Horns Outmuscle Irish in OT

Tyrone Swoopes crashed into the end zone in the second overtime to give the Texas Longhorns a 50-47 victory over the Fighting Irish on Sunday night. The teams were tied at 37 at the end of regulation, and both squandered opportunities to win the game in the fourth quarter. Swoopes scored twice in overtime while Notre Dame could only match one score and had to settle for a field goal in its second OT possession. The Irish came all the way back from a 31-14 third quarter deficit to take a 35-31 lead early in the fourth, but poor tackling and determined, physical play by Texas was the difference at the end.

Update: I’m sitting in the Austin Airport with a few minutes to spare, so I’ll review the answers to the pregame questions:

Which team will seize momentum with a strong start? Notre Dame started well, but Texas answered right back and took control of the contest in the first half.

Can the new Irish safeties prevent the big 40+ yard play? Ummm, that would be an emphatic “no”.

Which defensive line will be able to put pressure on the quarterback? The Longhorns did a better job in this area, and Buechele had plenty of time to launch ICBMs at the hapless Irish secondary.

Will Notre Dame finally convert red zone opportunities into touchdowns?Yes, except for the controversial hit on Torii Hunter, Jr. late in the game.

Which team’s young wide receivers will exceed expectations?Equanemeous St. Brown was impressive in the first half, but he and Hunter were the only threats that emerged for the Irish.

Can either team run the ball consistently?Texas was much more consistent in this area despite a few nice runs by Notre Dame. Of course, the missed tackles by the Irish made the Longhorns look that much better.

Will each team’s quarterback rotation help or hinder its offense?I like what Strong did with the use of Swoopes for the Longhorns, but Kelly’s misuse of Zaire and Kizer in the first half was just short of criminal.

Which special teams will deliver a field position advantage?C.J.Sanders had some productive punt returns in the second half that helped the Irish comeback efforts, and of course the returned extra point was tremendous. Texas blocked a critical field goal, however, and got the best of the punting wars all night.

Can either defense generate turnovers?Notre Dame had an interception and did not turn the ball over all night, which makes one wonder how they could give up so many points.

Will either team have a clear starting quarterback by the end of the night?Buechele is the obvious starter for Texas, but Swoopes has a defined role in which he adds value. Notre Dame needs to cut bait and go with Kizer immediately, or the team should just stuff Kelly in a locker.

This game was a disappointing effort for the Irish defense and offensive line. The Texas staff also outcoached Kelly and company. Prospects for this season do not look great, although it will be fun to watch Kizer play. He is truly an exceptional talent.


95 thoughts on “Horns Outmuscle Irish in OT

    • Defense is terrible. Something needs to be done as this is a recurring problem each year. You score 47 points and get beat. Need a new scheme.

    • Very difficult loss. Don’t think it had to be. The first Texas QB sneak TD wasn’t a score. Did anyone replay that score? Not on the TV broadcast. Rochelle had a hand on the ball keeping it on the QBs hip. They likely go on to get a score on that drive but at least show a replay to confirm. Late in the 2nd when Texas QB Swoops scores on the edge Tranquil was our edge contain- took a poor angle but would have had a shot at a tackle except he got tackled. Clear holding that would have made it 3rd and goal from the 13. I think at least we held them to a field goal try. Could have won on that possession alone. ND got some calls but not in critical situations- certainly not on scoring plays.

  1. Great game to watch, Texas deserved it. Kizer won the job.

    The season is not over, our hopes are not dashed – if you’re going to lose one it’s better to lose it early in the season.

  2. Great game to watch, Texas deserved it. Kizer won the job.

    The season is not over, our hopes are not dashed – if you’re going to lose one it’s better to lose it early in the season.

    “Poor tackling and determined, physical play by Texas was the difference at the end” – good summation.

  3. NDBonecrusher says:

    Ugh-what a disappointment. Jake’s prediction was unfortunately accurate.
    Not sure where the All World offensive line was. The failure to establish a run game was a huge reason for the loss. Getting torched again and again on the deep balls didn’t help either. C’mon guys-you can’t tell me that you didn’t practice that. Yoon’s blocked PAT was obviously huge, as was not going for the win on that last series in regulation. And with the possible exception of Kizer, the lads in burnt orange wanted it more. “Outmuscled” is right, John. We are not as good as I thought, and the CFP seems a long, long way away. Players and coaches both gotta improve.

    • The Irish rushed for 206 yards and a 4.5 yard average per, while Texas rushed for 237 yards and a 4.0 yard average. Pinning this loss on the offense in any way — particularly with zero turnovers and 47 points scored — doesn’t seem right to me.

    • Bonecrusher,

      It was a no brainer picking Texas over our Irish.. I have zero confidence in Kelly leading
      us in the future.. I’ve seen the same old story for seven years..

      As predicted, we lost the battle of intensity and our defense was “flat’.. What a surprise.

      I’ve now predicted the last three losses in a row dating back to last season.

      We’re looking at an seven or eight win season (if we’re lucky)..

      Horrible coaching on all fronts by the staff.. They should give back their weekly salary for
      the lack of preparation especially on the defensive side of the ball.

      They better be ready to play against Nevada which has nothing to lose..

      Time for the whole coaching staff to leave.. IMHO..

