Irish Blitzkrieg Crushes Terps

Notre Dame ran and passed at will against a porous Maryland defense and the Irish cruised to a 45-21 victory on Saturday at FedEx Field. Tommy Rees passed for nearly 300 yards in a 30 for 38 performance while the rushing tandem of Jonas Gray and Cierre Wood racked up 235 yards on the ground. Reserve cornerback Lo Wood chipped in with a 57-yard interception return in the third quarter as Notre Dame built an insurmountable 38-7 lead.

Rees spread the ball around to Michael Floyd, Tyler Eifert and Robby Toma, who combined for 24 receptions. Meanwhile, the Irish defense dominated the Terps by shutting off the running game and taking away the big play in the passing game. Two fourth quarter touchdowns by Maryland made the score appear somewhat respectable, but the issue had long since been decided.

Notre Dame sealed the win when Gray scored with 29 seconds remaining before intermission to make it 24-7, and Cierre Wood’s three yard run capped an 84-yard drive to open the second half. Danny O’Brien’s errant pass to the flat only 90 seconds later sailed right to Lo Wood, and the sophomore had clear sailing to the end zone.

The absence of turnovers was also a bright spot for Notre Dame. Rees threw only one or two questionable passes, although he was sacked three times. Maryland had its hands full with Gray, who repeatedly churned for extra yards and key first downs when it mattered. The senior finished with 136 yards and two touchdowns on 21 carries.

Let’s review the answers to the pregame questions:

Will Brown create successful plays against Notre Dame’s conservative defensive alignment? The backup quarterback came in for the injured O’Brien to lead a pair of late scores, one of which was a 24-yard keeper. Unfortunately for the Terps, it was much too little and far too late.

Can the Irish rush for Maryland’s average yield of 233 yards? Gray and Wood topped that number by themselves, but the sacks suffered by Rees reduced Notre Dame’s net rushing yards to 214.

Will a receiver other than Floyd or Eifert have success in the Irish passing game? Toma was outstanding with seven receptions and valuable yards after catch.

Can Golic and the interior of Notre Dame’s offensive line handle Vellone and Hampton? Vellone was a force inside whose number was frequently called, but the overall edge went to the Irish front wall.

Which team will be able to pressure the quarterback? Maryland did record the only sacks of the game, but I lost count of the times that the referees pretended not to notice that Lynch was being held.

How long will it take the Irish to shut down Meggett and the Maryland ground game? Meggett managed only 37 yards and the Terps never generated much of a running threat. Brown and backup tailback D.J. Adams padded their stats in garbage time.

Will Notre Dame take advantage of the Terps’ beleaguered special teams? Actually, the Irish return teams were even more impotent than Maryland. David Ruffer provided a special teams highlight by curving a 52-yard field goal through the uprights. I only wish I could draw the ball like that with my nine iron. Ben Turk also punted magnificently in his three attempts.

The 7-3 Irish return home for Senior Day next week against Boston College before closing the regular season at Stanford. The team appeared to emerge from the contest with no additional injuries, and had strong performances from backups Toma and Mike Golic, Jr. Defensively, Ethan Johnson returned to the lineup for limited action and Lynch played very well despite a gimpy ankle. 

In truth, the viewers of this game endured the most pain throughout the evening. The garish uniforms and hideous headgear worn by each side were more befitting a NASCAR event than a football game, and I’m sure that many of those watching suffered a range of maladies from bloodshot eyes to temporary blindness. I have to wonder if the players ever got their free postgame bowl of soup.


40 thoughts on “Irish Blitzkrieg Crushes Terps

  1. Could you help with the key questions that real Notre Dame fans care about:

    How will the jumbotron be used?

    How many times will Ozzy be played?

    How many points would Lou have won by if he was coaching these players? Definitely more but how much more?

    Does this win really matter since Maryland couldn’t beat the local high school team?

    • Agreed. I did not mind the clover on the gold helmets during the Michigan game. But the helmets that were worn Satruday night were hideous.

  2. Watching the game last night, I think Manti is hurt more than we have been lead to believe. Boy its nice to watch Nix, Lynch, and Tuitt on the field at the same time, knowing they have 3 more years together, especially when they’re backed up in the linebacker core with Shembo, Hounsell, and Spond and they’re going to be around for a while as well. Not sure many defensive fronts are playing as well as ours, especially given their age and experience. Anyone else a little concerned that every time we unload the bench and put in our second/third string DB/CB crew, we always give up scores–always.

    • I think you’re right about Manti. He just doesn’t seem to be playing at his usual level. Why not, then, rest him?

  3. I also loved the speed the offense opperated under in the first half as well, and I am a big fan of the two back system. Cudos to Gray and Wood being mature enough to share touches.

  4. ND could have run the ball all night long if they wanted to. Roby Toma looked great and should get more playing time even when Riddick comes back. The combined bands put on an excellent halftime show!

