
Notes from the Geetar: Get Off My [Fake] Lawn Edition

Normally this is where my observations on the game would start, but we’ve got bigger fish to fry.  The 22-game streak is over, the 1,136th day dawns brighter, and my ample posterior returned to the not-so-wooden-now seats of the House that Rockne Built version whatever this past Saturday as the Fighting Irish took on the…

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My Stop’s Coming Up

Slowly but surely, the new FieldTurf is being laid at Notre Dame Stadium. As the pictures inexorably wend their way through various social media outlets, one can see how the structure of the new field will look. I know there are those upset about the turf, and I confess a preference for grass myself. But…

Full Notre Dame Column

The Rock Report: What Would Rockne Do?

“My wife and I went to the Notre Dame vs. USC game in 2009. The thing that impressed me the most about the whole experience was the fact that there was NO Gig’tron type artificial hype in the entire stadium. Notre dame’s football stadium is a shrine for the football purist” ~ Keith, Texas A&M…

Full Notre Dame Column