      • Jake, they lost a game on the road in which they were 3 pt favorites in. A true road game versus these neutral site pretend road games by the way. Texas probably has the 2nd or 3rd most talent of any team on the schedule and this was a scary game as they have been drawing ND’s name in the sand for a year and put everything into this game defining their season. I will give Kelly crap for not letting Kizer the run the team after the one possession he gave to Zaire was ineffective. I really didn’t understand why Zaire started the first possession of 2nd half. He must have promised him that because it made no sense. Saying all that I am quite dissapointed in their ability to stop the deep ball and make a freshmen complete something other then running a go route and throwing it as far as he can. Van Gorder its not working buddy! As for they never win a big game- they shouldve beat FSU and a phantom call prevented and they lost by 2 to the runner ups last yr also on the road. By the time Stanford and Ohio ST games were played they had no one healthy. You can call those all excuses or understand they are facts and you have to make an informed decision when debating letting a coach go. Again I ask everyone who wants Kelly gone who are we replacing him with that will do any better? Until there is a big time proven coach ready to come here he’s the guy hands down to me.

        • “He must have promised him that”. So one of the reasons we lost a game was so a coach could “keep a promise” to a player? Something as specious as that doesn’t bother you? You think a coach who would do that is in any way top-tier?

          Personally, I think Tom Herman can do better. But at this point, I’ve seen what Kelly’s ceiling is, and it’s short of what ND should expect from its coaches. He should have fired VanGorder last year, and ND is going to miss another chance for a title because of it. If you’re too scared to try to replace mediocrity with something that can be better, that’s on you.

          • Mike, I don’t like everything Kelly does- I was offering the most likely explanation as to why he would go to Zaire to start the second half. All spring he said they were equal so going into the game he must have planned to give the non starter the first possession of the second half. That didn’t cost them the game. The atrocious Defense did that. I am not a Van Gorder fan and by extension Kelly has to take heat for his coaching hires. Again, I don’t love everything about him and I’m not scared to replace him if I had a coach whom I thought was perfect for everything that comes with ND but since I don’t and they have had immense trouble landing the big fish, I’m okay with sticking with him. If i saw a regression in recruiting or losses at home to inferior opponents my opinion would change rather quickly. Full disclosure I’m in my mid 30’s and unfortunately I have a hard time parting with a coach who has been the second best in my lifetime and with whom I see having made significant improvements over the previous 15 years of garbage.

        • PC, with all due respect, we lost a game because we were not prepared defensively
          to execute on any level..

          It’s the same old story over and over again.. Enough already..

          Kelly is stubborn and arrogant.. He got outcoached!! There’s no way around it..

          I’ve given plenty of names in the past in who would be a better coach..

          We will struggle with Nevada this weekend.. That’s how bad this has gotten.

          • Jake,
            I agree about the defense being terrible. I still cringe at the thought of a frosh QB throwing the same deep pass to the same player running the same route. Inexcusable to me. I also think we didn’t tackle well at the end of the game or we still would’ve won. I’m sure they wore down but again still no excuse. There was adjustments made, in fairness and after getting hit in the mouth they erased a 17pt deficit in part because they D got about 4 stops in a row and a turnover. I understand that we as fans overreact to any lose particularly week 1 and its gloom and doom and we will never win again. Sorry, I’m annoyed but not illogical. We will win against Nevada by 4tds and after we beat Mich St things will settle down a bit. I thought 10-2 before the year starts so until we dont finish with that record and I’m not acting like we are on the titanic.

  4. Vitor Marques says:

    The lack of coach Kelley’s decision making in choosing a QB, was again evident in his timid play calling, specially at the end of 4th quarter and with game on the line. The defense, once again, showed they can’t stop a determined team taking advantage of obvious weaknesses in secondary.

    • VanGorder should resign or be fired. His defensive game plans suck! He needs exceptional talent like Jaylon Smith and Sheldon Day to even come close to a good defense but those guys make any defense better.

    • BTW…… when Kelly leaves Strong has to be IRISH’s next HC!!! Being a Holtz product you can see how dominate they are going to be!!!!

  5. After 7 years we see the exact same thing over and over with really no significant improvement. Poor defense with no ability to make a critical stop but far worse:
    Horrendous play calling esp on the last two drives of regulation when we could have put Texas away and terrible play calling in the second overtime and a penalty and time out on 4th and short when we wanted to go for it— a signature occurrence in the Kelly error. The inability to seize the moment and win a big game when you have it in your hands is how i think Kelly should be defined. Other than stanford in 2012 and Okla in 2012 we have not had a big win in 7 years against a good team. another kelly hallmark trait is inconsistent special teams play. Yes a good punt return and yes a blocked extra point but inability to get a good punt twice when needed and inability to get a kickoff past the 28 yard line when texas kicked off after a 15 yard penalty. only really throwing to two receivers the entire game so after one got hurt there was no flow going to any of the new guys despite all the talent they have. A tight end who was open all night might as well have not had pads one and more….. Lots to point out in a very disappointing coaching performance but to sum it up it is a reflection on Kelly who should be considered to be a a very hot seat! He is pathetic.

  6. Father Jenkins…Jack… please for the love of our Lady. End our suffering.
    Why have you forsaken us?

    It is finished.