  5. I was at the game last night. It went pretty much as expected. I am always amazed at how we can get in and out of Notre Dame stadium in a matter of minutes, but parking at other facilities leads to hours in traffic. At any rate, it was a fun “home” game to attend for the fans and there were a lot of us. I disagree about the uniforms. Most people that I know who are not current Irish fans loved the new uniforms and helmets. In person, they were spectacular. I am a traditionalist, but Kelly is taking the right approach. As a football coach who knows some behind the scenes dirt on how arrogant some of the previous regime coaches were during the recruiting season, I love that Kelly is not relying on “We are ND” to bring attention and players to the program. We live in a new era and we cannot compete in this era with stuff that worked in the 30s…its been decades since the last national title. So, change the uniforms, change the helmets, change the stadium, change whatever you have to in order to erase 20+years of mediocrity. Kids and young men LOVE those helmets. Go Irish!

  6. I still worry about ND’s passing defense. The crossing routes are always open and if MD did not drop balls or overthrow and underthrow them it would have been closer. Although I have always been a Rees supporter, I think his limitations showed in this game. MD was not much of a match and it is hard to draw much from this game, but it was good to see ND once again crush teams that don’t belong on the same field.

    ND’s helmets were awful, who the hell designed them?!? I would have no trouble with a shamrock, but at least color match it with the jersey and that gold pattern was absurd, as someone pointed out, like a Christmas ornament.

    • Yup. Rees is really limited. 30 for 38 (with three dropped passes), 280 yards, 2 TD’s, no turnovers. Yup, limited.

      • I think his limitations are: inability to throw over 30 yards downfield and running as if he was in ankle deep water. You can have limitations and still have a great game, which he did, but you cannot pretend that the limitations aren’t there.

  7. Once again, no meaningful minutes for Hendrix’s. Next year, if Rees gets hurt, we have legitimate no experience behind him. What heppened to getting Hendrix in for a play or two early in the game? Up 38-7 in the fourth, Kelly strolls Rees back out there! Not only are we risking him getting hurt this year, but it does nothing for us for next year. These are the games where future champions are built becuase they can add experienced depth to the roster. Us? Well at least Hendrix has mastered the Victory formation….

      • As I said above, at 38-7 would be a good start! Time left on the clock to run some offense while the game is essentially over. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that you don’t have to risk putting your starter back in the game, up 31, with 11 minutes left to play. It’s called common sense. Do you ever watch championship teams or teams from the SEC? The schedule patsies for half the season and make sure that the game is over by halftime. Then they can bring in the back ups and get them playing time, so when they become the starters, there isn’t a significant drop off in experience. It’s what good coaches do! Did you watch Bears / Lions today? Bears up, oddly enough, 31 points in the fourth quarter. In cames Caled Henie! Duh! Notre Dame doesn’t schedule teams from the next level down, so we don’t get many chances to do this type of development. When we get a chance, like yesterday, we waste it.

        I can’t rememebr which game it was earlier in the year but Kelly brought in Hendrix’s for meaningful minutes in the first half, even it was for a play or two. Despite being successful with short passes and a few read option draws, he hasn’t gone back to it. All I’m saying is that we are not doing anything to improve our record next year. There is nothing left of Rees to learn in mop up time which is the ideal time to get your next year back up some snaps. IF Rees goes down to injury next year, we are screwed. It’s hard to argue that point. Next guy in? 20 collegate snaps. Perfect! I can already hear the talk next August, at this website and others, about how thin we are with experienced QB play, and that our seasons success relys totally on the hope that Rees remains upright for 12 games. What load of crap….

  8. Nice to see solid, middle-of-the-pack football like this, but nothing yet to get into a BCS tizzy about. A flawed statistic, but we beat Maryland by a smaller margin than Temple did!

    Nice to see a solid running game, almost made me wistful for the yesteryear of ND.

  9. The performance by the team was as brilliant as the uniforms were garish. The Irish dominated an overmatched opponent is nearly every phase of the game. The attire looked like fashion designed by teenagers with no artistic training. Tawdry and superficial glitz just doesn’t work with Notre Dame’s classy image. There has to be a better contemporary look befitting the noble character of ND football. Some decisions shouldn’t be left to players or hack designers no matter how many top recruits it attracts. ND’s uniforms shouldn’t look like something you would see on a kid’s cereal box! It was great to see how a dominant running game helped produce a very productive passing game with no interceptions.

  10. Sorry naysayers. This is a program clearly on the rise. I loved the up tempo offense. It was a great idea by Kelly, to get back to his speedy/spread roots. The defense was quite solid too, even though the back ups consistently give up late touchdowns anytime they come in. Only a couple poor throws by Rees in an otherwise stellar performance. I’m sure a lot of ND fans will still complain about why Crist and/or Hendrix wasn’t out there but honestly, give the kid some credit when he plays well. 30-38, about 300 yards, 2 tds and 0 ints. Those would be good numbers for a senior QB. Hendrix came on for only 2 plays, I know he didn’t see much time but guess what when he was on the field nothing magical suddenly happened. I’m sure he has some natural talent, but clearly he can’t run a full offense yet and seemingly is only prepared to run the QB run option. A few good plays against Air Force and suddenly some people think he’s the savior of the program. Go Irish!

