper protection right up the gut on passing downs. So it isn’t all just on Golson. If Golson doesn’t spot NC 14 points right off the bat due to turnovers, however, the game would probably have played out a bit more comfortably in our favor. But give the offense credit for continuing to produce and bail out a shoddy performance on defense.

    When an offense scores as many points as ours did on Saturday, the blame for a close game rests squarely on the shoulders of the defense. Our defense struggled against an offense in NC that was very multiple. Their QB was on target with his arm, was good with his feet and was a load to tackle. Remember, if you want to talk about dumb coaching, the NC coach was rotating this QB with another one who was a drop back turnover machine. What was he thinking? When you have a QB who can throw and run it makes the defense have to play a very smart game and stay in their assignments. We have a young, athletic defense who didn’t always do that. We also, for some reason, had a tough time tackling. Not sure why that was, but I’m going to guess that the multiple looks had our guys hesitating a step, thinking too much before reacting. This was a very, very good primer before heading to FSU. I am actually really glad that we faced NC’s offense and were able to get a primer for a mobile quarterback who can throw right before the big showdown.

    This next weekend, we will see another QB who can run the ball. Winston actually doesn’t throw lasers if you watch his games, having more of a Tebow-esque arc on the ball. What he does have is good timing (leads his receivers right under the balls that hit softly in their hands) and receivers who will fight for the ball. He is also a killer when he runs the ball because you have to respect the pass so much and he is very athletic. If ND plays a clean game in the turnover department this game will be a barn burner. If we lose the turnover battle, we most likely get beat. Golson and Winston are both unbeaten in the regular season as starters. One of those streaks will end Saturday. Here’s hoping it is our guy, the one who also showed the character to sit out the year, come back to school, and finish what he started.

    Go Irish!

  23. Note before ND beat Miami in 1988:
    Notre Dame, a loser to Pittsburgh three years in a row, narrowly avoided another such upset as the Irish improved to 5-0 on the season.[12
    ] The 30-20 victory in the rain did little to inspire confidence that Notre Dame could beat No. 1 Miami the following week.[12] The Panthers made a number of critical mistakes that led the Panthers to believe they did more to lose the game more than Notre Dame did to win it.[12] “We could have won the game,” said Panther coach Mike Gottfried, “but we made just enough mistakes to lose it.”[12]
    Notre Dame was ranked #5…

  24. for the comments regarding lack of QB development in decades, godson has developed a lot and by the way Brady Quinn developed a lot so that person who said that hasn’t watched much ND football in the past few years
    The defense was porous last week but 21 of the 43 came off of turnovers including a pic 6 so the defense which did not play great was not as bad as the points suggested. Finally, good field position gives the offense freedom to do things and puts the defense on its heels is a major issue for ND because we have horrible special teams right now and have since Kelly has been coach. that is one thing that has to improve or we can’t compete with good teams

  25. Golson has been the only playmaker/difference maker most of the season. They live and die on his arm and his feet. They have a patched together offensive line, a talented but raw receiving core, and inconsistent RBs. They receivers mostly haven’t been able to pick up Golston when he is a little off on a throw or when it is a tough catch—the WRs could have come up with some big plays in 3Q and put game away but didn’t. Hopefully, Folston’s emergence can carry on and take a little weight off Golson. Golson dug them a hole, but Golson’s dug them out.

  26. ND made that UNC game a lot tougher than it had to be, but give credit to Larry Fedora and his talented recruits. They played pretty well. They have the talent to play, and Fedora put them in great situations by preventing ND from substituting on defense. His up-tempo offense (with strategic personnel substitutions late so the defense couldn’t react) was a thing of beauty. He has always been a great coach (Southern Miss and back to OSU), so he had his boys prepared.
    ND just need to take care of the little things on their end. Primarily, taking care of the football. I also think Golson has stepped backwards in his decision-making the past few games. He seems slow to get the ball out of his hands. I also question the waste of the 3rd quarter offensively. It felt like we were trying to protect a lead instead of attacking, but this could have been a mechanism to feel things out for the 4th quarter.
    I am not an expert (but I have coached the game for years at the HS level), so I am interested in other observations. I think ND can beat FSU if they clean things up this week at practice and really break down the “must’s” to beat FSU… should be fun to watch Saturday!