  7. No shortage of excitement in that game! Here are my dopey observations:

    1. There is no question at QB anymore. Kizer is the future of a potent offense.
    2. St. Brown’s catch for a touchdown will be one for the highlight reels. Amazing athleticism.
    3. Justin Yoon appears solid.

    Now for the bad news:

    1. As I watched last night, I quickly was reminded of the Charlie Weis era. Tremendous scoring ability denuded by a lousy defense and dubious play calling.
    2. How many times will Kizer run the ball this season? Are those design plays or is he just opting to take off because he has no confidence in the O line to protect him?
    3. ND stands for “no defense.” The secondary is terrible. They were consistently burned all evening. Tackling is poor. Once we entered OT, I knew it was over because the defense appears porous. How much more time does BVG get?
    4. How does Nick Saban produce championship caliber teams, year after year, and you never seem to hear the word “rebuild” or the phrase “Maybe next year.” How good is our recruiting? Are we as deep as the writers say? Granted, we lost several dynamic players to the NFL, graduation, etc., but the team didn’t appear to be very good, certainly not top 10.

    But what do I know? I am just another moron…

    • Yes. This is the Weis era all over again. Mediocrity is the hallmark of this ND team and will continue to be until they get a head coach that really cares about defense.

  8. No defense. Several predictable and bad play calls. Special teams improvement and a good looking offense at times but not an elite team by any means. ND just gets pushed around too much. I see a lot of close games ahead. I love ND but this will not be a championship year..

  9. Another year, another football season over in September, another agonizing loss. Brian Kelly’s game day management is just not there. Wasting a TO on that ridiculous challenge. 3rd and 12 late in the game (I think last possession) running a draw up the middle. On and on it goes. Defense and BVG? Non existent. ND gave up 50 points, 50% on 3rd down conversions, 517 yards and 7/7 inside the red zone. But ND will win their 9 games , which seems to be the new norm and everyone will be happy.

  10. Notre Dame has NO DEFENSE!!! They have had no defense since Bob Diaco left. The definition of insanity is repeating the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result

  11. Lots of reasons, but let’s get to the basic 2: Sieve defense (did these guys tackle in camp??) with a secondary that plays like lineman. Then Kelly’s stubborn arrogance by keep inserting Zaire. So he could see no separation between the two. My wife noticed clear differences and she is at best a casual football fan. Bringing him in during the first possession of the second half is beyond belief.

  12. Once again we choke in prime time. It was Stanford all over again. The BVG era is over. This defense has not improved at all. When you give up 50 points in your first game of the season, it tells you all you need to know. Thanks for letting me vent.

  13. Why isn’t Kelly saying anything about the obvious targeting on Tori? It was one of the worst non- calls I’ve ever seen. Again, Kelly and Van Gorder were out coached Again. It’ s going to be a long season with these two awful coaches. Sorry fans. We are stuck with them. Ellen

  14. If the first game is any indication of how the season will pan out, I think we’ll be seeing a new D-Coordinator next year. UT putting up 37 in regulation was painful to watch, not to mention the OT. This first game was a carbon copy of the last three years; the defense played hard, but looked confused, was pushed around, and just couldn’t make the Big Stop when needed. Thank God the Irish aren’t playing the skunkbears this year. Still Love ’em though. Go Irish!!!

    • I forgot how much I despised Van Gorder. I said it multiple times last season, most resoundingly after the Stanford game, but he NEEDS to be fired. Now. There is no reason to keep him on. I jokingly said to my brother this morning that ND hasn’t been able to tackle since 1993 but the tackling last night was abysmal. Get rid of Van Gorder. Now. It looked like Kelly wanted to rip his head off for most of the night so maybe he will. We can only hope.

      Also – agree with the analysis about the misuse of Kizer and Zaire. Feel for Zaire but he has no business being on the field. Maybe he could have a more defined role inside the 10 yard line as Swoopes does with Texas. That’s optimistic tho. We will see. Kizer really is an exceptional talent. I think if Kizer may have played all game the Irish win by 14.

  15. Perhaps BVG should spend less time scheming and more time teaching tackling and the art of man to man coverage rather than chasing wide receivers down the field.

  16. One more thing and then I PROMISE I’m outtahere.

    After the game a Texas player said “We needed a signature win.”

    They got it – over us.

    And we STILL need a signature win in the Kelly regime – beat a big time team that is favored over you.

  17. ND is getting to mean “No Defense”. Again, the defense looks like one with a lot of individual talent but prone to break down at the worst moments.

    • For the life of me, I can’t understand BK’s thinking when we got the ball back with a lead late in the fourth quarter. It was time to step on the pedal and put the game away instead of playing conservatively and hoping that his sieve defense would save the day. The two-QB solution also was a potential disaster from the get-go. All that being said, how is it there was no flag on the helmet-to-helmet hit on Torii?