  11. Unreal that Hendrix gets no time last night. Kellys ego is indescribable. If Rees is named the QB next year I might not watch a single game. We’re going nowhere with Rees at QB, and wait til next year when Floyd isnt there to bail him out, he will look even worse than he does now.

    • You clearly aren’t watching the same games. I hope you don’t expect Hendrix to throw it to the other receivers in Floyd’s absence because he’s not that kind of QB. He’ll freak out and run a bit for a few yards where as Reese will keep his cool and check down or throw it out of bounds. How does not playing Hendrix give Kelly a big ego? If anything i think not putting in your second string too early shows you respect the other teams ability to make a comeback and those comebacks happen all too many times with ND. I agree back ups need work but that was not the time. I remember some guy named Charlie who would slow down when ND got up by two TDs and it always came back to bite them in the butt. Also, this is football having a big ego and swagger is a good thing, they aren’t playing golf out there. A confident and egotistical coach is intimidating when he wins. I hope you don’t watch next year because fans like you make the rest of Notre Dame look bad. I bet you’re a Dayn Crist lover too. Reese has won more games than any starting QB in the past 4 years. The kid has ice water in his veins and Crist has a bowl of chocolate pudding in his underpants. Hendrix is good but you use him situationally not as a starting QB.

    • You will not watch a game the entire season if Rees is at QB? It seems an odd time to be issuing ultimatums about NEXT season, when all the facts of this season aren’t in yet.

      Why the hard-on for bagging on Coach Kelly & Rees?

  12. I loved the uniforms. I thought they would suck when they were posted to Facebook earlier last week, but they looked sweet.

  13. Great uniforms! I luv our new helmets. time for a change!
    Nice performance – but, agian I don’t see Rees taking ND to next level unfortunately.
    I suspect that Gholston probably has the tools to do that next year I hope he gets the opportunity.
    also, we need a more agressive defense to go to the next level. the “bend don’t break works against mediocrity.” However, Diaco’s D broke down against Mich. and USC – what would happen to that scheme against Oregon? I think we’ll see that breakdown again vs. Stanford unfortunately.We now have the talent to play agressive tier 1 defense ie. Lynch, Nix Tuitt, Teo. Hounsell. Let’s do it.!

  14. A great win ,especially with our punt return game-oh that’s right we don’t have one.One less thing to worry about when you play the Irish. IMO, hard to call this a complete game with this glaring weakness.Go Irish!

  15. Luck will kill us with short throws over the middle all night. Our linebackers have almost no int. and rarely are in sight of the receiver. We play soft on the perimeter and I’m sorry but I don’t see Smith close either on longer throws. Watched the Oregon-Stanford game and both teams covered like I haven’t seen from us. Our up-front guys are awesome and really bodes well for the future. Toma is real ND cuz he doesn’t quit– ever.

  16. I was also puzzled why Kelly kept the first string in for so long and worried about risking injuries. I suspect he thinks they needed the reps.

    I see ND made the top 25 this week in the AP poll. I think they deserved it. I think they are a legit top 25 team, not yet elite but a strong victory over Stanford would be a nice step forward.

  17. Let’s see ND beat Mich State at state and they could be the Champ of the big ten. Wake Forrest did everything but win at the home of the number 9 team. Can we get a good word for the Irish please media.

    • ND lost to South Freaking Florida, threw the game away against Michigan, and spit the bit v. USC on primetime national tv. Let’s hold off on asking the media for a little love…

  18. All the nay sayers need to wise up, this is a better football team; the program is becoming more solid in terms of depth at positions, recruiting chops, marketability and, in time, we’ll be very strong. Win national championships? Nobody in their right mind should plan on that–its a different time–we can be very, very good but not get to a nat. champ game today. When was the last time ND had a legitimate defense, even close to this one? Long time!

    And all the tradition stuff….essentially forget about it. ND will always have great traditions..always. Who cares about helmets, pants, music…let it go…..lets be proud of a growing program and hope it continues. Let Kelly figure it out–he is doing pretty well so far.

    And…I love his directness with media, his loud, strong voice level in the face idiotic, redundant questions that don’t matter anyway. Play the game! Try to win! Stop complaining about helmets!

  19. I really hope we wallop Boston College going into that Stanford game. 93… It still huts. And Doug Flutie has been running his mouth on TV. Lets put a hurt on the Big East turncoats.
    Nice win against a mediocre maryland team. Much more satisfying then Wake. But they’re W’s either way. 2 more W’s for a respectable bowl game and the practice time that comes with it. Finish strong, Fighting Irish!

  20. Uniforms were better than I expected, but wasn’t hung up on the change either. I assume Rees and the first stringers were kept in because winning and good execution, even against a team in Marylands current state, are infectious and confidence builders – exactly what this team needs. I believe Kelly will do much the same against BC, assuming the Irish do as well, because as coach he wants to build momentum going into Stanford. For the naysayers out there, step back and look at what has been happening – there is a positive trend, and like most trends it has ups and downs, but the ground swell is apparent. Becoming a top real top 10 ten takes a few years, be reasonable, give credit where it is due and Go Irish!