  18. As it’s been stated numerous times above, this loss was a typical Brian Kelly Era performance on the big stage. The win was squarely in our grasp, until it really mattered. Put this loss squarely on Brian Kelly’s shoulders. Here’s why:
    1) Failure to go into the game with Kizer as your #1, probably cost the Irish at least 10 points in this game, given that the “Switcheroo Scheme” gave Zaire four unproductive series and i’m sure ND scores at least 10 more points if Kizer was in there for those. After the first Half, how could Kelly even consider letting Zaire play in the second ???? But he did. And given these two QBs relative performance in this game, it’s REALLY hard to believe Kizer didn’t outplay Zaire in summer camp. Error: Kelly
    2) ND goes up 35-31 and then the playcalling turns conservative, as if we were confident that our defense could actually stop Texas down the homestretch. Are you kidding ?!?!?! It was obvious ND had to at least march down once again and get at least 3 but preferably 7 … again because our defense is non-existent when it matters most. Error: Kelly
    3) Brian Van Gorder is STILL our Defensive Coordinator. HUGE Error: Kelly
    4) Obvious targeting and hit to the head against Tori Hunter Jr should’ve been protested and appealed by Kelly for a replay look. Error: Kelly

    Before the game, they showed Brian Kelly’s 70% winning % and my son-in-law remarked … well that’s pretty good, aren’t you satisfied with that ? I said … ” Not if you want to make the CFB Playoff!” Well, sure enough Kelly provided enough tangible evidence (Unfortunately) to support my thesis. Good coach, generally supports the university’s mission, but a second tier coach who will not get ND football into the Top 4 on any consistent basis. But I’m not sure the ND administration cares.

  19. Another season gone, and another ND football team that doesn’t make the playoff. In my opinion. The offense played a great game other than a few early game 3 in outs. But poor tackling and speed on the cornerback and safety side lead to the unfortunate loss. It’s a definite that kizer should be the starter and if something doesn’t change soon, BVG should be gone.

  20. Once again, Kelly’s bonehead decision to alternate quarterbacks every series through the early 3rd quarter cost them some points and arguably the game. Year 3 in the Van Gorder system and the defense still gives up big plays and big chunks of yards at inopportune times. Giving up 50 points and over 500 yards of offense when you had a month to prepare is inexcusable.

    Kizer is THE man and the undisputed starting quarterback after last night.

    Year 7 and we’re still not getting championship level play. It looks like this is shaping up to be an 8-4 year. 8 wins seems to be the new standard at Notre Dame.

    Give Texas credit for playing hard but I think the outcome would have been favorable to ND if Urban Meyer were strolling the sidelines instead of Kelly.

    • Why are people still hung up on Urban Meyer. He will NEVER be the ND coach! If you don’t like Kelly, fine, but offer a realistic alternative.

      • I know that. I used Urban Meyer as an example since he was an assistant at ND, flirted with the HC opportunity after Willingham’s dismissal and has taken Florida and now OSU to the pinnacle of college football. Urban only tolerated one year of bad defense which was in 2013 and which cost them the Big Ten championship game and the bowl game against Clemson. He made changes after that season and in 2014 they were hoisting the crystal football and just barely missed the playoffs in 2015.

        Sure, Kelly has done some good things, but after seven years there are no national championships, no wins on Jan. 1st bowls, and a losing record against ranked teams. If 8-9 wins and always coming up short in big games puts a smile on your face then so be it.

        Do you think this would be acceptable at Alabama, OSU, Oregon, FSU, Clemson, Michigan and other powers?

  21. Ghost of Joe Moore says:

    The helmet to helmet hit on Tori was a game changer.
    Refs are gonna get some calls wrong but that was criminal
    especially whenit comes to player safety. He had the catch
    and possession and the TD when the illegal hit to the head
    jarred the ball loose.

    The earlier article on BVG’s math problem was proven correct.
    Tons of confusion on D throughout the first half and of course
    no improvement on not giving up the big plays. Aside from Diacos tenure
    it seems fundamentals escapes the Irish every other year. The only
    consistant thing i saw was BK’s conservative mind blowing play calling
    when the game was on the line. Thought he would have recognized
    what every other fan saw in the first half that being let Kizer run
    the offense but he continues along his insane ways and starts Zaire
    in the 2nd half! I thought Kizer deserved the start this year hands down
    after the performance he had last year. BK and BVG failed miserably.

  22. Should have gone for two in the first OT.
    Didn’t they practice against the hurry up offense?
    We were struggling to get lined up.
    Young again on defense, hope they can fix it quick.

  23. Horrible coaching by Kelly and BVG. Kelly most overrated head coach, he can’t manage a big game, and BVG has to be the worse defense coordinator in all of football. He is clueless, missed tackles, no pass rush, can’t cover receivers, oh wait this it the last 3 years of his coaching. ND will not return to glory with Kelly and after 50 years of being a true Irish fan it is time to move on and find a winning program. Go Nevada!

  24. Disappointing as it looks like defense had no clue. Felt sorry for #24 burned all night because DC couldn’t figure out how to cover #1…left him on an island, especially after “halftime adjustments”? Talented kids deserve talented coaching!

  25. The only time Texas was stopped was penalties and bad snaps. Did you see at the end of regulation fourth and forever ND goes into the prevent nothing defense and the Texas back caught the ball just barely out of bounds. They never learn. Cant tackle cant cover anyone. While offense played well enough win the second down call in second overtime to give ball to tailback was a big mistake. Texas had stuffed that run consistently after the first possession. Texas deserved to win but Tori Hunter was clearly a victim of targeting.

  26. How long will Coach Kelly, who I support and believe to be an excellent coach, go before he accepts that we consistently have significant defensive issues? When it counts we stop no one. Was there anyone who did not expect Texas to drive the length of the field late in the game, then score two more easy touchdowns in overtime?

  27. everyone who is down on BVG remember who has hired him and stuck by him. this is all on the head coach. fixing the defense only fixes half the problem. I doesn’t fix poor play calling, poor scheming, lack of use of the tight end and last night lack of use of any receivers in the first three quarters other than two so that when they needed young players to step up they were out of synch and not prepared. Fixing the defense doesn’t change the inability to run a play on fourth and short without calling a timeout and having a penalty happen after the time out. It doesn’t fix calling a timeout to review an obvious incompletion. It doesn’t fix the play calling in the second overtime or the last real drive of the game when we could have iced it. It doesn’t fix a punting game that is unable to turn field position around. Fixing the defense doesn’t fix the yearly scholastic and criminal issues that arise. That all gets fixed with a new head coach. the arrogant coach who is in it way over his head has been given a free ride for 7 years —-He is simply unable to win a big game. Not a real signature win in 7 years except maybe stanford and Okla in 2012. Lets move cut the lines and find a real coach who can do more than blame everyone else but himself for the problems of the team

  28. One too many Brians if we cannot get rid of BVG then BK needs to go as well—–
    shame on us–NO DEFENSE—great performance by Charlie Strong and the Longhorns
    (no way Charlie Strong is ever coming to ND–he is paid $5M at Texas !!!

    Mark ’57

  29. Martin Medvetz says:

    My sentiments are much the same as has already been posted. No improvement in the secondary deep coverage, no pass rush, poor tackling, and can’t make the big stop. Same old story for the past five years. Vannie’s remarks are spot on.

  30. Brian kelly is an overrated idiot. ND got out-muscled, out-played, and out-coached! He needs to go back to Divsion II. Hasn’t done squat at this level. My grandmother has better clock and game management than brian kelly and she has been dead for six years. He is too busy hiring friend (denbrock and BVG) than getting real coaches. Fire him now!!!!

  31. So much negativity by the author, and comments by my fellow fans and alums…what is wrong with you people. Big picture, this was a great game and we went on the road into an extremely hostile environment, played our tails off and lost to a highly motivated and talented Texas team. And we were totally screwed by the Big 12 officials in the booth who chose not to review an obvious illegal hit… their choice to ignore the review was obviously because a review would have resulted in an ejection and first down for the Irish. Hopefully, ND asks for an explanation/investigation and somebody gets fired for ignoring a process that was created to protect student-athletes. And hopefully Tori Hunter gets healthy and plays again.

    Kelly is a GREAT coach, no question. The talent we have is on-par with the Holtz years (when I attended ND). We are lucky to have Kelly. Not sure about BVG but I trust Kelly to help is long-time assistant get better or move on. Get off of Kelly’s back and let him evaluate his staff. Or else you will be like all the LSU fans and Browns fans who are bitter about the coach they lost who is now winning multiple championships with someone else. Go Irish!

    • ND lost to a team that it beat 38-3 one year ago. What would you say is the comparative trajectory of these two programs? ND also performed well below its talent level, which is all too familiar under Kelly.

      • Well it’s a good thing we didn’t chase Ara out the door due “the comparative trajectory of these two programs.”

        1966 ND 51 USC 0

        1967 USC 24 ND 7

        And you could have fooled me about ND performing below its talent level in 2012, going 12-0, the one year we were not stuck with Rees at QB or riddled with injuries/suspensions on defense.

    • Mike, One targeting call did NOT turn this into a texas victory. Brian kelly has no game management skills. Remember clemson last year! Yes texas is vastly improved, but Kelly and his staff are weak. Why did Folston not play more? Why string the 2 qbs along then play kizer most of the game, and put zaire into the game deep in our territory. Calling a time out the challenge the “interception” was a frickin joke! But at least he cusses out the coaches on the sidelines and the players when they come off the field. Too many personal fouls and stupid penalities. That mike is a sign of a poorly coached team!

  32. How was the hit on Tori Hunter not targetting? If an ND player had done that he would have been kicked out of the game.

  33. We’ll know from how the Season plays out, but Tx looked like a pretty good football team last night. If that holds up, we lost to a good football team on road in OT (with the aid of a horrible non-call by their Conference officials in the booth on targeting). If you don’t think this happened to Holtz et al – you don’t have a very good memory. It also happened to Stoops this weekend too, btw, and don’t be surprised if he loses to Tx again this year.

    And losing our starting Sr. Free Safety seems to have made a difference after all. The worst feature of the Kelly era appears to be losing so many players to injury and suspension – it’s been truly unbelievable.

    At this point, however, it’s becoming difficult to defend BVG. The rest of the coaching appears solid enough. ND is putting players in the NFL on a regular basis again, and recruiting is respectable. This Season is not over by any means. That’s a pretty potent offense we have, and we can hope that the young defense improves as the Season progresses. That Tx team looked so different from last year – it was nearly unrecognizable. That’s bound to make game preparation more difficult, and hopefully last night will look fluke-ish in hindsight from the perspective of our defense.

    • Sure, it happened to Holtz, but only about 2-3 times that I can remember.

      In 1990 ND lost 36-31 at home to Stanford. The loss was due mostly to porous defense just like with BVG today and this led to the firing of the entire defensive staff after the 1991 season. In 1990, ND won every game after the Stanford loss including a victory over 1989 national champion Miami, FL and regained the #1 ranking until getting upset by Penn State (who was ranked) in the last game of the regular season. Think Kelly can rally these guys to go 10-0 or 9-1 until they head to L.A.?

      In 1995, ND went 9-1 following the home loss to unranked Northwestern. Northwestern also knocked off Michigan & Penn St. en route to winning the Big Ten and playing in the Rose Bowl that year so they were no slouch. ND rarely played down to their competition under Holtz whereas with Kelly they do it annually.

      In 1996 ND was upset at home by Air Force in Holtz’s last year. The 1996 squad was not nearly as talented as squads from 1988-93 due to the recruiting drop off after Vinny Cerrato left in 1990. IMO, the 1996 squad was a lot less talented than the 2015 and 2016 ND teams.

      You’re forgetting that Holtz was an astounding 64-9-1 from 1988-1993 with one NC in 1988, a #2 finish in 1989, a #2 finish and near miss in 1993 due to pollster bias in favor of FSU (who ND vanquished in the regular season) and at least one other top 5 finish. Context is everything.

      • “Sure, it happened to Holtz, but only about 2-3 times that I can remember.”

        You made my point about memory … there’s many more than that, and you seem to have erased 1994 from your memory altogether.

        “Context is everything.”

        Agreed. It’s hard to win being stuck with Rees at QB or having half your defense benched for injuries or suspensions. When neither of those happened – we went 12-0.

        “the recruiting drop off after Vinny Cerrato left in 1990”

        Yes, having the right staff matters, and right now Kelly appears to have a problem with BVG that needs fixing.

  34. Compare ND to Alabama and you can see the difference between an elite team and an average team. And ND has the better QB.

  35. Different year, same cancer: no physical and mental toughness due to the lack of leadership. The offense looks awesome when they fall behind by 2 touchdowns, then when they get the lead or tie, they go flat. Everybody saw the demise in yesterday’s game when they could not drive down the field to put Texas away with a 4-point lead and 7 minutes left. You knew the physically superior Texas would push the front 7 around if they got the ball back, and worse than anything else was when they got the ball back with 3 minutes left and did nothing with predictable run plays, and then they got lucky on D with the chop block and bad snap. I actually think it would have been better had they not blocked the PAT, because they would have been forced to move the ball, rather than play for an overtime that was stacked against them with a weak, tired D, and inconsistent offense. They should have gone for 2 in OT considering that they could not stop Texas’ run game, and I even think they should have gone for it on 4th down in their last possession in OT. Clearly, to win a big game, this team needs the offense to put the team on its shoulders, yet when they need key 1st downs or game-winning drives, the O seems to fade away. The great gap in the offense, (with the lack of a dominant running game), is the lack of a short possession passing attack to keep the chains moving and make up for the lack of a run game. Considering that Kelly runs the ‘spread’ offense, one wonders why they hardly throw those sideline flares for a nice 4-yard gain. Considering that the same thing has been going on for the past 3 years, don’t expect changes. Kelly lacks the wisdom and humility to make the necessary changes, but the 800-pound gorilla is the horrible defense which lacks strength and depth, and VanGorder’s sad stint as D Coordinator. A team without a physical defense and lack of creativity and consistency on offense, will never win anything. Sadly, I think ND football is a waste of time, especially considering how heartless this team is. The extra point was a gift, and they came out flat. What is wrong with this team they seem to lack toughness and a love of the game; which is a clear indictment of a coach whose arrogance and lack of focus stem from his short sidedness, indifference and lack of self confidence to perform in the big leagues. The cherry on top was getting a 2point conversion off of a blocked PAT and then a 15-yard penalty against UT on the kickoff, then only returning the ball to the 28, followed up by a miserable 3-an-out after you’ve been gashing Texas’ D the entire 2nd half! This team clearly has no connection with its coaches because they do not play to win and step up and get take over when the momentum is handed to them by the opponent. Don’t expect a national championship or big bowl win. In fact, may God free us from wasting our time watching a heartless team every weekend this fall!

  36. The time has come to admit Nd may be a top fifteen team but it will never win a national championship playing by different rules. Recruitment and academic standards are much higher than at an Alabama or LSU. Coaches are second tier because of that situation. Neither Saban nor that Ohio State fraud would ever come. NCAA has to bring back the student in student athletes and reign in coaches. Two other options: the Ivy League or ND, Stanford, Duke, Northwestern and such form a new league.

  37. Has anyone noticed three straight losses going back to last year? No elite team wins in 7 years of BK.
    Last night performance showed no improvement in 7 years except that Kizer is an exceptional athlete but BK didn’t notice
    until mid 3rd quarter. You cannot convince me the separation between Kizer and Zaire was not noticed in practice.
    BVG a disaster since he first set foot on campus. O line pitiful with supposed best line in CFB. Tackling abysmal and coverage in secondary
    as I have stated since BK started is like watching Keystone Cops.
    7-5 if they are lucky.

    • Giving Kelly a 6 year contract extension tells me a lot about the ND Administration, namely that they just don’t understand that doing that, virtually guarantees that Kelly will continue his mediocre coaching, and ND won’t win a National Championship for at least 6+ years.

  38. I forgot to add that ND continued their long standing tradition of making true freshman quarterbacks look like Heisman hopefuls. That is one aspect of the Willingham and Weis eras that Kelly has assimilated into his program. I recall that in 2009 Tate Forcier of Michigan looked every bit as good as Buechele of Texas and was being touted as a Heisman candidate, but other teams defenses made him average the rest of the year. He lost his starting job,eventually transferred and was never heard from again.

    Come to think of it, this game had shades of Michigan 2009 where Rich Rod was an embattled coach but Michigan played their best game all year winning in the waning moments despite a 500 yard effort by the ND offense. ND’s Jon Tenuta led defense was marred by poor tackling, busted plays and inconsistency much like ND was against Texas last night.

  39. To me there’s no massive shame in a loss like that. Incredible double OT game in a hostile atmosphere supreme. The Horns are certainly contenders again as I feared they might be. A program like that you can’t expect to whip every year.

    Having said that the defense is troubling to put it nicely. The loss of Jaylon and Sheldon looks huge. Where was all the aggressive pressure and blitzes BVG is supposedly know for? Why sit back in coverage a lot when frankly you can’t cover.
    The first half alternating QB’s every drive was embarrassing. Something for spring, not the big stage when the big curtain goes up. Did Zaire just not bring it yesterday or how did Kelly not know who the starter was? A few bad play calls too. The challenge/TO was ridic. That draw on the last 3rd and long ridic.

    But the no call on Tori helmet to helmet spearing was a disgusting shame and a black eye for the Big 12. That was the very definition of the act and the ball-less men in the booth wouldn’t act. For shame.

    Offense is great under Kizer tho! Bleh under Zaire at the moment. More play makers will emerge Thomson confident. Look at Adams last year, etc. We’ll demolish Nevada then it’s on to a chance for some redemption in beating a high ranked Mich St!


  40. Hear that voice in the background, its the fat lady singing. It all falls on Kelly’s poor performance year in year out. Who ever mentioned earlier is right, ever game is exactly the same under Kelly. Unfortunatly he’s going no were. The powers that be are quite happy with him. IMO the guy you want to rebuild the program is Tom Herman from Houston. He’s making 3million now with a chance at 5million bonus if he gets UH into a power five conference. Needless to say that ship too has passed. ND football has been treading water for years with no rescue in sight. Congrats to Charlie Strong and the Longhorns, they were the better team………..ps. the trees will put 60 on the Irish in October.

  41. jim bea carter says:

    Vannie is correct. Our trajectory as a COMPLETE football team after seven years is not where it should be at all. Just look at where Holtz and other top ND football coaches were after seven years. This is because Kelly’s personal flaws as a Head Coach/CEO gets in the way of rational decision making. When a top leader has not brought his own ego/arrogance in perspective, then he stubbornly sticks to his earlier postions he has assumed despite evidence that is obvious to everyone around him. ie. Keeping Zaire in even in the third quarter and keeping BVG this year even after two years of poor defenses despite the talent –BVG is suffering the same –keeps doing the same complicated schematic defense plan with 18 year old’s just out of high school –because he thinks he is so smart he can out schematic offensive coordinators while his 18yr old’s cannot even get into postion or tackle.

  42. Why is no one addressing the targeting non-call? The big 12 officials should be banned for the season. I guess they really don’t care about safety of individual. And Kelly should definitely ask for a review of that play. It is what’s wrong with college football. Please care about the kids safety.

    • I share your ire over that. It was OBVIOUSLY targeting and it is disgusting that, even though replay officials could have called it, they didn’t. If that wasn’t targeting in their opinion, then NOTHING will ever be targeting.

  43. Typical Kelly defending his buddy BVG. The no scheme defense continues to haunt the team.
    They recruit top notch defensive players and turn them into also-rans. Linebackers 5 yards
    deep on a goal line stand. Whatever. This season will be another write-off. Maybe the AD will force Kelly to make a change.

  44. Disappointed, certainly, but if you must lose, lose early. The silver lining will be if Kelly finally believes his eyes and names Kizer the starter. Use Zaire situationally, not on an alternating basis.

  45. I’ll say it again…what Kelly has done to bring our talent back to elite level is outstanding. If he was at Texas, Alabama, Ohio State, Florida, etc. he would win more and would probably already have at least one Championship. But he isn’t and it is MUCH harder to win it all at ND. Not in a conference, academic standards, overly conservative university rule/standards that result in suspensions that would never happen at other schools…all things that make our school GREAT but also make it much harder to win. He can win championships at ND but it will take time. Keep having ridiculous expectations and you just might get what you want…Kelly goes to the NFL and wins championships there or comes back to the college level after a few years (like Nick Saban) and wins championships at another program without the “burdens” of the ND job. He has won championships before and he is an outstanding recruiter. He will win championships again and I hope we aren’t watching him do it somewhere else like the LSU and Browns fans that despise Saban and Belicheck. As a Bama fan (my son went there) and a Pats fan I love to laugh at the dopes/fans that still don’t get it. I hope we don’t end up being another group of dopes.

    • He might win championships again, but it will not be at the NCAA Div 1 level.

      On second thought, he would have a hard time winning a prize in a box of Cracker Jacks.

  46. Funny, but in a way the 2 point PAT return may have lost the game. If the kick was just blocked ND would have been down 2 points rather than tied and would have had to make something happen on offense to try and get at least in field goal range instead of playing safe.

    Anyway, can’t win too may championships giving up 50 or even 37 points. BVD has to go, period!

  47. The problem with ND football starts at the top with Swarbrick. He has created a culture of mediocrity
    for which he is handsomely compensated to the tune of $1.8M large. Kelly is the perfect fit. Puts a
    serviceable product on the field in the 8-4 range with a uptick to 9-3 in a good year. Kelly is bland enough
    and his coaching and intellectual acumen is near the middling range so as to not be a threat to Swarbrick.
    Don’t think for a minute Swarbrick could handle Saban, Urban or Harbaugh. He can handle Kelly just
    fine. Plus, Swarbrick cant walk away from the Cash Cow that ND football generates both directly and
    indirectly which of course inures to his own pecuniary benefit. Also, how many real management leaders
    would tolerate the seemingly annual parade of suspensions, academic and other wise and criminal
    infractions. At some point, you have to look to the head and then cut it off. Blaming a defense
    coordinator for all the programs woes is akin to taking an aspirin for stage iv cancer. ND football woes
    start with Swarbrick. He is an egomaniacal money man. He is not an AD to build a National Championship
    program around.

  48. Agree with everything being said. Swarbrick should tell Kelly you make changes or I will. Also, wish BVG would man up and resign, or Kelly would man up and fire him.

  49. the abusrd comments of those who feel that our problem is the fact that we have higher academic standards makes me laugh. We have talent but we are poorly coached with no real change in the problems after 7 years. Even wisconsin with limited talent but good coaching can upset highly ranked teams. Our problem is that we can’t will big games. That is a coaching issue not a talent issue. We could easily have beaten FSU two seasons ago. Clemson last year, Stanford last year and Texas ( unranked and with major problems) this year but we lost all those games. We didn’t lose cause we were out of the game and out talented. we lost all of them because of coach can’t seize the opportunity to win a big game. By the way–the last coach CW didn’t win but left Kelly with a ton of talent. the talent turn around at ND began with CW not with Kelly ask someone above has suggested

  50. I predicted ND to win comfortably vs. Texas and boy was I wrong. I thought Texas would play better yes, but our talent level and coaching should be better than Texas at this point in Kelly’s era. Especially with Texas starting a freshmen QB we should of ate him alive with our so called “elite talent”. Van Gorder kept blitzing both middle linebackers on Texas freshmen qb, and every time he did that they would throw that quick slant because our Corners would line up 70 yards back from the Texas receivers. He would telegraph his blitzes everytime. A freshman qb should not be able to pick us apart like that.The time we got that interception, we faked a middle blitz and dropped back in coverage, confusing the freshman qb which caused the INT. We should have been doing more of that during the game and not telegraphing our defense. I used to be a BVG supporter but after this game I no longer feel he can take our defense to where it needs to be. Defense was sickening. This was one of the worst losses for me in recent memory simply because of how highly touted our talent was and being ranked number 10. Giving up 50 points to a Texas team that has a defensive minded head coach makes me feel sick.

  51. It is a disgrace that : 1.) Kelly hadn’t done his job to decide BEFORE the first game who will be the starting QB.
    2.) Even ignoring point 1, it was OBVIOUS very early in the game that Zaire was incapable of handing the QB position, and that Kizer should be THE QB. He should have seated Zaire much earlier that he did. However, Kelly is a thick head, and stuck to his original plan to play switch-a-QB every series.
    FIRE KELLY. He stinks.

  52. I was criticized on this board in the off season for stating ND needed a better punter. Well, the Texas punter flipped the field several times and ours shanked one at a critical time and lofted 35 yarders more than once. I rest my case.

  53. As for what raging Ralph says, ND has lowered there standards. Some of these guys would not even had a sniff before Kelly.
    All I read is how good these players are, how great of a recruiting class Kelly gets every year. If these guys are that good, then it has
    to be coaching. Alabama lost there front 7 to the NFL and didn’t miss a beat. That’s coaching. ND recruiting classes supposedly are
    top 10 every year. I don’t see it. Every year its we are young, have to gain experience. Bull. Coaching SUCKS. Clemsom lost there whole defense.
    Couldn’t tell in there 1st game. Kelly is all about the offense. Defense wins championships. If we just wanted offense, should have kept CW.
    Kelly is egotistical. Got all this power. Y? Those guys that got caught with drugs, should be suspended. Not under Kelly. This is Kelly’s culture.
    Basically gave the team a go a head to get high, because if you get caught and its your first time, nothing will happen. Kelly’s after game get together is now Bong Fests.
    Its time for a change. ND needs to hire a big time winning football coach from a top Div 1 school. Hasn’t done that since Holtz.

  54. NDBonecrusher says:

    Ooooh, to have Bobby Diaco back.
    You know, reading the posts above and listening to BK’s comments, one would think that “there’s plenty of blame to go around”, but I don’t know if that’s accurate. If the D were just one tiny squeak better, it’s a close finish that never goes to OT. BK please do something decisive to fix the D. The offense is too damn good to give up 500 yards and lose to an unranked team with a frosh QB.

  55. SOS - Same Old Story says:

    BVG should have been fired after the Stanford game last year. Great coaches know when to pull the plug when things don’t improve.

    BVG hasn’t kept a job for than two years before arriving at ND. What does that tell us???? HE SUCKS!!!!